

The swordsman Mod swung his mighty blade above his head. Known throughout the empire as the best and fiercest gladiator in a millennium, he was beseeched by mages and sorcerers alike for just a drop of his blood or a lock of his hair to add in their potions. He usually accepted, for a goodly price, of course. And his sword - long as a man and half as heavy - none could wield as lethally as he.

And here was this otherworldly challenger, a small piece of work from where? He did not know, but she was small, would be easy to crush. Obviously she was not from anywhere near, or she'd never have accepted such a challenge. Mod smiled. Somebody was going to pay for her blood, too, but it wasn't him.

The trumpets sounded, echoing among an even louder audience. "Here! Here! Mod! Mod!" He closed with his victim. His sword swung so fast over his head it could not be seen.

And suddenly his opponent could not be seen. The crowd gasped but Mod only smirked - how many arenas had he cleared even when he was the only one blindfolded?

But the weapon - that was the strange thing - the weapon of this fool opponent was still visible. The spiked chain glistened in the sun and whirled like wind.

One, two blocks and a feint - Mod's adamantine blade came down where she was, and sliced through… nothing. He was not a bad swordsman as to even be thrown slightly off balance by a miss, but then the chain wrapped around not only his burly arm but also his leg, and the mighty Mod fell.

He did not die that day. Rather, a crowd a legion-fold saw the most illustrious hero in a thousand years on his knees, begging mercy.

Mukei, meaning "incorporeal," may seem all too corporeal to those that stand before the chosen weapon of a member of this prestige class. A mukei is rumored to "imbibe" the very soul of her weapon into her own and to be able to summon the weapon it at will. At higher levels, a mukei returns the favor by instilling her own soul into her weapon, and can thus become incorporeal, to the dismay of her foes.
A mukei dedicates herself to a single sword, spear, mace, or the like, which is called her "spirit weapon." Upon becoming a mukei, the character renounces the use of all other weapons and proficiency with them. The spirit weapon then becomes her center.

As a class, mukei are obviously known for being dedicated to their martial life. Aside from that, they tend to be more inclined toward introspection. This latter aspect makes it just as likely for a member experienced in one of the "wise" classes - the cleric, druid, or monk - to become a mukei as is a fighter, ranger, or paladin devoted to a single weapon. Likewise, some of the most effective mukei are arcane spellcasters who can augment a mukei's supernatural abilities with magical powers of their own.

Hit dice


Base attack bonus +8 or higher

Ability scores Wis 17+

Skills Craft (Weaponsmithing, 2+ ranks), Knowledge (Arcana, 4+ ranks)

Feats Weapon focus*, Weapon Specilization*, Improved Critical*, Iron Will
* These feats must all be for the weapon that will become the mukei's spirit weapon.

Experiences To become a mukei, a character must create a masterwork weapon with her own hands using the Craft (Weaponsmithing) skill. The relevancy of this is detailed below.

Class skills Balance (Dex), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Arcana, Int), Move Silently (Dex), Tumble (Dex). Armor penalties apply on all Balance and Tumble skill checks.

Skill points 2 + Intelligence modifier / level

: A mukei loses proficiency with all weapons but her chosen weapon. If she ever gains proficiency with another weapon (e.g., via the Simple Weapon Proficiency feat or the like), she cannot use any of the supernatural abilities described under the Class Skills section, as having relied on another weapon enough to learn to use it betrays her trust in the one weapon she has chosen.

A mukei retains proficiency with any armor type she had before she joined the prestige class, but does nit gain any new armor proficiencies.

The one weapon she does retain proficiency with is called a mukei's "spirit weapon." The name is indeed fitting for one of such devotion, as described below.

Weapon in soul: Though they rely on a single weapon, mukei are known never to be without one. This ability to summon a weapon is supernatural and gained by a mukei at first level.

To become a mukei and obtain this initiating ability, the candidate must forge a masterwork weapon with her own hands using the Craft (Weaponsmithing) skill, as detailed in the PHB, p. 65-66. The weapon forged must be the one to become her spirit weapon (of the same type that she earned Weapon Focus, Weapon Specilization,  and Improved Critical with to qualify for this class). She cannot use outside help, and the weapon cannot be enchanted, though it can be of unusual metal such as adamantine or the like. Unlike the forging of mundane arms, the making of a spirit weapon must be uninterrupted - it is rather like a mage creating a magical item. Thus, the character cannot adventure, cast spells, or otherwise undertake strenuous activity. If she is interrupted, she must begin the process over again. It's not called a "spirit weapon" for nothing…

Upon successfully forging the weapon, the character wishing to be a mukei must make a pilgrimage carrying only her spirit weapon and no other. Where the pilgrimage will take her, she will not know, but most destinations are unusual, like isolated mountaintops, cascading waterfalls, or the heart of a volcano. When she is "there" - the place the where the weapon will lead her - she knows. Contemplating, focusing, meditating, her weapon becomes one with her and vanishes.

