
Welcome to the official website for the Neopian Kraze! guild. We hope that this site not only will provide you with important guild-related information, but also with tips, tutorials, and more helping you to have a fun-filled and successful time on neopets.com.

.::Beauty Contest Spotlights::.

Each week I will feature a few well-drawn pics that have entered the BC, and ask that you vote if you like them. Please don't contact me asking me to feature you, if you have a good pic you will get the recognition you deserve ^_^

please vote for these pets: (clickie on the piccie)

Angalilic     Kieran_     TiPou28     Gimmo21

Other Weekly Spotlights

Here we will feature random neopet users...it may be for a great pet's page or a cool shop gallery.

Update: We are currently *NOT* accepting applications or requests to be featured on our homepage. The only way you will be featured is if a site staff member happens to come across something they feel should be featured :)

~none yet, check back soon~

You can also submit ideas, suggestions, and comments about our site by using our submission form

!~IMPORTANT~! This is a neopet helpsite. We do not take credit for any neopet images you see on this site. They are all copyright to neopets.com and it is unlawful to take any of these images from neopets.com without permission.

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