Magic Items



Unique Items

The Three Dai-Katana of Myo Sei - Myo Sei was one of the five "Hunted Ronin" of great legend.  Seemingly untraceable, he terrorized the entire length of the western coast of Kokubura.  What made him ever the more fearsome was the three sets of arms with which he wielded magical greatswords specifically forged for him.  Each is a dai-katana (effectively a masterwork greatsword) and carries a +3 enchantment.  Each sword also allows the wielder to make one attack per day that is treated as a melee touch attack.  This special attack must be made with the blade.

Dai-Katana of Great Cleaving - This blade allows the wielder to perform the Great Cleave feat (with this sword) even if he hasn't the prerequisites.  It also allows the wearer to take a 5' step between cleaves (one step per round, maximum).

Dai-Katana of Alacrity - This blade allows the bearer one extra attack of opportunity (with this katana) per round against a threatened foe, although a foe still can only receive one attack of opportunity from you per round.

Dai-Katana of Vigor - This last blade is potentially the most lethal though the least accurate.  It grants the wielder the Power Attack feat (with this blade only).  The wielder has no choice when using this dai-katana to apply all of his BAB to each damage roll.

Market price: 25,000 gp each.

Box of Eternity - This is a small magical box that appears ornate but not extraordinary. It radiates a mild magic when such is detected for. When in the possession of a creature (though not necessarily on their person), it stops all natural and magical aging. The owner possesses the same physical "age" at the time he came into ownership of the box. The one caveat owners must abide however, is that if the box is ever opened, he instantly gains all the years the box kept from him for the duration he owned it (possibly killing him instantly). Market price: 160,000 gp (Note that this item is rarely for sale, for the simple reason that selling it would result in instant and permanent aging of the seller); Weight 4 lb.  The idea for the Box of Eternity item comes from the Japanese folktale Urashima Taro, in which a young boy travels to "Atlantis," receives a magical box, returns home to open it despite dire warnings - and finds himself aged a hundred years. 

Emerald Kimono - The Emerald Kimono was crafted specifically to protect the Emerald Emperor and aid him in holding court.  The robes have some very special properties, and it is considered a "national" artifact, though it more rates as a minor artifact.  Among the least of its enchantments, the robe can change design, color, and fit upon command.  Additionally, it mends itself (unless utterly torn to shreds) and is always clean. Other properties are as follows:

  • Detect thoughts, at will (as 18th-level caster)
  • Mind blank, always (as 18th-level caster)
  • Grants perfect speaking and writing proficiency with the Court languages, used in official situations
  • +8 enhancement bonus to Charisma
  • +4 enhancement bonus to the following skills: Any courtly art (e.g., calligraphy, flower arranging, etc.), Spot, Listen
  • +4 resistance bonus to saving throws against poison; all effects of poison are halved, regardless of the sucess or failure of the save
  • SR 23
  • Deflection bonus to AC of +8
  • Damage reduction of 10/+2
  • Elemental resistance of 30 hp per round (for each element)
  • If so desired, the wearer can project his voice up to 500 feet away as if he were speaking next to a listeners (everyone in the area of effect hears his voice).  It can also muffle the wearer's speech so that it can be heard only within a 5-foot radius.
  • Escape - Once per day on the wearer's command, the robe will emanate a paralyzing effect on all within a 30' emanation.  Those within the area of effect must make a Will save with a DC of 18 or be held for 7 rounds.  The kimono will continue to generate this field for 7 rounds or until commanded to cease.  The effect travels with the wearer.  A creature that succeeds in the saving throw against this effect can't be affected again by it for the next 24 hours (i.e.., if the creature were to leave the area of effect and then re-enter).  The wearer is also affected as if under haste and freedom of movement spells for the duration.

Market price: 820,000 gp.  Weight: 12 lb.

