




A Wonderful Mother GOD made a wonderful mother,

A mother who never grows old;
He made her smile of the sunshine,
And He molded her heart of pure gold;
In her eyes He placed bright shining stars,
In her cheeks, fair roses you see;
God made a wonderful mother,
And He gave that dear mother to me.

--Pat O'Reilly

Motherhood The dearest gifts that heaven holds,

The very finest, too,
Were made into one pattern
That was perfect, sweet, and true;
The Angels smiled, well-pleased, and said:
"Compared to all the others,
This pattern is so wonderful
Let's use it just for Mothers!"
And through the years, a Mother
Has been all that's sweet and good
For there's one bit of God and love,
In all true Motherhood.

--Helen Steiner Rice

Mother Is A Word Called Love

MOTHER is a word called LOVE
And all the world is mindful of
The love that's given and shown to others
Is different from THE LOVE OF MOTHERS…
For Mothers play the leading roles
In giving birth to little souls,
For though 'small souls' are heaven-sent
And we realise they're only lent,
It takes a Mother's loving hands
And her gentle heart that understands
To mould and shape this little life
And shelter it through storm and strife…
No other love than MOTHER LOVE
Could do the things required of
The one whom God gives the keeping
Of His wee lambs, awake or sleeping,
So Mothers are a 'special race'
God sent to earth to take His place,
And MOTHER is a lovely name
That even SAINTS are proud to claim.

--Helen Steiner Rice

A Mother's Love Is a Haven In the Storms of Life

A mother's love is like an island
in life's ocean vast and wide-
A peaceful, quiet shelter
from the restless, rising tide.
A mother's love is like a fortress,
and we seek protection there
When the waves of tribulation
seem to drown us in despair.
A mother's love is a sanctuary
where our souls can find sweet rest
From the struggle and the tension
of life's fast and futile quest.
A mother's love is like a tower
rising far above the crowd,
And her smile is like the sunshine
breaking through a threatening cloud.
A mother's love is like a beacon
burning bright with faith and prayer,
And through the changing scenes of life
we can find a haven there.
For a mother's life is fashioned
after God's enduring love-
It is endless and unfailing
like the love of Him above.
For God knew he couldn't be everywhere,
So He put His little children
in a loving mother's care.

--Helen Steiner Rice

A Mother's Love

A Mother's love is something
that no on can explain,
It is made of deep devotion
and of sacrifice and pain,
It is endless and unselfish
and enduring come what may
For nothing can destroy it
or take that love away . . .
It is patient and forgiving
when all others are forsaking,
And it never fails or falters
even though the heart is breaking . . .
It believes beyond believing
when the world around condemns,
And it glows with all the beauty
of the rarest, brightest gems . . .
It is far beyond defining,
it defies all explanation,
And it still remains a secret
like the mysteries of creation . . .
A many splendoured miracle
man cannot understand
And another wondrous evidence
of God's tender guiding hand.

--Helen Steiner Rice

Mothers are Memories That Last Forever

We're more honest than two people can be
in front of you - I can be me.
When I was very young
you seemed so old
I always had to listen
to what I was told.

But now that I'm older
I finally understand
what you had to say
made me what I am.

I want you to know
how lucky I feel
that what we have
is so very real.

All of the memories of the past
will last forever
They'll see me through my future
as a cherished treasure

--Beth Isenberg


Mum, you're such an inspiration

"A life is measured by the joy it brings to others."

There are people who know
the true meaning of caring
And give of themselves
in the spirit of sharing
As they live life with
love in their hearts.

There are people who smile
with each passage, each season,
Who understand change
has a purpose and reason,
And they carry that hope
in their hearts.

There are people who value
the simplest of treasures
And recognise beauty and worth
in small pleasures
While they hold lasting joy
in their hearts.

The example of your life
is so inspiring to me
Because of the way
you live each day
in peace and harmony.

--Emily Matthews

Thinking of You Mum - with Love

on Mothers Day and Always

Despite my good intentions
and the promises I've made
to stop and take the time
to keep in touch,
I've let life get so busy,
special moments have slipped by
when I could have been with those
who mean so much…

But especially today,
I hope you know within your heart
how much you mean to me
the whole year through,
For as busy as my days may get,
there's not a single one
that goes by
without a loving thought of you.
Wishing you a Wonderful Mothers Day

--Emily Matthews


You Mean so much to me...

Mother, you brought me up so lovingly,
with so much thought and care,
and set a fine example
that I'm always proud to follow.
You did the things that counted...
things I'm thankful for today.

