Mandate of Power Downtime Script
You must fill in
all fields!
Players Name:
Characters Name:
Date of Downtime:
Email adress:
Feeding grounds:
Tell where,when,how, and whom your character is feeding.  Mention whether or not your are licking the wounds after you feed, also whether you are just takeing a little off the top or draining your victims. As well as anyother you think is important.
Influences Being used: List the name and current rating of any Influences you will be using during the downtime.  Also list what action and how much AP you are putting into which action.
Backgrounds Being used: List any backgrounds your are takeing advantage of during the downtime.  If you are talking to contacts, having Allies do something, asking your mentor a question,spending resources, or anything else that falls under the  "backgrounds". List the background and its current rateing
Miscellaneous traits being used:  If you have a merit that is pertinent to what you are doing, if you are using an ability, if you are taking advantage of your Aura, or anything else that isn't a background or Influence but might be pertinent to your actions during the downtime.
Actions: List, in roughly chronological order (feel free to break everyting down by date and time if you wish)what you are doing.  If your action involves the use of one of the backgrounds, Influences, or other things mention which one pertains to this action and how it affects the action(s), if you are using your Influence as part all of an action, mention how many AP you are spending on it.
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