Katana of Myoshi Tera, or The White Blossom Blade (Shirobana no Katana) - This magical sword of great repute was wielded to great effect in the Emerald Wars when Kokubura was founded as a nation.  It is said that Myoshi Tera defeated his nemesis and rival champion Minotoke Shen with it in a duel before the battle, and then held off a wave of bushi who broke ranks and fell upon him when Minotoke fell.  The blade is 3 1/2 feet long and has a white glow (not sufficient to provide illumination), but the actual metal is pink silver in hue.  It comes with a scabbard that always keeps it sharp and clean.
        There is a stiff +4 enchantment bonus upon it, and if used in the fight defensively mode, it doubles the normal defensive benefit (to +8) without further penalizing attack penalties (-2 to hit).  The blade can be commanded to cast an enhanced weapon bless upon itself once per day as a full-round action.  If used against a different foe or if the attack misses, the enhancement fades.
        The Shirobana no Katana is also adorned with an intricate array of engravings, as is the sword's scabbard.  These constantly change according to the last opponent fought, depicting the battle between the wielder and foe.  If a wielder spends three rounds studying these magical embellishments, he receives a further +2 bonus to attack and defense against that foe (which do stack with the sword's normal enhancement bonus, the weapon bless effect, and the defensive fighting embellishment of this sword).  The benefit applies only to the single foe pictured on the sword scabbard at the time.  If the wielder used it in a battle against several opponents, it will depict the very last one that bearer made an attack against.  Market price: 178,000 gp.  Weight: 10 lb.

Obi of the Emerald Heir - Originally designed for the heir of the Emerald Throne, this obi (a wide sash/belt that holds a kimono in place) became a set with the Emerald Kimono when a fearful emperor failed to pass it along to his son (some day he took the throne by subterfuge).  In any case, it is similar to the Emerald Robe in that it shapes itself to its wearer, can change design or color on command, and always mends itself (unless torn to shreds).  The obi also grants additional benefits:

  • Any blade tucked in it and drawn by the wearer obtains a +2 enchantment bonus while used by the wearer.
  • Serves as fortification armor, negating extra damage caused by critical hits or sneak attacks 75% of the time.
  • +6 enhancement bonus to Strength.
  • Grants +4 enhancement bonus to Spot and Listen checks.

Market price: 69,000 gp.  Weight: 4 lb.

Shoes of Coolness - This magical set of footwear is actually not unique on that many varieties exist.  Each sports a world-renowned logo on the side and grants a +4 toughness bonus to Coolness skill checks.  The shoes are typically made by child laborer in a country far from and much poorer than the wearer's.  Caster level: 1st; Prerequisites: Craft Cool Item Market price: $60 or more.  Weight: 1 lb.

Wondrous Items, Potions, and Arms

  • Amulet of Second Guessing Improves your Sense Motive skill at the expense of Wisdom.
  • Amulet of Station Adds a +4 bonus to Diplomacy checks.
  • Andon of Manifestation Light from this paper lantern makes incorporeal creatures subject to normal attacks.
  • Apparel of Reciprocity Thrice per day, turn an attacker's blade back on himself.
  • Arrow of Interception If used on a readied shot, deflects other missile attacks mid-flight.
  • Arrow of Rappelling Embeds itself in any solid substance and leaves a sturdy rope trailing behind.
  • Bandages of Healing Doubles natural healing rate.
  • Flask of Jumbled Potions Drink up to three potions at once.
  • Fuku-mamé Magical beans that banish an extra-planar creature as an 18th-level caster.
  • Gem of Appraisal Enhances Appraise checks by +10 when viewed through.
  • Geta of Light Step Sandals granting pass without trace and the ability to walk on unstable surfaces such as snow, mud, or even water.
  • Gloves of Reading Translates any language you touch; also great for the blind.
  • Headband of Talent Grants +10 bonus to any one skill check per day.
  • Horo of Protection from Arrows A cloth "shield" tied to the helmet and shoulder plates, this item protects a mounted warrior against ranged attacks.
  • Infinite Rope Never runs out no matter how many times you cut it; extends up to 200' per day.
  • Kabuto-mushi Stag beetle living in a vial grows to enormous proportions and fight an opponent for you when released.
  • Kotsu-bako of New Life "Bone box" for remains of  cremation that animates a skeleton with 10/+2 damage reduction and 10 hp fire resistance.
  • Minor Idol - Deities residing within one of these small figures offer a +2 bonus to specific skill checks or +1 to certain saves if given an appropriate offering.
  • Nebuta of Good Fortune Giant paper lanterns carried through the streets every year in festivals, nebuta grants special favors to members of the entire communit.
  • Oil of Incorporeality Turns the user incorporeal, making her immune to most normal damage.
  • Omamori - Minor charms granting a +1 divine bonus to a specific skill check.
  • Tabi of Amazing Hands Use your feet as if they were hands.
  • Tanto of Erudite Combat Use this dagger in two-weapon fighting style without penalty.
  • Tome of Knowledge Add +6 to a specific Knowledge skill.
  • Trophy Head of Concentration Takes over concentration on a spell for a wizard or wu jen.
  • Wisdom Tooth Grants +4 bonus to Wisdom; usually the gift of a deity or divine power.
  • Yukata of Awareness "Evening robe" that adds +8 to Spot and Listen and grants a +4 resistance bonus to poison.


