ArcMan Productions

Meditation: "The process of learning
how to control the mind/soul (i.e., to rein
it in) and its emotion/thought (taking
its territory), to focus it, to concentrate
and then finally learning how also to make
it just shut up entirely, and listen intently
within (for that which this world knows
nothing of), all in the essential context
of interaction with the breath (not control
of, a critical difference), after completely
relaxing with a comfortable posture (back
straight and head aligned), though remaining
perfectly alert, always remembering to
discriminate between imagination & true
perception (keeping imagination hog-tied
and perceptions shelved for later),
continuing ever deeper & deeper within,
toward being & knowing beyond existence." --
     Again, go within, or go without,
in every sense of that phrase.

     Skills I have:
•Bindery Inserter •Cable CSR •Cable Technician
•Carpenter's Helper •Cement Finisher
•Cement Gunman •Collector
•Cosmological Theorist
•Desktop Publisher •Editor
•Forklift Driver •Information Specialist
•Lecturer •Mason's Helper
•Meditation Instructor •Newspaper Carrier
•Paste-Up Artist •Poet •Proofreader
•Researcher •Truck Driver (no semi's)
•Tutor •Professional Typographer (16 years)
•Website Designer (11 years)

Recommended Reading (to "get up to speed"):
     by James Gleick:
1. Chaos: Making a New Science
      (national bestseller)
     by Jose Arguelles:
2. The Mayan Factor:
    Path Beyond Technology
- 1987
3. Earth Ascending:
    An Illustrated Treatise on the Law
    Governing Whole Systems
- 1996
4. Time & The Technosphere:
    The Law of Time in Human Affairs
- 2002
     (no agreement here in worship of 'Hunab Ku')
     by Colin Andrews & Pat Delgado:
5. Circular Evidence: A Detailed Investigation
    of the Flattened Swirled Crops

     by Carlos Casteneda:
6. a. The Teachings of Don Juan, A Yaqui Indian Way of Knowledge;  b. A Separate Reality;  c. Journey to Ixtlan;  d. Tales of Power;
 e. The Second Ring of Power; etc.
    Etc., meaning: if you can get through these first several without losing your center. - Remember, there is no one "place" (or time) of "power." - [After having read the first chapter of the sixth book (The Eagle's Gift) because of that, I found it unnecessary and undesirable to read further. No, I am not a "sorcerer," just someone who is informed, and warned.]
Contact Information:
Name: Robbert Konradd Milliken
        (aka: MayarOwl)
Email: [email protected]
Blogs: Check out RK's Bloggetry©:

Unwilling until now, I am writing
my own book since I have obtained
a Mac PowerBook 1400c ($50)
and an iMac G3/333mHz 6G ($50).
I have 72 blogs through 3/24/08.
    I am also a teacher of meditation unlike any others "out there" anywhere. Contact me for your instruction, which will necessarily include the subject of the structure of the bodies of perception. Resonance is used to enable others to find within on their own.
     I am 55 years of age (2008) and started serious meditation in the fall of 1964. I know I can help you, but you have to decide. --
     Go within, or go without.

MayarOwl is the originator of Point Consciousness meditation (1970).

"Blind they go, toward end...
with new beginning utterly unseen.
Last to see them go...      melancholy fading..."

RK (ArcMan Productions)
[email protected]

To expand your knowledge outside the corporate mass media, check out my friend's raves against "the machine":

     Other websites of interest:
   "The Dulce Book" &
   "The Omega File"
     by Branton: -

Music RK listens to:
Duvet, by Boa; White Flag, by Dido; Purple, from the CD She; Watchtower, by Jimi Hendrix; Melancholy Man, by The Moody Blues; the 1st 51 secs of Bring Me to Life, by Evanescence
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