You have always given so unselfishly...
the values you've taught me,
the sacrifices you've made for me,
the confidence you have given me
have all contributed to
make my life happy and full.

You helped me and encouraged me
to do my very best,
preparing me and showing me the way to
handle problems in life.

And when things weren't working out
and I was very worried,
you cheered me and inspired me
to make a new beginning...
You understood and gave me hope
as no one else could do.

Mother, in a world of uncertainty,
nothing means more than knowing
your love and loyalty
only grow stronger.

--Larry S. Chengges


You always believed in me...
I have so many reasons
to thank you mother,
for taking good care of me
when I was young.

For letting me know,
time and again,
that I could turn
to you for support -
but most of all,
because you always
believed in me.

There were times when
my disappointments filled me
with self-doubt,
when I started to wonder
whether I'd ever reach
any of my goals.

But those were the times
when you encouraged me.
You told me that
I was a special person,
with character and abilities
to help me succeed.

You made me feel good
about myself and
inspired me to
keep on trying.

I believe in myself now
because you've always
believed in me.

Thank you Mum,
I love you.

--Larry S. Chengges


Mother our relationship is so special to me...

I hope that you know
how very much I love you,
and how much I appreciate
all that you have done for me...

Mother, I'm glad that we
can be open and honest
with each other,
and I'm thankful that
theres nothing we can't talk about.

I'm glad that you've loved me enough
to let me choose my own dreams,
and I'm thankful that you've
offered me understanding
when I've made mistakes.

I'm glad that you've loved me enough
to allow me the room I need to grow,
and I'm thankful that
we've grown closer.

I'm glad that we have such a
loving relationship, and
I am thankful that
you are my mother.

--Donna Newman


From seeds
You watered us.

As we sprouted
You helped us grow
With the warmth
Of your radiant love.

Along the way
You trimmed us
To keep us safe
From Harm.

When we grew out of
Our little pods,
You replanted us,
Where you gave us hope
And showed us faith
That we may be able
To do for others
As you did for us.

-- Jim Little

M - O - T - H - E - R"

"M" is for the million things she gave me,
"O" means only that she's growing old,
"T" is for the tears she shed to save me,
"H" is for her heart of purest gold;
"E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining,
"R" means right, and right she'll always be,
Put them all together, they spell
A word that means the world to me.

--Howard Johnson (c. 1915)

When You Have a Mother

When you have a mother
who cares so much for you
that anything you want
becomes her desires
When you have a mother
who is so understanding that
no matter what is bothering you
she can make you smile
When you have a mother
who is so strong that
no matter what obstacles she faces
she is always confident in front of you
When you have a mother
who actively pursues her goals in life
but includes you in all her goals
you are very lucky indeed
Having a mother like this
makes it easy to grow up
into a loving, strong adult
Thank you for being this kind
of wonderful mother

--Susan Polis Schutz

I Love you Forever Mum

You have shown me how to give of myself
You have shown me leadership
You have taught me to be strong
You have taught me the importance of family
You have demonstrated unconditional love
You have demonstrated a sensitivity to people's needs
you have handed down to me the important values in life
You have handed down to me the idea of achieving one's goals
You have set an example, throughout your life
of what a mother and woman should be like
I am so proud of you
and I love you

--Susan Polis Schutz

T o My Mother

For as long as I can remember
you were always by my side
to give me support
to give me confidence
to give me help
For as long as I can remember
you were the person
I looked up to
so strong
so sensitive
so pretty
For as long as I can remember
and still today
you are everything
a mother should be
For as long as I can remember
you always provived stability
full of laughter
full of tears
full of love
Whatever I become
is because of you
and I thank you
forever for our relationship

--Susan Polis Schutz


Whenever I have a problem, it
becomes our problem.
You support me in whatever decisions I make,
and even when I'm wrong, you stand beside me
because you realise that's when I
need you the most.
Your belief in me is so strong
that you've made me believe in myself.
Even though I am no longer a child,
you are still helping me to grow.
I can always depend on you,
not just because you're my mother,
but because you're also my friend.

--Sheilah D. Street


The memories are still there-
the time I bumped my knee,
and you came running
to bandage my heart
and wipe my salty tears...
the time I failed my test,
and you told me
it wasn't the end of the world,
that I would do better next time...
the time I made the wrong decision,
and you gave me my freedom
to learn from my mistake,
never holding it against me...
Yes, the memories are still there-
memories of an exceptional mother
always understanding, always loving,
always caring,
and always there when I need you most.