Amulet of Second Guessing - This amulet is a mixed blessing; while it reduces the wearer's Wisdom by 2 whenever it is worn, it also allows him a +10 enhancement bonus to Sense Motive checks (Note that reduced Wisdom still grants a penalty to Sense Motive checks). Caster level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, confusion; Market price: 1000 gp.

Amulet of Station - This official-looking amulet bestows a +10 enhancement bonus to the bearer's Diplomacy checks. Caster level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, ranks in Diplomacy; Market price: 2000 gp.

Andon of Manifestation - This paper lantern casts light as a torch to 20' and can be used as any mundane light source. All incorporeal creatures within its area of effect can be hit as if they were material - that is, by nonmagical weapons without the 50% chance to ignore their effect. It also forces incorporeal creatures to make a Will save with a DC of 18 or remain manifested while they are in the lantern's light and for 2d4 rounds thereafter. An incorporeal creature succeeding in this saving throw is immune to the same effect of the same lantern. The lantern sports dire warnings against spirits in an arcane script. One lantern will burn for up to half an hour, though once lit, the lantern cannot be extinguished without consuming its use. Caster level: 10th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, protection from spirits, magic circle against evil, or magic circle against taint; Craft Wondrous Item; Market price: 1800 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Apparel of Reciprocity - This apparel looks to be rather fine clothing for its type, including a shirt or tunic of some sort and pants or leggings. The full set must be worn to be useful. Three times per day, upon being hit by a physical melee attack, the wearer can bend space, causing the part of the offending object (e.g., the blade of a nagimaki), to actually emerge in the space occupied by the wielder who is then struck and incurs the damage rather than the wearer of the clothing. There is no saving throw to avoid the effect and SR does not apply, though the use of the apparel must be declared before damage dice are rolled. 50% of these sets of clothing found will be a noble outfit, 10% a performer's, 10% explorer's outfit, 10% adventurer's clothing, and 5% a monk's uniform, and 5% peasant's clothing. The clothing can be worn under armor. Furthermore, the enchantment bestows a quality on the clothing such that it is always thankfully clean and mends itself on command. Caster level: 12th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Craft (Sewing) or Profession (Tailor) skill, dimension door; Market price: 5000 gp; Weight As per the normal clothing type.

Arrow of Interception - This arrow carries a "normal" +1 enchantment when used as a weapon.  When readied and fired at another missile like an arrow, bolt, sling stone, axe, or the like, it will attempt to intercept the second missile mid-flight.  The attackers make opposed attack rolls with their missile weapons, but the owner of the arrow of interception gains a +5 enhancement bonus to his roll.  If he succeeds, the second missile is deflected.  These arrows can even deflect extraordinary missiles like boulders and the like (though a boulder must still fall somewhere). Caster level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, true strike; Market price: 200 gp; Weight Negligible.

Arrow of Rappelling - This is a magical arrow with runes scratched upon it. When shot, the missile leaves a brief ray of light behind as it flies. Upon striking an animate object, it does typical damage, but when striking an inanimate, non-intelligent object, the head will embed itself into the target and the ray of light condenses into a rope extending from the arrow to the place it was shot. If shot horizontally (say, over a chasm), the rope will "hover" in place for a brief moment - long enough to catch the end - before it falls limp. The arrow and rope can bear up to 1000 pounds before pulling free or breaking. The rope itself can be severed as normal. Caster level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, rope trick; Market price: 300 gp; Weight Negligible.

