The poetry on this page may contain ADULT content
and is intended for viewers of age 18 and older


Into the shadows

From the window I saw him falling ... I watched him as I stood there in confusion.
I never knew his name. I only knew that he seemed to have the control  that I never had.
He fell into his shadow.
As he fell our eyes met ... and he smiled.
For that one moment I knew Love.
He fell into his shadow & all that was left was the mangled desperation that he left behind.
Instant RED on the cold , hard concrete... where my own footsteps had been.

I remember his smile ... before he fell into his shadow.

©December 14,1998 by WiQued Kiss .

For a Moment..

Time kept you in my arms ... for a moment.
You were my world ... for that moment.
Though it seemed we would have that moment for eternity...
The moment as with any other time soon passed .
You were gone.

Through a distant image I see you smiling ... laughing... happy.
In your new time... in yor new moment... with your new Love.

And what pain will hold me in my moment... where time does pass .. but slowly.
In this moment I feel eternity.
My moment of Loss & Greiving... my new time... without you.

This moment without you seems forever...
Eternal anguish... Eternal sadness... Eternal hurt.

In THIS moment... I feel eternity.

© December 18,1998 by WiQued Kiss

Through the Darkness

Through the darkness I could not see you... you were hidden by the night.
Walking into the thick ebony... I could not see you...
Though I could feel u near me.
Watching me... endlessly.
Reaching out to you... searching for the familiar touch I once knew.
Fumbling blindly in the dark...
You were once my light... but no Longer do u shine for me.
You keep your distance...
Moving back ... as I move closer.
You will never let me see you ... I will never find you again...
but I will always feel u near me... in this endless darkness.

© December 18,1998 by WiQued Kiss

Perception of Deception

love is fleeting
though in a moment it can seem to last a lifetime
deception is incarnate
truth is within our own perception
what we perceive to deceive ... we are all wicked in our own rights
cold and callus thoughts and transference's to others; through word and deed
we give and share our wickedness
and in what might be seen as an innocent kiss
it soon becomes rough and hard
still tender in deception ... though drawing blood
so we believe we have given what has been taken
again ... our own perception...
and we have been deceived once more

© July 24, 2001 by WiQued Kiss


Blood is pretty when it's mine she said
and blood fell like tears when she cried
all i could do was feel her pain through her words....
and i could feel her tears through the endless miles and the night
Blood is pretty when it's mine she said
and her wisdom is boundless, but cannot find it's place within her
all i could do was give her mine to hold until her own would be found
Blood is pretty when it's mine she said
as she professed her love to one i could not feel worthy of her
but her blood... as her love... is her own and I will stand beside her
Blood is pretty when it's mine she said
and her pain falls from her like crimson satin.. soft and shining
all i could do was watch and listen while the beauty within her fell to the floor
Blood is pretty when it's mine she said
as these tender pains pulled her into the dark
all i could do in her weakness was give her my strength
until she finds her own, hiding quietly behind her heart
Blood is pretty when it's mine she said
her words.. her truth.. her pain
all i can do is give her mine.

© January 20, 2002 by WiQued Kiss


Blurs of color spinning by my head
Painted horses pounding into me as I fall to an endlessly turning floor.
What safe and pretty place this once was
Fantasy land for my heart and soul...
Now sounds of twisted metal all around me
Screeching distorted music pouring into my ears
I only hear the pain you are forcing into me
Let me off your Psycho Carousel
Your twirling world of chaos
Nothing stable to hold onto..
I fight to get to the standing seat.. bolted hard to the floor
Beautiful heart shaped and soft cushions...
The place where we first found each other
Only to find you have long ago ripped that place from your ride.
Crawling through a demented vision that was not meant to be mine.
I need safe haven...
Where is my sanctuary?
Spinning faster into oblivion...
Sharp and scolding metal burns my hands and knees
Leaving open.. never healing wounds
Tearing me apart
I cannot see anymore ... everything around me is collapsing
The colored carousel lights have exploded into my eyes,
Blinding me forever to the edge of this chaotic platform
Where my only salvation would be to jump
Falling to what might be the death of me...
The death of who I am
Escaping your Psycho Carousel
My stomach turns from this ride...
I need to escape this place you have trapped me in
A prisoner in an endless feeling of ILL
Let me go
Before everything I have taken in comes pouring out onto you
I jump believing safety will catch me
Only to land on a broken piece of mirror
Reflections once held happy smiling faces...
Now piercing my heart
I close my eyes.
The ride is over.

