World Wide Registry

Log of Abuses
Dear Birthmother
Dear Birthmother Letter
Dear Adoptive Parent

Webring for Searches and Support:


Florida Registries
Florida Torn Asunder

General Registries
Seeking Someone?


Welcome to the World Wide Registry. If you are pregnant and considering adoption, please read this.

If you are considering adopting a child, please read this.

This is a service for adoptees as well as biological families who are searching for their relatives.

Currently, this is an offline database. If you would like to register to the list serv, and post your information, use the form at the bottom of the page.

I started this list because I see so many good list servs and websites devoted to searching, however, they aren't linked together. It is my hope to link them. There are also so many conditions with being a part of a group, or with the search itself. I'd like to move beyond that.

It is also my hope not only to help with a database, but to share information on local search and support groups who can assist each individual.

My own experience is that I am a mom who has lost my daughter to adoption.

Peace on your journey.

Here is some reading and support information for people who've lost their child or children to adoption. Also for those considering to adopt. Adoption Crossroads - This is a good site for finding support and search groups all over the world. They also have a chat available at 11pm eastern time every nite.

Here is a logof abuse that happens to adoptees.

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