Bandages of Healing - These bandages typically come in sets of 10 or so. When one is placed on an open wound, it immediately cures 1 hp of damage. If left on wounds, each bandage allows the character to heal 1 additional hp of damage per day after the first day, regardless of whether the character undergoes a normal regime of activity or complete rest. Once applied, the bandage cannot be removed without destroying its magic. One bandage can heal up to 6 hp of damage, and a character can only benefit from one bandage at a time. Caster level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, cure minor wounds; Market price: 10 gp per bandage; Weight Negligible.

Flask of Jumbled Potions - This flask can accept the contents of up to three flasks of potions and mix them safely. When drinking from the flask, all three potions pour into the mouth at the same time and the character obtains all the benefits of the potions at once. Already-made potions can be poured into the flask, or three different potions can be brewed and decanted into it. Two or more potions of the same kind have no additional effect unless they would normally be additive (e.g., two potions of cure light wounds cure twice the damage, but two potions of spider climb only allow climbing as normal). If potions conflict in effect, the one created at the higher caster level overbears the other, and if they are of the same effective caster level, one is randomly canceled. Caster level: 7th; Prerequisites: Brew Potion, Craft Wondrous Item, Alchemy skill; Market price: 1800 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Fuku-mamé - These magical beans comes in sets of "handfuls," which when cast at an extra-planar creature, cast banishment on it as an 15th-level sorcerer.  The beans can be thrown up to 10 feet without error.  A handful of beans cannot be further divided and keep its magical properties.  Caster level: 15th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, banishment; Market price:  2600 gp.  Weight: Negligible.  Inspired by the Japanese folk holiday, Setsubun, in which homeowners cast beans around the premises to drive off evil spirits.

Gem of Appraisal - When held to the eye and viewed through, this gem increases the user's Appraise check with a +10 enhancement bonus. Caster level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Creator must have the Craft (Gem cutting) or Appraise skill, true seeing; Market price: 2500 gp (includes 500 gp for the gem); Weight Negligible.

Geta of Light Step - Geta are wooden sandals with two "heels," on the fore and one on the back of the sole, that keep the foot slightly suspended off the ground and away from dirt and the like.  These geta grant an magical boon to the wearer.  First, the allow the wearer to travel as if she were under the auspices of pass without trace.  Second, her step is "lighter" than normal.  As long as a surface is beneath her, she can walk on it.  Thus, she can walk on water, snow, pits, and so on without consequences (if she falls however, she enters the medium as normal).  She will also not set off traps triggered by pressure (e.g., covered pit traps, pressure plates). Caster level: 7th Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, pass without trace, levitate; Market price: 2000 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.. 

Gloves of Reading - These gloves fit snugly over the palms and the back of the hands, leaving the fingers exposed. Their use comes when the person wearing them passes them over any written passage, for they transmit the meaning of the symbols into the character's mind, essentially reading for him. It does not allow the character to interpret beyond the words or allow any special understanding - such is left to the user. If the writing is magical, the user can only read it if he casts read magic. These gloves are especially useful to the blind. Caster level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, comprehend languages, ESP; Market price: 3000 gp; Weight Negligible.

Headband of Talent - The Headband of Amazing Talent looks like a thin silver wire intricately wound and twisted through its length in an complex design. Once per day, it can grant the user a +10 enhancement bonus to any single skill check she makes in the next minute. It doesn't not allow her to add the bonus to skill checks that require more than a minute to complete (e.g., making a painting), and its use must be declared before the skill check roll is made. Caster level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item; Market price: 2000 gp; Weight Negligible.

Horo of Protection from Arrows - A horo is a stiff cloth tied to a warrior's helmet and shoulder plates.  When he rides, the wind causes it to billow out, and it serves to intercept arrows shot from behind. This magical horo does that and better, as it confers 10/+2 damage reduction against missile fired at a mounted combatant.  It also negates the extra damage dealt by any ranged sneak attack.  The horo does not provide protection against extraordinary missiles (e.g., hurled boulders).   Caster level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Magical Arms & Armor, protection from arrows; Market price: 12,000 gp.  Weight: 1 lb.

