Click on your Favorite HG member to view their Bio.

Listen to Heather Grey at: Reverb


JOIN OUR YAHOO CLUB to see more pictures and get access to our songs for free!


This just in...

We are now selling songs in Mp3 format. If you want to help the band stay a float, please click on the MP3 link above and help us by buying a song or two. The proceeds do not go to any charities directly (unless Budweiser supports a charity on their own) but it will help us with the costs for recording sessions and to get on the road some day. Thank you very much!




Now you can add us on Myspace!
The critics are talking!



For More info write to us at:

 [email protected]

Our band's name is registered with Is yours?



    No shows this week, please come back soon.    

Click here to see a list of past shows.

Show prices and details are subject to change without a notice to us or any one! Doesn't that suck?




Hello everyone! Thank you very much for visiting our web-site. Some of you may have gotten here through myspace or some of our other web appearances and we are glad you came to this page. We have not played any shows in recent years due to the fact that some of us are going to school trying to get our degrees established. We have indeed been writing songs in our free time so you just might be able to hear them soon. For those of you who are on Myspace, be sure to add us at we check those messages regularly so it won't take long to have us on your list of friends. We have most of our released music online now. If you want to buy a track through SNOCAP just go to the MP3 page and buy one, they are only 99 cents! You can also find us on where you can download some MP3's of our songs. We are currently in the studio digitally re-recording our first album To Those Who See, and our second album Morbid Thoughts Dreams And Wishes. Soon we will have available demos of other recordings we have done with other great musicians such as Michael Esparza, Andrew McRae, Jason McNutt, and Fernando Gonzalez. If any one has any comments please feel free to write to our email address below. We also have a Yahoo club located at Join it to have access to our chat room in which we tend to make appearances from time to time to discuss stuff about the band. We might also put together an online Journal some time in the future so every one can read what were up to. As soon as our album is ready it may be sold on this site, so keep checking the site for updates on the albums. Look into Albert's page now to see cool pics and links of other non-band related stuff. Each member should be putting up information about themselves in the near future, so come back periodically and see if we've posted anything new!

Look in the shows section of the web site for some up coming shows.

To become a registered fan, just give us your email through the widget below. Click on the box below it where it says " Join Street team" only if you are serious about becoming a Street-Team member. Otherwise leave it blank.

Thank you very much for visiting, We promise we'll be back soon!



Lets Switch Buttons!  If you want to trade web buttons or if you just simply want to be nice and put a link button for our site in your site, Copy this button and put it some where in your site. We only ask that you let us know if you do so. We would love to know who is helping bring us some traffic.

HG proudly records at: BETOSTUDIOS

Copyright 2004

Beto Studios


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