During the early era of Roman occupation in Britain, Roman Imperial powers soon realized the importance of the Druids in the society they were bringing under dominion. Amongst many things they were custodians of law as well as political advisors to Rulers. Underpinning this was their role as priests to the common people. Arresting this power was critical for the Roman Empire to gain a stronghold on their subjugates.

Under the rule of the Roman governor Suetonius Paulinus in 59AD, a strategic attack was made on the Isle of Mona. The primary reason given in history was to stop the flow of provisions to resistance fighting in the captured lands that lay to the East.

The critical task was to destroy the Druid�s center. After facing hard defences from the mountain tribes in North Wales, the Romans swung west to Mona. The victory of battle was theirs & it cost many Druid lives. Mona ended. The Priestesses of Mona who had stood proudly before the Roman foe with the Druids & defending forces, and lived, were raped. On this day the attempts by the Druids to provide a priestly role in accord with the paganism of the Continent failed. It was survival first henceforth.

The Destruction of Mona involved a deeper element of evil by the Roman invaders when the sacred priestesses of Mona were raped. Elsewhere in the Pagan world, women who were devotees of the Gods were sacrosanct. It is believed that the Romans regarded them less because they were not all, physical virgins. Many of the surviving women, who were shamed, cast themselves into the sea. Others bore their subsequent pregnancies and through their sons the Ravens were created. These Guerilla fighters stood for the defence of Britain for several hundred years.



The sons of Mona

In Her belt, New Britain flushes,

In Her name the Ravens call,

Gone are days of maidens blushes

Here them mime the raven�s cawl,

Cursed sons of blessed mothers

Weep for those who chose the other,

Then bear your sword without delay,

To the wolves of the saint days


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