Infinite Rope - This rope is normally only 20 feet in length, but on command, will extend itself from one end at 20 feet per round or both ends at 10 per round each, up to a total length of 200 feet. It can also retract at the same rate upon command. It has the normal hardness and hp of a rope (hardness 2, 2 hp to sever), but if it is cut, the shorter end will remain magical and the longer end become mundane. If cut in the middle, a randomly determined half will retain the enchantment. If the normal length (20 feet) of the rope is severed, it will entirely lose its enchantment. The rope can only extend itself up to 200 feet per day (not including its mandatory 20-foot length). Caster level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, rope trick; Market price: 1800 gp; Weight 1 lb. per 10' of length

Kabuto-mushi - More common in northern climes than southern, kabuto-mushi ("helmet bugs") are actually stag beetles that are popular pets among children.  However, there are a few enchanted to have magical properties.  These mushi live, like their mundane brethren, in glass vials or jars, and they must be fed and watered every few days or they will die.  If released from their jar however, they expand enormously and have the same statistics as a the Giant Stag Beetle (MM, p. 207 ), and will fight one designated opponent.  When the battle ends, regardless of the result, the beetle expires, perhaps exhausted by the inordinate demands placed on it.  Magical kabuto-mushi will not mate, and naturally expire (if "unused") 1d4+1 months after it is acquired.  Caster level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, animal growth; Market price: 2250 gp.  Weight: Negligible.  This item is inspired by the actual kabuto-mushi which children collect and keep as pets in Japan.

Kotsu-bako of New Life - A kotsu-bako is the "bone box" in which the bones are placed after the body is cremated.  Despite its name, this magical container does not grant new life; rather, it animates as a skeleton any set of Medium size or smaller bones placed in the box.  The box also grants special properties to the skeleton so animated: it has damage reduction of 10/+1 in addition to normal undead immunities and due to its toughness, twice its normal hit points.  Having been through fire, the skeleton also enjoys 10 hp of fire resistance.  Only one skeleton animated by a specific kotsu-bako may be in existence at a time.  Caster level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, animate dead; Market price: 4000 gp; Weight 10 lb.

Minor Idol - Common throughout the eastern world, minor idols are constantly visited by many to grant the fortunes they offer.  They vary in appearance and function, some shaped like meditating figures, others simply round mirrors.  Each houses the spirit of a small kami (god) and can grant a boon with the right offering.  Minor idols can often be found in small roadside shrines, tucked into corners in an otherwise busy neighborhood, or in multitude on temple grounds.  In any case, to gain the god's blessing, a character must offer a short prayer and make an offering equivalent to 5 gp (30 tael) per level in the form of coins, food, clothing, or incense, as appropriate to the idol.  Food and such is usually unusable after a certain amount of time, but priests associated with the deity may collect the coins.  Many holy men who live off a vow of poverty survive in this way, though they of course take only what they need or suffer dire consequences (equivalent to a -2 penalty to the appropriate skill or save for one year).  Idols must have a "home" (permanent place where they reside); idols in transit will not grant any benefit, as their god is preoccupied by the transit.  A character can be "blessed" by only one minor idol at one time; a subsequent request to a different idol remove the benefit of the preceding one.  There are several kinds of minor idols:

Idol of Scholarly Aptitude +2 divine bonus to next Knowledge skill check
Idol of Prosperity +2 divine bonus to next Profession skill check
Idol of Longevity +1 divine bonus to next Fortitude save
Idol of Safe Travel +2 divine bonus to next Wilderness Lore skill check
Idol of Social Acumen +2 divine bonus to next Diplomacy skill check
Idol of Spiritual Strength +1 divine bonus to next Will save

Caster level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, bargain, commune with lesser spiritbless; Market price: 2400 gp; Weight 5 to 10 lb.