©December 8, 2001 by WiQued Kiss

The Taste of Lies

Blinded by the brightness falling from his lips
shining, lovely, sweet words
He held trust in his kiss
Calling to me, his mouth met mine
I was warm with the lies that covered his tongue
Like honey
warm and sweet ... sticky, gold...
His eyes closed and still he could see me
holding fast to his heart
taking him into me
His Breath giving me life.
His eyes blinding me with his own vision
I see what he wants me to see
I see what he will only let me see
My eyes are his... and my heart
forever lost in the deceit that faded into me.

© February 21,2002 by WiQued Kiss

~Crimson Kiss~

Desperate for truth I fell into his arms
He kissed me and the darkness was overwhelming
Fully aware of the danger he brought
I followed him to the ends of time
For his kiss
Crimson and Gold
His hands melted over my body like the rush of a wave
crashing into me
Passion set in
Crumbling in his arms like a shattered dream
Hopeless to find my way out of his web
and not wanting to leave
His cold pale skin like frosted glass
Painted lips and cinder eyes
The fire in his touch was unexpected
Giving into him I lay waiting for the moment of wakening
To live in his dream
His mouth following the curves of my body
Senses I had long forgotten erected in the cold night air
My heart pounding for the want of more
His fingers finding my heart not within my chest
Deep, Wet and Hot
In passions scream I was lost
His for all eternity .. in the madness he brought to me
Accepting him into me
Taking every pleasure he had offered
Anticipating every pain he could inflict
My body shuttered and fell into the deep painful kiss
Razors cut as he drank my life from me
I gave freely to him
my body... my blood... my heart and soul
Eternity melted away as I slipped into the bliss of his crimson kiss

©March 6,2002 by WiQued Kiss


I bled myself free of you tonight
warmth fell over my body as I let go of the past
you were in my thoughts as i crashed hard to the floor
stars surrounding me in quiet contemplation
reflecting on the loss of you
remembering a kiss that would never be
one lonely tear fell from my eye
and in that tear my love for you fell away
I smiled in my sad but honest cleansing
i lay there staring at the ceiling
cold tile holding my body
a blanket of red covering me
keeping me safe from the past and the pain
drifting away to a place where there was only comfort
I closed my eyes to the night
awakening to a new smile and a new touch
lifting my body into his arms
carrying me away to his world
where love is love ...
where pain does not exist
and I am not alone.

© april 11, 2002 by WiQued Kiss


thoughts of you in black and red
colors favored by your eyes
soft pale skin only likened to satin
lay before me in your wicked sin
fill me with the pleasures of hell
wrapped in gossamer wings
my demon lover in angelic guise
your tormented heart and lonely eyes
powered by the wants and needs
of what is so deserved by one so eternal
hold me in the passion of ancient dreams
as the oils of rituals long past touch my body
your fingers trace the rhythm of my dance
following me... yet leading me
to the place where you will make me yours
where i have been yours in lives before
no words needed... but heard beyond us
I am yours eternal
let me drown myself in you
take my breath away... only to give me your own
your life
filling me with everything that is you
you touch me where no one ever has
deep within me...you hold my heart
we are forever one ... even in distance
I feel only you inside me
I hear only your voice in the whispers of the wind
your kiss falls to my lips in the binding of our hearts
of our minds... of our lives
together we are the last powerful force of nature
beyond the crashes of lightening and thunder
storms of the heart we are

© May 12, 2002 by WiQued Kiss


...and the angels cried when they saw her broken wings
mangled and tattered she lay there
her heart lost in the insidious motions of a cruel joke
promises of truth brought only torment
a deceitful twist of fate
her eyes glazed with the pain that was beyond her wounds
betrayal of the worst kind
He that had the power to save her
Leaving her to rot in the pathetic visions of her own mind
her breath begins to fade
her eyes now dark
a lone crimson tear falls from her eye
what blood could have given her life now flees from her
holding his love in the perfect trail of red
that is left upon her cheek
staring into the nothing that was his legacy
all that remains of him...
dies within her
and the angels cry for their fallen sister
for her weakness is their own
and her emptiness comsumes them
and her death is their temptation
for she was the last hope
She was Hope... the angel of what is left to dream
and so her death is the death of all dreams
and what is left when there are no more dreams?

