Wild Blade Ronin (Mikai no Ronin)

Thanks to Vladmir of the Wizards.Com Boards for feedback.


Ryochiro waded into the udon shop. Another harrowing day… he was sure the guards at the city gates had recognized him. But with his nonchalant gesture toward the katana at his side, they refrained from questioning him further. He wasn't a samurai, and so they were obliged to keep his sword. But they were also obliged to keep their heads.

"Sumimasen! Udon o hitotsu." Excuse me! Noodles, please. Soon, the steaming bowl came. Kneeling before the low table, he picked up his hashi, and bent to slurp udon - and flinched back as a knife smacked into the bowl and sent it flying.

That was uncalled for.

As the other guests backed away, three warriors with the red moon mon stood at the door, and in unison, they drew their swords and advanced. Retainers of the Himei daimyo, they would undoubtedly be good fighters. Ryochiro still knelt in front of the empty table.

"You don't need to come further," he intoned, though without moving an inch.

"You were told to leave Himei, you are to leave Himei, and you will leave Himei," said their leader.

Ryoechi held the man's eye. "I have come on personal business. I have caused no trouble, and unless you persist, I will cause none. You are dismissed."

In answer, the speaker split his table in two with his sword. Ryochiro seemed to ponder... drew his sword, and in one swoop hacked the sandals from all three of them. Or at least, that was what he seemed to try; he knew it was just a distraction to keep them slightly at bay.  One managed to jump his blade, and the other was saved by a table. Unexpectedly, the third fell over in pain, clutching his shins.

Two swords came down on Ryochiro's seat, but it was already empty, the ronin having rolled back and stood against the bamboo wall. With a deft flick of his katana, he upended a bowl of udon, flipping it and its entire steaming contents in the face of one of his attackers. The man pulled his arm reflexively to his face, and Ryochiro blocked a blow from his compatriot and then pushed the first with the hilt of his sword -- while stepping on his toe. The man, noodles, and his blade crashed back into an adjoining table.  He lay still.

Meanwhile the guard with the hurt shins was up and swinging wildly. For a second, their blades locked, and he stood face-to-face with the furious man. Ryochiro could feel the man's heated breath, he was so close. The man cursed. Ryochiro spit in his face and gave way, bending to the side and falling to the ground as the leader's sword came swinging not into Ryochiro's back, as was intended, but rather into his partner.

The stricken guard stood above him for a second, and Ryochiro kicked him into the leader's arms. Ryochiro lay yet on the floor, clutching his sword and glaring up at them. The faintest smirk came across his face.

The leader fled, pulling the wounded soldier with him.

Brushing himself off, he knelt at the only table remaining intact. A whitened face appeared from around the corner where the kitchen lay.

"Sumimasen. Udon o futatsu." Excuse me! Two bowls of noodles, please.

The third assailant groaned and sat up next to Ryochiro. The master came, set a bowl down before Ryochiro, who motioned to the man. The master set a bowl before him, too.

They ate.

- - - - -

The wild blade ronin (mikai no ronin, or uncivilized, masterless warrior) is characterized by two things. First, he is a maverick, and in a in a society where social class and station weigh every aspect of life, this means he is dishonorable. Serving none by choice, he has either chosen or been forced to fit in where he can -- which is usually anywhere his blade can carve breathing room.

Second, this independence can lead him to be the object of vendettas owing to his uncouth disrespectful ways, or in some cases, simply because he can call upon no higher lord for protection. Thus, he often finds himself outnumbered. He fights when he must, he flees when he must. He is not afraid enough to hide, but knows as well the dangers of high profile. Most wild blade ronin nevertheless live short lives.

Characters may become wild blade ronin for any number of reasons. Usually, they have committed the ultimate dishonorable sin -- refused their lord in service, and thus relinquished their position. Others are the sole survivors of clans and factions decimated by a rival. Their lives are characterized by constant fleeing and revenge.

While some persons in the position of the "uncivilized" ronin become reclusive, relying on disguise and ruse to stay alive, he has left but his personal honor, and thus refuses to bend to his foes' will. It is with this resolve that the wild blade ronin cares little for the fineries of life, relying neither on lord nor land, but rather himself.

    Hit die: d10


Alignment Any chaotic

Base attack bonus +6 or higher

Skills Bluff 4 ranks, Intimidate 4 ranks

Feats Alertness, Dirty Fighting*, Dodge, Expertise, Improved Trip.

* Dirty Fighting is a feat described in Sword and Fist. Using the full attack option, a character can make a single attack in a round and inflict an additional 1d4 damage on a successful melee attack. Its prerequisite is a +2 BAB, and does not stack with sneak attack damage.  It also doesn't affect creatures immune to critical hits.

Experiences A wild blade ronin must renounce formal loyalties and memberships. This may be as a result of choices the character has made, rejection by those whom he served, or simply the fact that any family, clans, and organizations he belonged to have been wiped out.

Skills & proficiencies

Skills The wild blade ronin's skills and the abilities to which they are tied are Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Escape Artist (Dex), Iaijutsu Focus (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Streetwise, Int), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Swim (Str), and Tumble (Dex). Using the Climb, Escape Artist, Jump, and Tumble skills while wearing medium or heavy armor or more than lightly encumbered imposed penalties. Swimming while armored or encumbered is not recommended.
        Skill points 4 + Int modifier per level

Proficiencies The wild blade ronin gains proficiency with all light and medium armors, and all simple and martial weapons.