Nebuta of Good Fortune - Nebuta (alternatively, neputa) are gigantic lanterns made of paper and wood.  Every year, they are carried and pushed through the streets of notable communities and grant good fortune to everyone within the town or city ward.  It typically takes from 10 to 40 or more people to move a nebuta, and some even ride on special platforms built within while setting off fireworks.  Nebuta come in various forms, some three-dimensional depictions of samurai or dragons, others erect circular discs with bright displays of kabuki (traditional theater) painted on the side.  Nebuta festivals typically happen in the evening when their lights can be best seen.  While most communities have none at all, a few consider them an important part of their heritage.  And a lucky few have magical nebuta:

Nebuta of Prosperity +1 enhancement bonus to next Profession check 8,000 gp
Nebuta of Safety from Fire All houses obtain 5 hp fire resistance 12,000 gp
Nebuta of Longevity +1 enhancement bonus to next Fortitude save 12,000 gp
Nebuta of Home Defense +1 morale bonus to attack when defending community 10,000 gp

The benefits listed above apply to everyone who attends the festival (or their dwelling) and has a permanent residence (owned or rented) in the town or ward, and it extends for an entire year or until "discharged" (in the case of skill or save bonuses).  A nebuta can be paraded any number of times in the year, but it can only grant its benefit once per year and not more than a year since the last time it last did so.
    Owing to their size, nebuta are not the type of treasure player characters would like to haul from a dungeon, but they do provide encouragement to attend festivals (and role-play), and they can provide adventure hooks (e.g., making one for a community, finding a vandal, or locating a nebuta that somehow disappeared).  Caster level: 11th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, 20% of the cost in XP beyond in lieu of the normal XP cost; Market price: As above.  Weight: 400 to 2000 lb. or more (10 x 10 x 10 feet to 30 x 30 x20 feet or more).  Nebuta  parades are a fascinating sight seen in fall festivals in northern Japan, especially Aomori prefecture.

Omamori - Omamori means "charm," and these small talismans are common throughout the eastern world; nearly every peasant is in possession of one, as they are known to bring good fortune.  Minor charms take a variety of appearances.  Some are finger-length scrolls wrapped tightly in bright string, while others are small metal plates with the name of the supporting shrine or temple inscribed on them.  In any case, a character can be in possession of only one minor charm at a time.  Otherwise, the minor kami (gods) instilled within each one become angry at one another and refuse to benefit the character (and thus permanently lose their magical abilities).  They can typically be purchased at any modest shrine or temple.  There are several kinds of minor charms:

Omamori of Scholarly Success +1 divine bonus to one kind of Knowledge check
Omamori of Scholarly Aptitude +1 divine bonus to Concentration skill checks
Omamori of Prosperity +1 divine bonus to Profession skill checks
Omamori of Safe Travel +1 divine bonus to Wilderness Lore skill checks

Caster level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, commune with lesser spirit Market price: 40 gp; Weight Negligible.  These items are inspired by the many omamori on sale at most shrines in Japan and commonly found in cars (safe travel), in students' pen cases (scholarly success), or purses and wallets of people looking for a mate (success in marriage?).

Tabi of Amazing Hands - These magical items are actually durable socks that have a "split toe" - a "pocket" for the large toe and one for the rest. When the character wears only these on her feet, she can use her feet as if they were hands. This has several advantages. She gains a +4 circumstantial bonus to Climb, Balance, and Escape Artist skill checks, and +4 to grapple and avoid grappling. If her hands are bound, she can still wield a weapon (though she will probably be prone and thus suffer a -4 penalty to AC). Fighting with more than the regular number of limbs imposes all normal penalties for fighting with two (or more) weapons. The wearer can also cast spells with somatic components with her feet, though she obviously can't cast more than once spell at a time. Caster level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item; Market price: 6125 gp; Weight Negligible.

Taiko of Might - Taiko are giant drums played by skilled performers at many festivals.  These particular taiko are designed to benefit soldiers in battle.  The set includes three smaller drums and one larger "pace-setter," and requires four people to play (all must have at least one rank in the Perfom skill).  The drums are struck with straight wooden mallets.  They can be seperated, and each will grant its particular benefit, but when they are played in unison, the effect is mighty indeed.  The benefits listed below are granted to any ally that can hear the drums and is within 100 feet.

