
Table | Map of Makura

Meaning new shadow, shinkage refers to the secretive order of holy ninja serving Shou Ken Cloisters on the island of Makura. It is doubtful whether even the higher echelon of the Himei daimyo court have heard rumors of the existence of these mysterious individuals, and certainly only the greater authorities of Shou Ken know of the temple's ninja program and its elite recruits.

Viewed from an outside perspective, the teachings of Shou Ken stress placid contemplation punctuated by sudden bursts of activity. Among the temple grounds, monks can be seen walking serenely in meditation only to burst into a lightening sprint and leap higher than humanly possible (a few visitors have actually been hurt by these unexpected "flying monks"). Those indoctrinated in Shou Ken teachings know that practices like these are simply manifestations of a philosophy of calmness within action, active participation in life with an objective viewpoint.

Shinkage thus exemplify these traits. Nevertheless, the stressful politically climate of Makura and many monstrous "kingdoms" (though minor) require spies, informants, thieves, and even assassins. Thusly, in the mountains behind Shou Ken Cloisters proper lies a branch church named simply Mutara. While it serves as an endpoint for some pilgrimages, it is also the headquarters of the Shou Ken Cloister ninja "clan." While ninja of Shou Ken train here, at the main temple grounds, and "in the field," they ultimately receive their instructions from the masters of this temple (who in turn confer with Shou Ken Cloisters).

Due to their focus on the interplay between the physical and mental, experienced devotees of Shou Ken Cloisters occasionally develop psionic powers, and these abilities are actually encouraged among those serving the cloister. Sohei and monks, for example, often learn to augment their abilities with those of the psionic warrior, and select shukenja often opt for psion training. Ninja obviously benefit from these mystical powers, whether psion or psionic warrior in nature.

While most practitioners of Shou Ken philosophy are lawful good or lawful neutral, ninja of Mutara need not conform to any strict alignment, as long as they observe Shou Ken teachings (usually in secret) and obey their masters. Shou Ken encourages its covert agents to operate on their own initiative within the guidelines of each mission. Thus, good, chaotic, neutral, and lawful ninja serve Shou Ken, though evil is not tolerated.

In any case, a shinkage ninja of Shou Ken must follow two strictures. First, she must remain loyal to her superiors in Shou Ken Cloisters and Mutara. To betray them is to be marked for certain death, though she loses none of the powers she has gained. Second, she must remain faithful to her religious devotion (though she can certainly pretend to worship another as part of a façade). Ninja displaying disregard for the precepts of Shou Ken find themselves increasingly observed and required to stay in the temple proper.

    Hit die: d6


Alignment Any non-evil

Skills Disguise and Bluff (10 ranks each) OR Move Silently and Hide (10 ranks each); Knowledge (Religion) 4 ranks, Knowledge (Psionics) 4 ranks

Psionic abilities Must be able to manifest a first-level psionic power.

Special Must be in good standing with (and obedient to) Shou Ken Cloisters and its philosophy.

Skills & proficiencies

Skills The shinkage's skills and the ability scores on which they are based are as follows: Autohypnosis (Wis), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Innuendo (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Religion, Psionics, Int), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Psicraft (Int), Read Lips (Int), Search (Int), Swim (Str), and Tumble (Dex). Climbing, escaping, hiding, jumping, and moving silently while in armor or encumbered are penalized. Furthermore, swimming while in armor is not recommended.
    Skill points 6 + Int modifier / level

Proficiencies Shinkage do not gain proficiency with any type of armor or weapons.

Class features

Psionics - Owing to her religions training of mind and body, the shinkage develops her psionic powers as she advances in experience. When she gains a level, she sometimes can advance her manifester level, power points, and powers known as if she were advancing in a previous psionic class.  She can also gain bonus power points as if she were a psion.  Shinkage psychic warriors can choose a discipline (but not sub-disciplines if using the variant system from If Thoughts Could Kill) and also gain bonus power points.

Some levels she gains a psionic attack or defense mode of her choice instead of increasing her manifester levels.  She cannot "swap out" these modes with the Resculpt Mind feat.

Doctrinal Feats - Starting at first level and every odd-numbered level, the shinkage can choose a feat that dovetails with the Shou Ken philosophy. These feats must come from the following list: Alertness, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (see below), Expert Tactician (S&F), Improved Initiative, Shou Ken Flight (a regional feat described below), Speed of Thought (Psionics Handbook), Lightening Reflexes, Mental Leap (Psionics Handbook), Skill Focus (Any shinkage class skill). The shinkage must meet the requirements for the feats as normal.

Shou Ken "Flight" [Regional]
Religious devotion to the Shou Ken philosophy allows you to spring into motion from a standstill faster than most.
Preresisites: Must have spent time as a devotee of the Shou Ken Cloister on Makura.
Benefits: You add +2 to initiative rolls and +2 to all Jump skill checks.

If the ninja takes Exotic Weapon Proficiency as a doctrinal feat, it must be for one of the following wepaons: blowgun, chain, chijikiri, fukimi-bari, hand crossbow, kusari-gama, nekode, ninja-to, shikomi-zue, shuriken, spiked chain, or the war fan.

Calm Reflection - Contrary to decisive action and yet just as important to the Shou Ken philosophy is the contemplative aspect of life. At second level, the shinkage has studied enough of the teachings to grant her a +2 morale bonus to Concentration and Autohypnosis skill checks. Note that she must have at least one rank in Autohypnosis to use that skill, however.

Shou Ken Vehemence - The ultimate facility of the shinkage is learned at tenth level - the ability to move calmly and serenely while tuning her senses to the slightest of circumstances. She can initiate a state of Vehemence for a total duration of ten consecutive rounds in one day, and it can be voluntarily halted. While in this state, she gains a +2 insight bonus to AC and Reflex saves, which stack with any bonuses listed below. Owing to the polarity of the Shou Ken philosophy, she can also use this ability in two different ways, and can switch between uses as a free action on her turn once per round:

Serene Readiness - The first use of Shou Ken Vehemence requires her to move at a slower overall pace than normal; she can only take a partial action each round, but gains a +6 insight bonus to AC and a +2 insight bonus to Reflex saves. Furthermore, she acquires the improved evasion ability. If she makes a successful Reflex save against an attack form that normally allows half (or reduced) damage on a successful save, she takes no damage at all; if she fails, she only takes half damage. And as a result of her vigilance, the shinkage in a state of serene readiness gains a +2 competence bonus to Spot, Listen, and Concentration skill checks.

Active Serenity - The second use of Shou Ken Vehemence allows the shinkage to act with preternatural speed. Her base movement rate is doubled, she can perform one additional partial action per round, and she gains the Whirlwind Attack feat, which allows her to attack all opponents he threatens as a full round action (though she gets still the extra partial action in addition to this). If she makes a running jump, the distance she can cover is not limited by her height, and she can cover twice the normal span allowed by her Jump check (this also works with the Mental Leap feat, though she must have enough reserve power points for that feat to be effective).

Shou Ken Vehemence is a supernatural ability.

The Shinkage













First Doctrinal Feat

+1 manifester level






Calm Reflection

+1 manifester level






Second Doctrinal Feat

Attack/Defense Mode







+1 manifester level






Third Doctrinal Feat

Attack/Defense Mode







+1 manifester level






Fourth Doctrinal Feat

Attack/Defense Mode







+1 manifester level






Fifth Doctrinal Feat

Attack/Defense Mode






Shou Ken Vehemence

+1 manifester level

Created by exempt at The Wu Jen.

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