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275 Larkfield Road, East Northport     NY 11731
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...This is a great place full of fun and creativity. Lots of interesting merchandise... Great place for picking up interesting items for yourself or to give as gifts... Wizards will definitely help you expand your mind."

~Rose J.
~~About our classes...
The classes I have attended at Wizards are top notch. The subject matter that is covered is explained and covered in a simple, easy to understand way that is fun, exciting and interesting. There is no ego here or snobby rock star attitudes, Q is a thoughtful and devoted teacher who wants to empower you to fine tune and polish your own intuitions abilities and talents. And the price is right too. Check out WIZARDS!!
~Thomas H.
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Mon:  Closed
Tues:  Noon - 8:30pm
Wed:  Noon - 8:30pm
Thurs:  Noon - 8:30pm
Fri:  Noon - 9:30pm
Sat:  Noon - 9:30pm
Sun:  Noon - 7pm
Your question is anonymous- even to ME. If you desire a personal reply you must include contact info in your post.

Did you know... That Qumran is official clergy and can perform legally binding Marriages in New York State?
Question: Is being a wizard so different from "being an intuitive?"

Intuition is an innate ability that many, if not all, people possess to a greater or lesser degree - be they wizard or non-wizard.  Intuitives are considered to be either psychic or borderline psychic.  Some wizards are intuitive, others not so much so.  Strong intuition is not a requirement to be a wizard but it helps! There are intuitives in every tradition, religion and walk of life.

Question:  Why do you call yourself a 'wizard?'  Why not Witch, Warlock, or Cunning Man?

My path is that of the wizard.  It has been my way since I was 9 years old and it will be so until I pass from this world.  Although witch, wizard and even shaman derive from words meaing 'wise' or 'wise one' they are not synonyms.  There are subtle differences.  The wizard is often a spiritual person but not necessarily a religious one.  Typically he or she has a passion for learning, especially those things, that make the world function.  Understanding magick and the many other forces operating behind the scenes of daily life is a prime interest to the wizard, generally speaking.

Of course, I won't speak for other wizards but the words mentioned in your question simply don't fit me well.  Yes, I was initiated as a witch and served Wiccan-style covens for a couple of years, but I was still the wizard of the group even then.  Many witches are more religious than I am and many consider themselves Wiccan.  Strictly speaking, I am not Wiccan, although "witch" would apply to me well enough.  I am not a warlock.  Besides, warlock doesn't mean 'male witch,' as some people wrongly suppose.  "Cunning Man" is an archaic term hardly used anymore and it doesn't fully express what I am either.  Yes, Wizard (and, perhaps, sorcerer) suits me best.

Question: What does it take to be a wizard?

It takes someone with an open mind and a great desire to understand what makes the world and the universe 'tick.'   Being a wizard, a REAL wizard, is serious stuff.  You must be willing to be a life-long learner.  Never stop studying and applying your craft.  You must have a burning desire to master your chosen path and work at it until you get satisfactory results.

Read everything you can get your hands on.  There is both good information and a lot of crap out there.  You will see what is worthwhile by sampling many different things.  Learn from people who have lived the wizard lifestyle and are willing to share their knowledge with you.  Then, practice, practice, practice.

QuestionCan you be born a wizard?

This question was already answered previously.  I reprint the answer below for your convenience.

There are wizards and witches that inherit their spiritual abilities genetically.  Having said that, let me make this one thing crystal clear:  even when people are born with power or skills they are not automatically witches or wizards. Both witch (wicce) and wizard (wiz) are from similar root words that mean "wise."  People are not born with wisdom, so, technically speaking, wizards are not born, they must be made or cultivated.  This requires study and practice to make the most of one's natural abilities, whatever they are.

If you are not a so-called "natural witch," not to worry!  We are ALL surrounded by a universal energy that reacts to us.  You can learn the appropriate techniques.  Of course, like every other skill people might learn, natural, inborn ability is a big plus.  Learn where YOUR talents are  and develop them!

QuestionAre John R. And I going to be together ALWAYS?

Thank you for your question.  Unfortunately, this forum is not the place for questions of this sort.  Your question asks for a prediction of the future.  If you would like to make an appointment or a psychic reading call Wizards at 631-757-7571.