--Jeri Sweany

To Mother with Love

You are always there
whenever I need you.
Caringly, patiently, and lovingly,
you showed me right from wrong.
You helped me to develop values
that become the solid foundation
upon which I continue to build.
Not only did you offer encouragement,
but you also cheered and praised me
on to success.
Because you made me feel
special and important,
I have been able to regard myself
with respect and know
that I am a worthwhile individual.
Many passing seasons have caused me
too see and understand more clearly,
and to more fully appreciate
the constancy of your guidance.
Thank you, Mother, for giving me
a priceless heirloom - your love.

--Lenore Turkeltaub

"Happy Mother's Day" Means More

"Happy Mother's Day" means more
Than have a happy day.
Within those words lie lots of things
We never get to say.

It means I love you first of all,
Then thanks for all you do.
It means you mean a lot to me,
And that I honor you.

But most of all, I guess it means
That I am thinking of
Your happiness on this, your day,
With pleasure and with love.

--Nick Gordon

Our Mother Is the Sweetest

Our mother is the sweetest and
Most delicate of all.
She knows more of paradise
Than angels can recall.

She's not only beautiful
But passionately young,
Playful as a kid, yet wise
As one who has lived long.

Her love is like the rush of life,
A bubbling, laughing spring
That runs through all like liquid light
And makes the mountains sing.

And makes the meadows turn to flower
And trees to choicest fruit.
She is at once the field and bower
In which our hearts take root.

She is at once the sea and shore,
Our freedom and our past.
With her we launch our daring ships
Yet keep the things that last.

--Nick Gordon

Just Mom To Me

You have always been an angel
to care for me,
always someone beyond special
who saw to all my needs,
you were there my first moment
and then taught me all about love
and my life will be spent
hoping I've learned enough.

You have always been a sweet voice
with your loving words,
always making the right choice
in all that I've heard,
you've made me listen
when you said dreams can come true,
and I'm so glad I listened
for I've dreamt my whole life through.

You have always given me a smile
when you saw me come into view
and your smile is so beautiful
bringing out the glow of you,
you've always seemed so concerning
when your eyes looked at me,
I love that you've been my friend
instead of just mom to me.

You have always been my strength,
being the thought that drives me on,
you have always been my peace
bringing my life a calm,
you have always been the reason
that I feel loved everyday
for you gave your heart and love to me
guiding me to what I am today.

--Dan Metz


You've given us so very much
in many special ways
In gentle words of comfort
and in loving words of praise
In taking time to talk awhile,
in trying to understand
In sharing in our greatest Joys,
in helping when you can
And the thoughtfulness you always show
in everything you do
makes you the kind of mother
dearly treasured all year through.

--Author Unknown


I appreciate the many prayers
you've whispered during
the worst moments in my life,
and the many hopes for my success
in all that I dreamed of.

I appreciate the kind wishes
that would make me so happy
and fulfilled,
and the gentle words
of encouragement
that were meant to strengthen
my quests.

I appreciate the moments of sorrow
you experienced during my failures,
and the little gestures of kindness
that always made me feel better.

I appreciate your acceptance,
your ability to understand,
and the sincere friendship
that always gave me such security.

I appreciate the wisdom
of all the lessons you taught,
and the meaning behind the words
"unconditional love."

I appreciate all you've done --
every word and gesture.
I know you've been the best there is --
a mother beyond all compare.

For all you've done...
thank you, Mom.
For all that you are...
I love you.

--Author Unknown


You're someone very special in my life

You've always tried to help make everything right with my world.

You've been there to laugh with me,
to be proud of me,
and to be happy for all the good things in my life.

And even more importantly,
you've shared my dissapointments,
and listened as I worked out my thoughts and feelings,
about things that have troubled me.

You're a very important part of my world, and you always will be.

So I want to thank you now,
and tell you that I hope everything will always be right with your world too -
because I love you.

--Author Unknown


Mother You filled my days with rainbow lights,
fairytales and sweet dream nights,
A kiss to wipe away my tears,
Gingerbread to ease my fears.
You gave the gift of life to me,
And then in love, you set me free.
I thank you for your tender care,
for deep warm hugs and being there.
I hope that when you think of me,
A part of you, you'll always see.

Beautiful Hands

SUCH beautiful, beautiful hands,
They're neither white nor small;
And you, I know, would scarcely think
That they were fair at all.
I've looked on hands whose form and hue
A sculptor's dream might be,
Yet are these agéd wrinkled hands
Most beautiful to me.

Such beautiful, beautiful hands!
Though heart were weary and sad
These patient hands kept toiling on
That the children might be glad.
I almost weep when looking back
To childhood's distant day!
I think how these hands rested not
When mine were at their play.