Class features

Ronin - A character who takes this class is by definition a ronin, or a masterless warrior. He may not willingly serve any organization, family, or government, though he may be coerced to do so. Any ronin who willingly enters service with an organization or who loses his chaotic alignment suffers an attack penalty equal to his ronin level until he can "rectify" the situation.

This stricture does not preclude him from entering contracts or agreements, or even maintaining good relations with a shrine or temple. He might agree to rid the surrounding area of bandits, for example, if the request were made by the local daimyo. If commanded to however, he would certainly refuse or suffer the consequences described above.

Wild blade ronin can become leaders in their own right (e.g., via the Leadership feat).

Improved Feint - At first level the wild blade ronin can use the Bluff skill in melee combat as a move-equivalent action.

Wild Blade Ronin Variant

Available from the Wizards of the Coast web site is a D&D FAQ in pdf format.  Included in the FAQ is a suggested feat, Improved Dirty Fighting.  If the DM allows this feat, the ronin may substitute it for the Improved Dirty Fighting class ability, with the following changes:

Level 1: Gain Improved Dirty Fighting feat (see below).

Level 3: No benefit related to dirty fighting gained.

Level 6: Can make a dirty fighting attack as a standard action instead of a full attack; daze ability lost.

Improved Dirty Fighting [General]
You're really good at smacking them where it hurts, throwing sand in the eyes, and other low-life tricks.
Prerequisites: BAB +6, Dirty Fighting
Benefit: Relenquishing all but one attacks on your action and by taking the full-attack option, you deal extra damage as indicated by your BAB:

BAB Extra damage
+5 to +9 +2d4
+10 to +14 +3d4
+15 to +19 +4d4
+20 +5d4

Extra damage is the same type of damage as sneak attacks inflict, and so doesn't stack with that ability.

Improved Dirty Fighting (Ex) - Also at first level, the ronin can use the Dirty Fighting feat as a

 standard action (usually it takes a full-round action).

At third level, the extra damage inflicted by a successful use of this feat inflicts 1d6 damage (not multiplied in a critical).

At sixth level, a ronin using the Dirty Fighting feat against an opponent can potentially deny him his next action. If the attack is successful and inflicts damage, the opponent must make a Fortitude save with a DC equal to 5 plus the character's wild blade ronin level plus the extra damage inflicted by the Dirty Fighting feat. If the save fails, the opponent is considered dazed for one round, during which it can take no actions. A dazed opponent is not stunned, can defend himself, and does not lose his Dexterity bonus to AC.  Opponents immune to stunning or critical hits are immune to this effect.

Uncanny Dodge - The wild blade ronin often finds himself outnumbered, mainly as a result of his singular position in society. In many situations, he may be fighting for his life without any backup. Thus at second level, opponents flanking a wild blade ronin do not gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls. A ronin can be flanked by a rogue four or more levels higher than his overall level.

Intimidate - At third level, the ronin gains a +2 bonus to all Intimidate skill checks.

Trip - At fourth level the ronin inflicts 1d6 subdual damage (modified by his Strength modifier) on a successful trip attack. Again, opponents immune to critical hits or stunning cannot be affected by this special damage.

At ninth level, the extra damage inflicted by a successful trip is real damage (not subdual damage).

Outnumbered Dodge - At fifth level, the wild blade ronin can retains a +1 dodge bonus to AC when he and his allies (if any) are outnumbered. If the ronin is denied his Dexterity bonus, he cannot benefit from this ability.

This bonus increases to +2 at eighth level.

Bonus Feat - At seventh level, the ronin can choose any feat available to fighters as a bonus feat (except Weapon Specialization). He must fulfill the requirements for this feat as normal.

Confound Opponents (Ex) - At tenth level, the wild blade ronin has become so skilled at bluffing and dodging blows from multiple opponents that he can sometimes not only defend himself against an attacker but cause one opponent to accidentally hit another.

For the ronin to use this ability, the attacker against whom the ronin attempts this trick must be able to threaten one of its allies (not that it would normally want to). If the opponent's attack roll would normally hit, the ronin must make a Reflex save with a DC equal to the modified attack roll. If he fails, he takes the consequences of the attack as normal. If he succeeds, the attack goes astray and mistakenly hits any opponent that the attacker threatens (determined randomly if there is more than one).

This ability can be used once per round and only against attackers wielding a melee weapon. A ronin cannot be flat-footed or otherwise denied his Dexterity bonus (if any) to AC. He must also be aware of the attack and declare use of this ability before damage die are rolled.

Wild Blade Ronin

LEVEL attack









Ronin, Improved Feint, Improved Dirty Fighting





Uncanny Dodge (Can't be flanked)





Intimidate +2, Dirty Fighting +1d6





Trip + 1d6 Subdual





Outnumbered Dodge +1





Dirty Fighting +1d6 + Daze





Bonus Feat





Outnumbered Dodge +2





Trip + 1d6





Confound Opponents

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