Question: Hasn't human-kind already evolved beyond the pagan and superstitious in the modern age? Fairies, and wizards, and spirits oh MY.

Excellent question!  The answer, however, is more complex than you you might imagine at first glance.  I'll do my best to be brief.

The short answer is, NO, humans have not evolved beyond pagan superstitions in this modern age.  But there's more to the story.  First we should acknowledge that modern day pagans (myself included) are not like pagans of ancient times.  Secondly, we must realize that having a spiritual viewpoint or concept that is an alternative to mainstream religions is not reason to conclude that we have not evolved.  Would you also ask Christians or Jews why they haven't evolved beyond their beliefs?  It's something to think about.

Believing in a spiritual realm complete with non-physical creatures or entities does not necessarily mean we are behind the times.  In actual fact, the OPPOSITE may very likely be closer to the truth;  we pagans may be a bit ahead of the curve scientifically speaking.  How can this be?  Consider this, if you will:  the very cutting edge of scientific exploration today strongly suggests that as many as 11 different and totally invisible dimensions co-exist alongside our own.  This theory has been  put forth by the greatest scientific minds of our generation, including none other than Stephen Hawking himself!  Alternate realities and unseen dimensions are not the stuff of fantasy anymore.

Today we pagans are quite comfortable with all of our high-tech toys and gizmos, instantaneous global communication, quantum physics, nano-robots, GPS, you name it.  Modern pagans have "evolved" in many ways.  For example, ancient pagans believed the moon WAS an actual goddess.  They believed the sun WAS the god.  Today most pagans will tell you that the sun and moon are symbols of the male and female manifestations of SPIRIT.  Today's pagans see the GREAT SPIRIT as the foundation of all matter in the universe.  Ancient pagans believed each rock, tree, river and mountain had it's own spirit and they chose to worship many of them.  The ancients lived in constant dread of displeasing these lesser spirits and offered animal and even human sacrifices to appease them.  It is rare to find modern pagans with those views.

Finally, pagans believe there IS a spiritual universe unseen to the naked eye.  It is an infinitely larger realm than we cannot yet see with our current technology.  We believe in entities that move and exist in that realm and that we can interact with.  We believe spiritual laws and realities affect our lives in the same way that gravity or inertia affect the material world.  Some people call these beliefs silly superstitions but as Stephen Hawking and many other prominent scientists are beginning to see, there is more to the universe than meets the eye.

Question: Have you ever got mad at someone and took their powers away?

If by "powers" you mean the magickal powers of another person, the answer is no.  If you're asking if I ever removed someone's power to HURT me or a loved one I am protecting, then the answer is yes.  Taking a person's magickal powers away is certainly possible but it would require damaging them so severely that they could no longer think or focus their minds.  As long as you are alive and can think clearly you are part of a universe that will respond to the energy you are sending "out there."

Understand that there are consequences to your actions in the wizarding world just as there are in your mundane everyday life.  In fact, with greater power - especially magickal power - there is greater responsibility.  When it comes to magick and other kinds of energy work (we should not imagine that magick is the only way to wield great power) there is an almost unlimited potential to do things.  You can go the entire gamete from doing great good to horrific badness- including taking ALL of an enemy's powers away by killing him.  If you decide your path includes doing someone harm in this way, you are in store for much pain and sadness yourself.  The universe works like a giant mirror, reflecting back to you what you send out.  You might as well take a gun and shoot yourself in the foot.  It WILL hurt.

A word to the wise is sufficient.  Most true wizards and witches are smart enough not to engage in negative magicks unless there is no other choice.

Question:  How do you become a wizard?

The first thing you should ask yourself is 'WHY do I want to be a wizard?'  Is it because you have read Harry Potter and think it would be cool to blast giant spiders with a magic wand?  Is it because you like the way wizards dress and look in movies and paintings?  Do you want to become a wizard because you believe people will treat you with more respect... even be a little afraid of you?  Well, if the answer to any of these questions is 'yes' you need to think very carefully about your decision.  Allow me to explain.