She is now a mukei. And, she is free to leave and continue her normal life.

Whenever she needs a weapon however, she need merely open her hand and her spirit weapon will appear. It is the one and the same as she forged to become a mukei, and it retains the +1 enhancement bonus to attack like all masterwork weapons. If the metal from which it was forged was extraordinary, such as adamantine, the weapon still only instills a +1 enhancement bonus to attack, and none to damage. The weapon has become part of the mukei's soul, and it is not easy to brandish wood and metal into a spirit after all.

The weapon can be summoned only by the mukei when she is conscious, and it retains it retains its form and function only when in her hands. She must be able to move a hand and thus grasp a weapon to summon one. If it ever leaves her hands, even with her consent, the weapon simply disappears. It is not invisible, ethereal or the like - simply an extension of her soul. Summoning the spirit weapon is a free action that can be performed on the mukei's turn. It can also be dismissed by her as a free action.

The mukei can be disarmed of her spirit weapon, in which case it simply flashes out of existence until she summons it again. If the weapon is ever destroyed while in the mukei's hands, it disappears. If the mukei is somehow miraculously undamaged, suffering neither hp nor ability score reduction, she can re-summon it immediately. If she is wounded in any way however, she cannot re-summon the weapon until all her hp and ability scores have recovered to normal.

Mukei can only have one spirit weapon, with one exception - that being if the mukei normally fought with two of her weapons before becoming a mukei (e.g., a short sword in her primary hand and another in her off-hand). To qualify as a "two-weapon" mukei, she must also have the Ambidexterity and Two-Weapon Fighting Feats. In this case, she must forge two masterwork weapons but make a single pilgrimage. Whenever she calls her weapons, both will appear, and she must have one in each hand for them to remain summoned (e.g., dropping one causes the other to disappear as well). She need not fight with both, however. The must be summoned as a pair, however, and so if one is destroyed, the other also vanishes until they both can be summoned.

Finally, a mukei's spirit weapon can indeed by a ranged weapon, although if it is thrown or launched it will simply disappear when it leaves her hand. Mukei wielding "launchers" (e.g., bows, crossbows, and slings) find their missile disappear as soon as they are shot, regardless of what sort of missile is used. In short, a mukei's weapon must be primarily a melee weapon. The mukei that has instilled a dart into her spirit has performed a major "Doh."

Spiritual strike: Having taken up the spirit weapon into her soul, the mukei learns to wield it as an extension of her self. This allows her to do extended damage with the weapon. At first level, she adds +1 to the damage roll when wielding her spirit weapon. The bonus increases to +2 at second level, +3 at fifth, and +4 at tenth level. This is a supernatural ability.

Unbreakable spirit: Owing to its "soular" essence, a spirit weapon has the natural hardness of the material it was created with plus one per level of the mukei. This is a supernatural property. It also never needs sharpening or other normal care. If the weapon is damaged (but not destroyed in the process), the mukei need only dismiss and then re-summon it, in which case it will be repaired.

Spiritual restriction: A mukei should only use her spirit weapon. Gaining proficiency in any other weapon makes her lose all the supernatural abilities of this class (including the ability to summon her spirit weapon, which simply disappears), as it signifies a mistrust of her very own soul, of which the spirit weapon is a part. Even a wish or miracle cannot reverse this effect; such strong magic will simply restore the character's soul albeit without the part that is the weapon.

Simply using another weapon (even with the nonproficiency penalty) is verboten. Handling another weapon is allowed however, as long as she does not use it in combat (e.g., firing an arrow tied to a rope to aid in climbing is alright). Using another weapon in combat causes her to lose immediately all of the supernatural abilities gained by this class for the next 24 hours, after which time they return. Only a wish or miracle can restore the mukei's abilities ahead of time. This restriction also applies to magically summoned or created weapons, such as those crafted by the spells flame blade, or ironically enough, spiritual weapon.

