Updated: June 2005
m a n
w o m a n
m o d e l
s t u f f
m o r e...
g a l l e r y
v o t e
g u e s t
l i n k
a b o u t
s e a r c h

Yeah we know that 'beauty-is-in-the-eye-of-the-beholder' crap, but like everything else there has to be some standard. And it has to be real, doubtless, genuine and pure. It is a world of inconsistencies, not everybody gets everything. Some may have it. Others may have some other form of it. Beauty resides in everyone, for sure. Unfortunately, not good looks. There is no absolute criterion for this, but, as always, man is resourceful. So we made a list of bases for someone to become part of this elite group from this humble site. As vain as it may appear, we greatly focused on the face, because that's what this is all about. Visibility is also taken into account which is really expected. So, let us celebrate beauty and remember that perfection exists in this world.
photo: greg kessler

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