There are many things that are wonderful about being a wizard but most people don't understand what a wizard's life is really like.  Naturally, they watch TV and movies and get an idea about us wizards that is half fact, half fiction.  For example, yes, we wear terrific robes, tunics and use cool equipment like a magick wand, staff, herbs, empowered crystals, stones and such.  Yes, we do powerful magick and have much fun working with all kinds of skills we develop and use along the way.  Those are the facts.  Here is the fiction.  We do NOT fight giant spiders using short Harry Potter like phrases said in Latin to make them sound more magical.  We do NOT flick a wand and poof! brooms and mops begin doing the house cleaning or us!  We use natural, universal energies and the universe does not encourage laziness!

To answer your question directly, you become a wizard by study, learning and practice of your craft.  If you want to be an herbal wizard you would study the appropriate plants and learn how they can be used in potions, infusions, rituals or magical sachets.  If you want to be a wizard of Astrology, obviously, you would study the subject thoroughly until you gained mastery of your area of knowledge.  You would learn everything there is to know about sun signs, houses, aspects, ascendants, transits and all the rest.  If you want to be a master of magick and the unseen spiritual world you must study and practice what you learn until you are able to produce the results you seek.

Question: I don't remember much of my childhood due to a traumatic experience and want to remember everything.... What do you recommend? (I've already tried therapy and don't believe in hypnosis because of "false memories.")
(question edited for clarity)

It sounds like this question would be better handled by a qualified mental health professional.  Wisdom is a wizards trademark.  Sometimes the wisest thing you can say is "I don't know."  I appreciate your question but I am not qualified to answer it.

You say you've already tried therapy but don't trust hypnosis.  There are, however, other methods of retrieving buried memories (for example, journaling, roleplaying, recording a conversation with yourself, auto-suggestion- particularly prior to falling off to sleep, studying old pictures of yourself or other pertinent places, people, etc.) .  I suggest you BOTH seek out professional counsel on this matter and try to find a therapist that will be sensitive to your objections to hypnosis.

Here are a few links that might be helpful.  Best wishes to you!

Question: Have you ever stumbled upon a person whom you knew was oblivious of their own magickal ways, and if so, how did you proceed?

I have known MANY people like that.  It makes me want to shake them by the shoulders and say "CONGRATULATIONS!"  In my humble opinion it is a wonderful thing to have magickal abilities and have all kinds of cool and unusual experiences. There is, however, a temptation to put these people on the fast track to the magickal life.  I resist this temptation.  They may not be ready to go to the next level and it's not mine to decide that.

There is seldom a need for me to insert myself into another person's spiritual development.  If they desire something from me, are afraid of their gift or don't understand it, they usually ask for my help.  If I can help, I will. If they do not ask for anything I mind my own business.

Question:  Is one born a wizard (or witch) or is a wizard (or witch) made?

There are wizards and witches that inherit their spiritual abilities genetically.  Having said that, let me make this one thing crystal clear:  even when people are born with power or skills they are not automatically witches or wizards. Both witch (wicce) and wizard (wiz) are from similar root words that mean "wise."  People are not born with wisdom, so, technically speaking, wizards are not born, they must be made or cultivated.  This requires study and practice to make the most of one's natural abilities, whatever they are.

If you are not a so-called "natural witch," not to worry!  We are ALL surrounded by a universal energy that reacts to us.  You can learn the appropriate techniques.  Of course, like every other skill people might learn, natural, inborn ability is a big plus.  Learn where YOUR talents are  and develop them!

Question: Does that Wizard costume make you more of a Wizard?

No, it does not.  First of all, the garment shown in my picture is a ceremonial robe, not a costume.  It is a serious part of a wizard's ritual and magickal paraphernalia and it is custom made for each wizard according to his or her chosen path.

It is one's belief or faith in a certain spiritual truth that makes one a wizard.  A person becomes a wizard after long study and practice in order to hone 'the Craft,' whether that craft be magick or other wizardly pursuits such as astrology, healing works, lore master or any number of other areas of study.

Question: Do you have magic powers?

I have NATURAL powers that allow me to do various kinds of magick and energy works.  In my opinion EVERYONE can learn to develop their own powerful skills given the proper instruction.  Of course, just like no two people have the same skills and abilities, magick is not for everyone.  If you would like to learn more about what magick is and how to use it in your life I suggest you proceed with caution and learn as much as they can from responsable sources BEFORE you try doing magick or contacting unseen entities.  At Wizards I offer a whole series of classes designed to help people learn to work with nature's energies.

Question: Do you do readings and when?

