
The lowly crossbowman seems to be the brunt of the jokes of every elite town guard. What warrior would sacrifice his strength for a machine? Only a weak one.

It's the quarreler who turns their jeers into silent, gaping mouths. One day at the fair, after arguing with the officials to be entered into the archery contest, he not only splits the proverbial arrow but does it while the former is mid-flight. And that night, as a jaded rival attempts to launch a torch into the watch tower, the crossbow man spots him, nails the brand before it even lands, and trips the adversary as he attempts to flee.

    Hit die: d8


Base attack bonus +5 or higher

Skills Spot, 4 ranks

Feats Point-blank shot, Weapon Focus (any crossbow), Precise Shot, Rapid Reload

Proficiencies Must have proficiency with any type of crossbow

Skills & proficiencies

Skills The quarrelers skills and the ability scores to which they are tied are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Int), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Spot (Wis), and Swim (Str). Jumping and climbing skill checks while the character is armored or more than lightly encumbered usually suffer penalties. Swimming in armor is not recommended.
        Skill points 4 + Int modifier per level

Proficiencies The quarreler gains proficiency with all simple weapons, light armor, and medium armor. They also gain proficiency with all non-exotic crossbows (i.e., light crossbow, heavy crossbow).

Class features

Superior Focus - At first level the quarreler gains a +1 attack bonus when using any crossbow.

Disruptive Shot (Ex) - Mages might fear the expert archer, but even more disconcerting is the expert crossbowman. Whenever striking a target that is in the process of maintaining concentration (e.g., to cast or maintain a spell), the quarreler adds his class level to the Concentration check DC (in addition to any other modifiers). For example, if a third-level quarreler readies an action to attack a wizard when she starts casting a spell, the wizard must make a Concentration check with a DC equal to 10 + the spell's level + damage dealt by the quarreler + 3.

Poised Shot (Su) - Once per day per level, the quarreler can take a full-round action to line up his weapon with a foe and fire. The attack roll is made as if a ranged touch attack.

Intercept Missile (Ex) - If the quarreler readies an action, he can intercept a missile attack with a bolt shot from his own crossbow by making an opposed attack roll. If the roll is equal or higher that the attackers, then the missile is knocked off course by the bolt. Only missiles capable of being deflected by a crossbow bolt can be deflected in this manner (e.g., boulders cannot).

The quarreler can also use this ability to intercept magical missile fire, such as Melf's acid arrow, the projectile that blooms into a fireball, or similar magics. If the magical missile he is attempting to deflect is normally used by the caster as a ranged touch attack, he simply makes an opposed attack roll. If the missile automatically "hits" (e.g., the pea-sized orb that explodes into a fireball), he must make an attack roll equal to 18 + the spell's level to intercept it. Note that intercepting some missiles may have consequences (e.g., a fireball will explode prematurely).

Ready Shot (Ex) - At third level, the quarreler can use the Intercept Missile ability any time in the round if he has a bolt already loaded into his crossbow (he need not ready an action). Additionally, if he has a quarrel loaded, he can make one attack of opportunity against any target within 30 feet that would normally draw one as if he were threatening them (as if his reach were 30 feet). This counts toward his total number of attack of opportunity per round, and it precludes his next standard action (he must skip his next action if he uses this ability).

Ranged Trip (Ex) - At fourth level the quarreler can make a ranged trip attack with a quarrel shot from his crossbow. The attack is made as a normal trip attack except that it doesn't normally draw an attack of opportunity, and the quarreler uses his attack roll without Strength modifiers. The attack must also inflict damage to be effective. He also cannot be tripped if the attempt fails. The quarreler does suffer a -4 penalty for using a Tiny weapon (the quarrel). This ability cannot be combined with the Ready Shot or Disruptive Shot abilities.

Bonus Feat - At sixth and eighth levels, the quarreler can choose a bonus feat. He must normally meet the prerequisites for the feat, and they must be from the following: Far Shot, Shot on the Run, Zen Archery*, Mounted Archery, Skill Focus (Spot), Improved Critical (Any crossbow), and Weapon Focus (Any crossbow).

* Zen Archery is a feat described in Sword & Fist. It allows a character to use his Wisdom bonus instead of his Dexterity bonus for ranged attacks within 30'.

Superior Critical - At fifth level the critical range for any crossbow the quarreler can use with proficiency increases by +1. This addition comes after any multipliers such as with the Improved Critical feat.

Impact (Ex) - At seventh level, upon inflicting a critical hit with a bolt, the multiplier is increased by one. For example, a light crossbow normally inflicts x2 damage on a critical hit. A seventh level quarreler's bolt shot from a light crossbow will inflict x3 damage. There are no range limitations to this ability.

Ranged Shooting (Ex) - At ninth level, all ranged penalties for a crossbow the quarreler wields are halved (normally -2 for every range increment beyond the first).  This ability stacks with the extended range increments granted by the Far Shot feat.

Superior Impact (Ex) - At tenth level, the quarreler's bolts inflict one more multiplier of damage per hit. For example, a heavy crossbow bolt normally deals x2 damage on a critical hit. With this ability (and the Impact ability at seventh level), the multiplier would be x4.

The Quarreler

LEVEL attack fort ref will notes





Superior Focus, Disruptive Shot, Poised Shot





Intercept Missile





Ready Shot





Ranged Trip





Superior Critical





First Bonus Feat










Second Bonus Feat





Ranged Shooting





Superior Impact

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