
A prestige class by drakin769 on wizards message boards; used with his permission.


Before any sword was forged, before any arrow was fletched, the sumotori turned their bodies into the only weapon that they would ever need. They are the masters of grappling, able to take down opponents that are much larger than they without trouble. There was once legend of a sumotori that bet a dragon he could take him down. After a test of strength that could move mountains... the man managed to pin the dragon... The dragon then took flight and rained fire down upon the sumotori who was helpless to stop him... Sumotori are good... but not that good.

    Hit die: d12


Base attack bonus: +5 or higher

Feats: Close-Quarters Fighting, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush

Alignment: Lawful good

Intimidate: 6 ranks

Skills & Proficiencies

Skills: Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Perform (Cha), Tumble (Dex).

    Skill points: (2 + Int modifier)/level

Proficiencies: Sumotori gain no proficiency with any weapons or armor.  Wearing armor actually inhibits their capabilities.

Class Features

Restrictions: Sumotori who wear armor function as if they were of 4 (sumotori) levels lower (minimum having no levels of this class).  They also may not add their attack bonus gained while a sumotori to melee or ranged combat while using a weapon (i.e., they function as if they hadn't taken the sumotori prestige class).

Might Of the Sumo (Su): While grappling or tripping (or being grappled or tripped) your opponents are considered to be a number of sizes smaller equal to the number on the chart. They may be no more reduced then 1 size below your size. Your new opponents' size also effects your other Sumo special attacks.

Shikiri (Su): You may on the first round of combat gaze into the eyes of one opponent and try to unsettle him. The subject must make a will save of 5 + 1/sumotori level + your Intimidation skill modifier or become shaken for 1d4 rounds. Shikiri can be performed as a free action, but you need to be within 10 feet of your opponent.  Any creature immune to fear or unable to see is not affected by this ability.  It also doesn't work on opponents who are statedly not facing you.

Constrict (Ex): When dealing damage to a grappled opponent you deal the given amount of extra damage.

Tach-ai (Ex): At the start of combat if you delay attacking until you are attacked first you gain +2 to attack and damage to all opponents that attack you before you make your first attack until the end of combat.

Improved Grab (Ex): When ever you successfully hit with an unarmed attack you may attempt a grapple for free. If you succeed you get to immediately attack him (as a constrict attack.)

Tsuki (Ex): You must declare using the Tsuki attack before rolling the attack. A miss ruins the attempt. If you are successful in a tsuki attack you deal damage as normal. You also make a grapple check against a DC of 25. For every 2 above the DC you push the target back 5 feet. You may do this 1/day/sumotori level. You must have both hands free to do this. If you do this to an opponent that is more then 1 size larger then you, then the DC is 45.

Hatakikomi (Ex): You must declare using the hatakikomi attack before rolling the attack. A miss ruins the attempt. Make a trip attack against a your opponent. If you are successful, he is tripped and may not stand up (or otherwise move) for 1d6 rounds. You may do this 1/day/sumotori level. You can do this to any creature that is no more then 1 size larger then you.

The 48 Hands (Ex): You have become extremely dangerous while grappling by learning the techniques called the 48 hands. You may take 10 on all grapple and trip checks.

Multiclass note: Monks may freely multiclass with the sumotori.

The Sumotori

1 +1 +2 +0 +0 Restrictions, Might of the Sumo +1, Shikiri
2 +2 +3 +0 +0 Constrict +1d6
3 +3 +3 +1 +1 Tachi-ai
4 +4 +4 +1 +1 Improved Grab
5 +5 +4 +1 +1 Might of the Sumo -2, Constrict +2d6
6 +6 +5 +2 +2 Tsuki
7 +7 +5 +2 +2 Hatakikomi
8 +8 +6 +2 +2 Constrict +3d6
9 +9 +6 +3 +3 Might of the Sumo -3
10 +10 +7 +3 +3 The 48 Hands

By drakin769 of the Wizards message boards; used with his permission.  This version available at The Wu Jen.

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