Yes, I do a variety of genuine readings. I do Tarot card, psychic, photograph and aura readings.  There are many charlatans and pretenders out there doing so-called readings. These people give those of us who do true, genuine spiritual work a bad name.  I guess you have cheaters and frauds in every profession.  When I read someone I use no tricks, I ask NO information of you except your name and I don't make statements that could apply to everyone.  I don't claim to be infallible but I offer whatever spirit gives me to pass on to you.

I am available to do readings 6 days a week - by advance appointment.  Sundays you can just walk in and, provided I am not already occupied otherwise, you will receive a reading.  Please notice our posted hours.  All readings are $40 regardless of the time it takes.  The average Tarot card reading is about 30 to 45 minutes long.  For common questions click here

Question: Are wizards real?

Yes, wizards are real.  I am one of  MANY genuine wizards.  The ancient origin of the word wizard comes from 'wis,' an old English word meaning 'wise.'  Every true wizard becomes wise in his or her chosen field by means of study, practice and persistence.  There's always more to learn!  A true wizard is a life-long learner and perfecter of his craft.

In case you were wondering, yes, we practice magick.  Of course, some people believe it is a bad thing to work with magick but I disagree.  Magick, like any other force or energy, is neutral and it is the USE to which it is put that can be either good or bad.  For example, a kitchen knife is neither good nor bad.  If you use it to prepare dinner for your family that is a GOOD thing.  If you use the same knife to stab someone that is a BAD thing.  In my opinion, power is not evil in and of itself.  It is the MISUSE of power that is bad.

There is a brand new archive page being created for this "Ask The Wizard" feature.  If you visited this website during all last week you would have seen the answer to another similar question, "What does being a wizard mean?"   The answer to this and all other questions I answer will be posted there once it comes off the main page.

Visit again to peruse the new archive page that will appear here very soon.
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First time at Wizards...

Being something of a musician, when I heard the buzz about there being a new store opening on Larkfield Road that would have regular open mic nights, I was giddy.

The first time I actually entered the store was to inquire about them, and what days and times they would be. Upon stepping in the doorway, a wave of excitement came over me. The furniture and displays in the store were expertly spread out, offering a variety of merchandise and the golden yellow walls provided an extremely welcoming and endearing feel. Half of the store was merchandise and showcases, while the other half provided a more homely feel, adorned with couches, coffee tables and candles. Already I was falling in love with Wizards.

When I asked the woman at the desk when they'd be, I received a polite, yet enthusiastic response about how they weren't sure yet, but if I signed up for the mailing list, I'd be the first to know. We exchanged names and she commented on my earring, and I thanked her and left the store, taking with me that sense of excitement I'd received upon entering.

A few days later, I got word they would be starting the open mics on Saturdays, and I made sure I had nothing to do when the next Saturday rolled around. At 7 PM I walked into Wizards, guitar in hand and signed up on "The List". I immediately noticed a change when I turned towards the second half of the room. All of the candles were lit and most of the overhead lights were off, save for a small floodlight, aimed towards the performing area.

The thing I noticed next were the colors. In a lamp on the right, there was a red bulb, which made for a beautiful sunburst effect of bright red-to-orange-to-yellow. The next thing I noticed was that the hallway leading to the back of the store was lit a bright blue. This surrounded the reddish-pink exit sign, and the contrast of the two had a profound effect on me. I knew then that the store would become my second home, and exactly why it was called a "strangely unique place".

~ Scott W.

What is "Open Mic Night?"  Sing, Play music, recite Poetry, meet new friends!  It's FREE!
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The Witch's Cottage

Cathy and I are creating a terrific new section at the store called "The Witch's Cottage."  The goal is to supply you with all your ritual and magickal needs at one location.  This will be especially helpful for anyone who is serious about the "Craft of the Wise."

We expect to have "The Witch's Cottage" completed in 3 weeks.
Thank you all for making our
East Northport Festival
A terrific SUCCESS!!
Sunday, Sept. 20th @ 4pm

$5.00 donation
The Mabon Sabbat is considered a time of balance, and a celebration of the Second Harvest.  At this time of the year we should stop and survey our personal harvests that each of us has brought in over the season. For us, not unlike our ancestors, this becomes a time for giving thanks for the successes we have worked so hard to achieve.

Join us here at Wizards for this harvest festival of thanks.
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