Note that the spirit weapon has become part of the character's soul, and so any effective persuasions to wield another weapon must indeed be strong. Charmed mukei should be allowed another saving throw with a bonus to the save if their "master" bade them use another weapon (e.g., the purpose of which would be to disable the mukei and make her easier to dispatch). Also, it's hard to fool your own soul; "Gee, I was simply aiming the bow at the door when an orc came through," might dupe a dim city watch, but not the spirit weapon.

Spiritual skill: At second level, the mukei learns to wield her spirit weapon even more effectively than a normal class would allow. She adds +1 to all attack rolls with her weapon. This bonus counts as a magical enhancement bonus and allows her to strike creatures protected by +1-damage reduction without penalty to her damage. The attack bonus (and ability to bypass damage reduction) increases to +2 at fourth level, +3 at sixth, +4 at eighth, and +5 at tenth level.

The mukei is also entitled to extra attacks each round if she takes the full-attack option as if this attack bonus were incorporated into her base attack bonus. That is, if a second-level mukei had a base attack bonus of +10/+5, adding the attack bonus granted by spiritual skill would result in an attack bonus of +11/+6, meaning that she could take a third attack at +1. Her total attack sequence would then be +11/+6/+1. She does not retain this advantage when using any other weapon.

Spiritual skill is indeed a supernatural ability.

Deflect Arrows: Also at second level, the mukei gains the ability to deflect arrows as per the feat. Unlike the feat however, deflection of missiles is actually done with the spirit weapon, which must obviously be in hand.

Ghost Touch: At second level, the mukei's spirit weapon becomes imbued with the essence of ghost touch. Ghost touch weapons can be wielded by incorporeal and corporeal creatures. They also affect incorporeal beings and disregard the normal 50% chance of bypassing an incorporeal target even on a successful hit. It affects corporeal creatures normally. This is a supernatural ability.

Soul in weapon: At second level, the character gains the ability that gives this class its name, mukei, or "incorporeal." She can literally instill most of her being into her spirit weapon and become incorporeal.
This is a free action that must be declared on the character's turn, and she must have her spirit weapon in hand. She can summon her spirit weapon and become incorporeal in the same round as a move-equivalent action (simply summoning the weapon counts as a free action). The mukei and all her gear remain incorporeal for three rounds plus her Wisdom modifier (if positive). Note that one of the requirements for this class is that the character possess a Wisdom of 17 or higher, meaning that if a mukei has this minimum Wisdom and is not otherwise affected, she can remain incorporeal for 6 rounds.

Becoming corporeal again happens automatically when the duration expires or the character releases or dismisses her weapon, in which case the use of this power is still considered consumed for one time that day. She can also choose to dismiss the incorporeality without losing her weapon.

She can use this ability once per day at third level, and one more per day every two levels thereafter. If the duration of one use of this ability expires and the mukei can use Soul in Weapon more than once per day, the mukei must spend at least one round "corporeal" before becoming incorporeal again. That is, a fifth level mukei can become incorporeal twice per day. If she uses this ability and then becomes corporeal, she must wait one round before becoming incorporeal again.

While incorporeal, the mukei's body appears insubstantial ("ghost-like"). Indeed, she can only be affected by weapons with a magical bonus of +1 or greater or spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. Nevertheless, all magical attacks that are corporeally-based such as magical weapons, spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities, have a 50% chance of totally bypassing the mukei while she is incorporeal. She is also immune to critical hits and all nonmagical attacks.

The exceptions to this are few. Other incorporeal creatures can affect her normally, as can ghost touch weapons. She is not invisible, although her form appears rather transparent and insubstantial.  Force-based manifestations also have the normal effect on an incorporeal creature, and these include magic missile and the like. Their bodies may also pass through physical objects except those made of force, such as wall of force.

The caveat for the mukei exalting in her newfound "incorporeality" is that her spirit weapon remains a physical object that must abide by all restrictions imposed by nature. She also becomes corporeal the moment she loses her weapon. Thus, a mukei could conceivably attempt to walk through a wall, but her weapon will be held back against the wall's surface. If she lets go or dismisses the weapon while within a physical object, she is immediately ejected to the nearest surface and becomes corporeal (though this is a good way to get through walls the thickness of an arm-length). Furthermore, while incorporeal and within a physical object, she cannot hear or see what is occurring outside the object, as light and sound will at best be extremely muffled if not totally dampened within. The object of this ability is not so much to allow a mukei to walk into a bar without opening the door, but rather allow her a preternatural defense during combat.