Taiko of Fierceness +1 morale bonus to attack 40 lb. 8,000 gp.
Taiko of Might +1 morale bonus to damage 40 lb. 8,000 gp.
Taiko of Bravery +1 moral bonus to Will saves vs. fear 40 lb. 6,000 gp.
O-taiko (Great Drum) of Might +4 temporary hp 120 lb. 16,000 gp.
All drums played together SR 13 +40,000 to total price of individual drums

Caster level: 12th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item; Taiko of Fiercensss (true strike), Taiko of Might (strength), Taiko of Bravery (remove fear), O-taiko of Might (spell immunity, aid); Market price: As above; Weight As above.

Tanto of Erudite Combat - This tanto (dagger) is light and deftly balanced. When used in a two-weapon fighting style, all attacks made with it incur no penalty for fighting with two weapons, though the weapon in the other hand does. Caster level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Magical Arms and Armor; Market price: +2; Weight 1 lb.

Tome of Knowledge - There are actually many types of these books, all of which disappear upon being read. Each one details a particular field of knowledge, such as arcana, religion, nature, geography, psionics, and so forth. The tome takes 4 days to read, and upon completion, grants the user a +10 permanent enhancement bonus to all Knowledge skill checks in that field. Caster level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, must have ranks in the appropriate knowledge field; Market price: 2000 gp; Weight 3 lb.

Trophy Head of Concentration - A leather strap runs through this fairly grotesque head which has been shrunk to the size of a human's fist by removing the bones. The head can be worn around the neck and takes up the "necklace" slot on a character. It does not actually grant any bonuses to the Concentration skill, but whenever the bearer casts a spell that requires concentration, either to control the effect or maintain the spell (e.g., flaming sphere), the "concentration" can be handed over to the head which will manage the spell as if the caster were concentrating on it. That is, if a caster evokes flaming sphere, it would normally require him to use a move-equivalent action to direct the sphere. The head would then actually take over the direction of the sphere (as if the caster were controlling it), leaving the caster free to cast other spells or perform other actions. If the caster's concentration would normally be broken (e.g., from suffering damage), the head also loses its "train of thought." The trophy can only maintain one spell at a time. These bizarre items are usually found in tribal areas of the rain forest. 10% of them are intelligent. The head has an AC of 16, hardness of 4, and can take 6 hp of damage. It takes up the "necklace" slot on a character.  Caster level: 8th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, head of a spellcaster, Concentration skill; Market price: 2200 gp; Weight: 1 lb.

Wisdom Tooth - Though they can be crafted by mortals, most of these items are granted (planted into the mouth) by deities to faithful followers (some with strong fates are actually born with them). If not actually put into the mouth by a character's deity, anyone finding such a tooth can place it in his own mouth, where it will graft itself in the place of any missing tooth. It can be extracted at will by the owner (or by force by others). The tooth grants a +4 enhancement bonus to the Wisdom of the character when it is in his mouth, and once per week, the character can use it to answer questions as if under the auspices of a divination spell cast at 12th level. The answers originate from the character's mouth (as if he were speaking them), though he cannot know answers without vocalizing (and thus hearing) the answers. Caster level: 12th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, divination, miracle; Market price: 26,000 gp; Weight Negligible.

Yukata of Alertness - Most yukata are "evening robes" commonly worn after taking a bath, and fit for informal public appearances.  The original yukata of alertness was commissioned by a high-ranking daimyo of Nigashi who enjoyed evening strolls in his garden but feared assassination greatly.  The yukata adds a +8 enhancement bonus to Spot and Listen checks made by the wearer, and it grants a +4 resistance bonus to poison.  The yukata cannot be worn under armor, due to its full-body length.  The original did protect its owner for many years, foiling the plans of several would-be assassins.  Nevertheless, he fell in a violent end, the moral of the story being that one should always check the bath water before entering.  Caster level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item; Market price: 6500 gp.  Weight: 5 lb.  Yukata are commonly worn after an evening bath in Japan, though they probably have no magical properties.

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