

The metabolist is a person dedicated to strength and its relation to the mind. Able to lift impressive weights with shear physical power, a metabolist can do so much more when the strength of the mind is coupled with strength of the muscle.

All metabolists are psionic, and given that many of the abilities of this prestige class revolve around strength, most metabolists are egoists. Nevertheless, psychic warriors are also known to join this class as a way of focusing their mental discipline into a physical expression.

Hit die: d4


Skills Knowledge (Psionics, 3 ranks); Climb, Swim, and Jump (6 ranks in any two and 10 ranks in the other)

Power point reserve 20 (does not include bonus power points)

Psionic abilities Must be able to manifest six or more psionic powers that have Strength as a key ability (Psychometabolism powers).

Skills & proficiencies

Skills The metabolist's class skills and abilities on which they are based are Autohypnosis (Wis), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Psionics, Int), Stabilize Self (Con), and Swim (Str).
        Skill points 4 + Int modifier

Proficiencies A metabolist gains no new proficiencies.

Class features

Psychometabolic Specialization Any character who earns a level in this prestige class becomes a specialist in the psionic discipline of Psychometabolism. A specialist must choose one barred discipline that has a mental-based key ability: Metacreativity (Int), Clairsentience (Wis), or Telepathy (Cha). From then on, a metabolist cannot manifest any power that depends on that discipline, or even use psionic items that manifest such powers.

Specialization does allow the metabolist an advantage, however. Once per day per point of Strength bonus he possesses, he can attempt to use the Trigger Power feat on any Psychometabolism power of third level or less that he knows.

He also gains a +2 bonus on Psicraft skill checks that deal with Psychometabolism, while suffering a -5 penalty to those that deal with his barred discipline.

Psionics A metabolist can earns power points and learns powers as a manifester of his core psionic class (psion or psychic warrior). Thus, every level of this prestige class counts as if it were a level of his previous psionic class. If he has more than one psionic core class, he must choose one in which to advance. Only power points and powers learned are gained at each level; other class-specific abilities are not. Manifester level is the sum of the levels in metabolist and the previous class. Thus, a psychic warrior 12 / metabolist 3 could manifest powers as a fifteenth level psychic warrior, have the same number of power points, and know the same number of powers (unless some were "forgotten" because they belonged to a barred discipline).

Metabolists who are also psions gain bonus power points for high Strength as if they were a psion of their total psionic class level. If a psychic warrior becomes a metabolist, he can create a psi crystal and also gain bonus power points and gain the other benefits of having a psi crystal, though the abilities of his crystal are based on his metabolist level only.

Metabolists also gain psionic attack and defense modes. Add together the total levels of the metabolist and all previous psionic class levels. If the sum is even, the metabolist can learn an attack or defense mode.

Greater Bio-Booster At second level, the metabolist learns the greater bio-booster power (below). This does not count toward total powers known; it is a bonus power. It can be used with the Trigger Power feat if it is applied to this power. It can also be used with the Trigger Power ability gained as part of being a psychometabolism specialist.

Greater Bio-Booster
Psychometabolism (Str)
Level: Metabolist 2
Display: Au
Manifestation Time: 1 action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Up to 1 minute or until discharge
Power Points: 3 (see text)

You can perform enormous feats of strength. To any Strength-based skill check, you can add a bonus equal to +1 for every power point you expend beyond the one required to manifest this power, up to your metabolist level. For example, a fifth-level metabolist can expend up to 8 (= 3 + 5) power points to gain a +5 bonus to the next Strength-based skill check he makes within the duration of the power. This counts as an enhancement bonus.

Psychometabolic Insight At third level whenever the metabolist manifests a psychometabolic power in conjunction with a metapsionic feat, the cost of the extra power points required to add the metapsionic feat is reduced by 1 (but not below 1). For example, a metabolist manifesting animal affinity with the Maximize Power feat would pay 3 (the power's cost) + 6 (the extra cost of maximize power) -1, or 8 power points.

Channel Psionic Damage (Su) At fifth level the metabolist can channel any ability score damage sustained during psionic combat to Strength, even if it normally affects another ability score. This ability can be performed as long as the metabolist's Strength is greater than 0. He need not channel psionic damage into his Strength score, however.

Facilitate Stacking (Su) Magical and psionic bonuses usually do not stack with each other of they are of the same type. For example, the spell bull's strength (adding an enhancement bonus of 2-5 points to Strength) does not stack with gauntlets of ogre power (adding a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength). Rules for stacking are explained on p. 177 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.  The metabolist knows how to override such restrictions, however…

At seventh level the metabolist can facilitate stacking of two bonuses of the same type as long as they apply to Strength. Normally, the higher bonus is only applied, but as long as he has 13+ power points in reserve, he can add their bonuses together. He can only do this with two bonus types at one time. For example, if he had two enhancement bonuses to Strength and two divine bonuses to Strength, he could facilitate the stacking of either the enhancement bonuses or the divine bonuses, but not both.

Psychometabolic Body Fuel At tenth level the metabolist can "burn" points of Strength to gain power points as a free action on his turn. This is similar to the Body Fuel feat, except that the metabolist can only use Strength points, but each point of Strength so consumed supplies 1 extra power point. Depleted Strength is treated as temporary ability damage.

The Metabolist

LEVEL attack fort ref will notes psionic powers





Psychometabolic Specialization, Psionics +1 manifester level





Greater Bio-Booster +1 manifester level





Psychometabolic Insight





  +1 manifester level





Channel Psionic Damage +1 manifester level





  +1 manifester level





Facilitate Stacking





  +1 manifester level





  +1 manifester level





Psychometabolic Body Fuel +1 manifester level

The Wu Jen

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