Such beautiful, beautiful hands!
They're growing feeble now,
And time and pain have left their mark
On hand, and heart and brow.
Alas! alas! the nearing time--
And the sad, sad day to me,
When 'neath the daisies, out of sight,
These hands must folded be.

But, oh! beyond the shadowy lands,
Where all is bright and fair,
I know full well these dear old hands
Will palms of victory bear;
When crystal streams, through endless years,
Flow over golden sands,
And where the old are young again,
I'll clasp my mother's hands.

Perfect Mother

I'm not the perfect mother,and this I know is true
I never really took the time to tell you I love you,
I always wanted perfect,the bedrooms and the plates
I never really took the time to stop and appreciate.
I always was too busy,I never really looked,
I expected way too much from you,
even made you read your own books.
I know you saw the mothers who made lemonade and cakes,
who always really took the time to stop and to relate.
You all are young men now i know its much to late.
I wish I was the mother who stopped to make a date.
To make a date to be there,to giggle and to play,
to only worrie what else to do and never hesitate.
I know I hardly said it but this I know is true:
I hope you do believe me when I say that I love You!

-- Mother --

The voice of comfort after a hard day;
Your keeper of secrets;
The person in your eyes who contains the power
to turn a winter day into a warm summery hideaway;
A person with boundless patience,
And the model of perfection in your eyes
Your warm security blanket made out of love;
The one with the power to spin wondrous tale
of stories;
She contains the golden ladder to climb safely out of a
nightmarish dream
To me, and more, all this you shall see in a mother

My Treasure - For Mom
by Kit McCallum

I look back on these years
To see how far I've come and grown,
I take a trip down memory lane,
And what I see has shown ...

That every step I've taken,
You have been there by my side ...
From infancy to adulthood,
We've stood the test of time.

You cradled me and nurtured me,
Through all these many years;
You held me and did comfort me,
Through happiness and tears.

You'd pick me up when I would fall,
You'd dust me off and then,
Encourage me to get back on
That horse and ride again.

Your constant care and loving,
And your warm inviting heart,
Has always been a treasure that
I knew would n'er depart.

If I could be "just half" the person
You have been to me ...
Then you have taught me well dear mom,
For in my heart I see ...

A woman whose most gentle soul,
Embraces me each day ...
A woman whom I dearly love,
Much more than words can say.

by Nicole Garcia

When I was little and I cried
You lovingly held me, and let the last tear fall,
When I would scrape my knee
You'd bandage it up and say "be careful".
When my birthday was horrible, you smiled
And promised the next would be perfect.
When I would lose my temper,
You had a way to calm me down.
When my friends left me behind,
You gave me ice cream and said
"they'll come around"
When I had a nightmare
You'd tuck me in your bed and
Reassured me you'd never let harm find me.
When my 7th grade crush liked another,
You made me see it was his loss.
When it was my sweet 16
You threw me a party fit for a princess.
And made it a day I would always remember.
When the love of my life left me alone,
So sweetly you said, "This too shall pass."
When I broke your heart with disappointment
You came to me and said, "I still love you".
I know that you think that I forgot all this,
And take all you sacrificed for granted,
But that's just not true.
At times I'm stubborn, as well as you,
But never doubt for half a second that
I love you.
Although I am growing up and someday soon,
I'll have to bandage my own knee,
You'll always be the bet mother.
And I'll always be your little girl.


by Cobrakede

Caring love cold as an shower,
never before and never after,
shall one as you love me again.

You cradle me at youth,
protect me as I mature,
scold me in contempt and yet -
always in love.

If not for you . . .
. . . I would not care,
If not for you . . .
. . . I would not live,
If not for you . . .
. . . I would not love.

Hold me as I go into the world,
do not protect me, only guide me,
for I am mans' and womans' child,
bold an foolish,
yet as always it shall be -

Forsake me not, for with me pride was born,
good and evil I can do - that all mankind can do,
but that what I've been taught- not all mankind can do . . .

. . . care.

Mom, I Know
by Amanda Winn

I know you care for me, Mom, and
I know you love me, Mom.
I do what you tell me, Mom,
and I know What’s Right, Mom.
Although you may not know it, Mom,
you are my best friend, Mom, and . . .
I Love You So Much Mom.

I wrote this for you, Mom, to tell you
How much I care for you, Mom.
I’ll be a kind person, Mom, and I’ll do
Everything for you, Mom.
You may never know it, Mom, but
you’re not only my mom, but
My Friend, and . . .
I Love You Very Much Mom.