While incorporeal, a mukei's normal armor counts for naught (she retains no natural armor class or that granted by armor itself). She does retain any dodge bonuses and a +1 deflection bonus equal to her Charisma modifier, but always at least +1. Force-based armor effects like mage armor bestow their natural protection, as does ghost touch armor.

When incorporeal, a mukei can move over land or underwater and even fly at her base movement rate unaffected by terrain, resistance, or wind. She should be careful that the duration of the incorporeality doesn't leave her too deep or too high, however. Physical forces like water resistance affect her weapon, as normal.
Finally, when incorporeal, the mukei essentially has no tangible body, meaning that she cannot lift or manipulate things other than her ghost touch weapon or items made of force, although she could conceivably maneuver things with her weapon by scooting a bench across a room with a sword, for example. Additionally, she loses her Strength score (that is, she has no Strength score), and so adds her Dexterity score instead to attacks rolls (but not damage).

Incorporeal creatures can move silently and cannot be heard even with a Listen check if she so desires. Nonetheless, she must take care to keep her weapon silent. She can use her Move Silently skill for this purpose, although she enjoys a +8 circumstantial bonus due to the fact that it's only a single object that she is attempting to keep quiet, and not her whole body. Armor penalties to this skill check also do not apply.

Freedom of Movement: At fourth level the mukei gains freedom of movement as per the spell whenever she is holding her weapon. A mukei can summon her weapon any time she has a hand free (unless she uses a pair of weapons; see above), but if she were to be caught and held in some manner that disallowed her the ability to open her hand and grasp her weapon, she cannot summon it and thus cannot gain this facility. This is a supernatural ability.

Greater Will: By seventh level, the mukei's training has allowed her insight into herself. Once per day, she may choose to make a Will save in place of a Fortitude or Reflex save. She must declare the use of this ability before the save is made. Success or failure result in the same consequences as a successful or failed Fortitude or Reflex save for the same situation. Her spirit weapon need not be in hand to use this ability.

Melding: This final ability is gained at the last level of the mukei prestige class. It allows her simply to extend the time she remains incorporeal by two rounds each time she uses the Soul in Weapon ability. Yes, it's supernatural.

Notes on multiclassing: The mukei has no multiclassing restrictions per say, but they must be careful not to accept blindly the new abilities - namely weapon proficiencies - granted by another class. Since weapon proficiencies are a "learned" thing, the DM should allow a character to choose not to learn them if she wishes, and this retain her sole proficiency with her spirit weapon.

The Mukei

















Weapon in Soul, Spiritual Strike, Unbreakable Spirit, Spiritual Restriction







Spiritual Skill, Deflect Arrows







Ghost Touch, Soul in Weapon 1/day







Freedom of Movement







Soul in Weapon 2/day







Freedom of Movement







Soul in Weapon 3/day







Greater Will







Soul in Weapon 4/day








The making of…
Mukei: The name of this class does indeed mean "incorporeal" in Japanese. It is pronounced [moo-kay], as in what a cow says and the last part of "OK." Each syllable receives the same emphasis.

Balance, balance, balance: Finally, I am concerned about balance! I don't think this class is overpowered. First of all, used the Class Construction Engine by Shadowcraft Studios. This is a great resource for anyone converting classes to 3e and creating new prestige classes. Using that system, the total CP for the mukei prestige class comes to 196, as I calculate it - lower than the recommended 225 possessed by most prestige classes.

As a note, it may seem that the ability to become incorporeal is almost overpowering. Remember however, that all natural AC bonuses the character normally possesses are negated. Essentially, a mukei's AC while incorporeal is 10 + Dex modifier + Cha modifier (at least +1) + Wisdom modifier (if applicable) + force-armor effects (e.g., mage armor) + magical deflection bonuses (e.g., shield). Most characters will probably only have Dexterity modifiers to AC, plus the minimum +1 Charisma modifier all incorporeal beings have. This amounts to a low AC and higher potential for suffering damage, the 50% miss chance notwithstanding. She also cannot add her Strength bonus to damage.

Additionally, to become a mukei, a character needs the Improved Critical feat, which has as one of its prerequisites a BAB of 8+.  This means that only eighth-level or higher characters can becomea mukei.  In all of the published sources to date, the requirements for every prestige class would allow a dedicated character of lesser level to join it (albeit, some classes are more fit to join than others).

The Wu Jen

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