© June 15, 2002 by Tammie Miles


forget me ... not because I hurt you
forget me ... not because I love you
forget me ... not for the many times I made you cry
forget me ... not because I fell away from you

forget me...

because we found love in each other
love that will grow and be shared with others...
love that will last forever...
with or without the memory of me

forget me... not for making you miserable
forget me... not for being the whore that I am
forget me... not for being the whore that you wanted me to be
forget me... not because I ask you to
forget me ...because you need to.

©7/12/02 WiQued Kiss

~Funeral for My Heart~

like with love; pain grows slow....
slipping to depths unknown
calibrated moments of promise
fed to me like grapes off the vine
crisp and refreshing
what touch would feel as cool?
he that had reached within me ....
fresh and new...
tasting sweet as the nectar of life
but soured and spoiled in my mouth
promises broken and shattered
dreams become nightmares
soft kisses turn to vicious bites
ripped flesh ... torn from my body
my heart becomes a fragile shell
hard and broken ... frail
withstanding no touch
missing the warmth of life and love
memories of pulsing vitality
ever lost to the past...
to him
He was promised to be the one...
unchained and eternal
i would love him my whole life....
now mourn my untimely death.

© June 4, 2002 by WiQued Kiss

~Love is a Wicked Bitch~

Love is a wicked bitch
cold as she wants to be
hot when she needs you
fuck me while you suck the life out of me
and make me smile for the pain
lie to me and make me want more
Love is an obscene dream
lost in a fog of deception
trying to see with my hands
feeling like I am bumping into everything around me
I am blind to my surroundings
and choking from the thick cold damp
my skin is wet with everything evil and unclean
Love is a Vast Hole
dark and deep... unending emptiness
pulling me down into the thick black nothing
fuck me again in this dark place
love was once my salvation
now she laughs in my face at the fool I am
Love is a Wicked Fucking Bitch

© April 5, 2002 by WiQued Kiss

Where She Would Lay

Standing above herself
looking down to where she would lay
visions of what she had wanted passed before her...
now only wanting one moment of peace
she stood in her grace...
tears falling from her cold face
her tormented eyes
the wind tangling her hair
her tears melding the dark strands to her
in somber perfection
black dress flowing in a graceful sorrowful dance
mourning the loss of her
she is not gone... and yet she left herself long ago
contemplating the fall
she smiles at the last thought of him.
when she believed there was a chance for her own happiness
time moves in unpredictable phases
she waites
like an impetuous child
then like oceans of sands building the shore
her love was timeless
ageless in it's beauty... eternal in it's depth
looking down to where she would lay
waves of pain crashing down on the rocks of her soul
her strength being beaten away from her
little by little
she had become weak
it is her weakness that brings her to this cliff
looking down to where she would lay
taking the step that would take what is left of her life
falling into the peace that would make her complete
his face, her love, his smile that was only for her
until it would fade away from her
to shine for another
her shattered body lay upon the rocks...
quiet but for the sound of the waves
peace had found her in their perfection
and her smile as she lay there in her tattered beauty
made her seem complete

© 5-5-02 by WiQued Kiss

~welcome violation ~

Strobe lights flashing
neon glow
music pounding pulsing
my heart thumps in unison
hot rhythmic bodies moving to the sounds
lost in a trance of sexual tension
want me
need me
feel me
violate my skin with your touch
I invite you to a handful of me
dancing tight
i lose my breath in the madness
so close you are to me
who are you to me?
our sweat drips from us
mixing together
eyes closed
hands everywhere....
my thighs are wet with sweat and cum
a mouth on my shoulder
a tongue a crossed my chest
fingers pinching my hard nipples
my mind in oblivion
movement.... rhythm... dance
his hardness pressed against my ass
then his.. and his.. then hers
mmmm hard nipples pressed against my back
her hands wander freely
tracing me
touching me
feeling me
her lips smeared red and drenched with me
a strangers kiss... a welcome violation

© May 19, 2002 by WiQued Kiss

WiQued Kiss

~In WQued's Fade~      Distant Images

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