For My Mother, My Friend
by Candice Winn

I don’t think I ever told you,
how much I appreciate the things you do.

You have been there when I cried,
and always known when I’ve lied.
You taught me how to read and sing,
and punished me when I did the wrong thing.

You were there to tell me goodnight,
and always knew how to make things all right.

I look up to you, Mom,
and I love you very much.
I don’t know what it would be like
without your loving touch.

You will always come first in my heart,
no matter how far we are apart.

Mom, I have not told you,
I don’t know where I’ve been.
You’re not only just my mother,
you’re forever my best friend.

Happy Mothers Day

Flowers For Our Mothers
by Pauline Hamblin

Once a year we choose a day
To pay tribute to our mothers.
Flowers and gifts we do bestow
To her and not to others.
Through the years she gave her all
To raise her children well.
The sacrifices that she made
Would be too many to tell.
Her love outshines the brightest star,
As she shares equally with her offspring,
Making each one feel they are the best.
Fond memories tug gently at my heart strings.
To you, dear Mother, I write this poem,
To express my feelings of devotion;
For you have loved me all these years -
God's unconditional love in motion.
Every day is Mother's Day
In my heart so true.
I want to tell you every day
How much that I love you.

Mother's Glue
by Charmer

I wonder how she does it, holding it together the way she does.
It seems no matter how life gets out of place she puts it back the way it was.
It's always been a mystery, but I guess it must be true.
That there is nothing stronger than a mother's love when she uses Mother's Glue.

Now Mother's Glue is not a recipe, or that sticky stuff used in art.
But it's that special love that mothers use to keep your life from falling apart.
It's the way she is always there to listen so you know that everything will be okay.
It's that special bonding hug she gives you to help you make it through the day.
It's the way she is able to touch your face and hold the tears away.
It's the way she stays up all night with you to hold the fears away.

It's the way she makes the sacrifice because she'll do anything for you.
Because she knows you just wouldn't make it if she didn't use Mother's Glue
But, if you're still not sure then ask her, and I'll bet she'll just smile at you.
Because a mother never uses words, she just uses Mother's Glue.

A Mother's Love
by Sir Shotgun

Moms have a kind of special love
with no limits or so it seems,
They're the ones who give us strength
to dream our dearest dreams

Moms have a kind of special way
of showing how much they care,
No matter what we've done in life
no exception, they're always there

Moms have a kind of specialness
that we can hardly understand,
That lifts us up, and keeps the faith
as we grow to be a man

And it's moms who stands by our side
when others drift away,
And mom is the one I'll always love
until my dying day

When I'm cold, scared and hungry
and clouds are dark above,
I drink in all the goodness
of my Mother's special love...…

The Very Best Mommy
by Sandra Tolson

Have I spent the time I should have
Gave the best of me
Listened with my heart
Saw the way they see?

Have I loved them like they've needed
Let them know I care
Let them just be children
Felt their love so rare?

Have I thanked God above today
Smiled a "Mommy" smile
Talked to them about their dreams
Gave that extra mile?

When I put them into bed tonight
Did they feel my love so deep
Did they think about tomorrow
As they feel asleep?

Or did they wonder in their hearts
If tomorrow I will be
Just a stressed out mommy
Or the best mommy I can be?

A Mother's Friendship Is Best
by Tammy Roberts

Mother I just want thank you for being you.
It's the best thing you should do,
If it weren't for your friendship where would I be?
If it weren't for you I wouldn't be me.

Mother I'm glad we're friends.
Because you, Mom, are the best friend I could ever have.
I love you mom.

by Kit McCallum

You mean so much to me;
You taught so much to me.
The love and advice you've shown
Have always been given freely and taken with
Great appreciation.

Your love, your kindness and your caring
Have made me the person I am today.
Your triumphs, your mistakes, your wisdom,
Have always, a place in my memory.

For all that you have taught me,
I know, and shall always remember,
The sincerity and love you have passed along.

If I surprised you in any way,
It is only because I tried to
Spread my wings, and lost my way;

But always, you were there to guide me,
No matter how obstinate I may have been,
You were there;
Ready to pick up the pieces and light the way.

In all my times of need, I always knew
You were there; a lifejacket
To sail me through my stormy seas.

And now the time has come for me to help you;
… As you leaned on you mother;
… As I have leaned on you;
Please let me repay the love of generations.

Call for me, and I will be there.
Lean on me, and I will shoulder you.
Talk to me, and I will listen.
Sit quietly, and I will be there.
Cry, and I will shed tears with you.

Always know that I will be there for you,
As you have been for me.


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