EHWE             WRESTLING EHWE  means: Extreme Hardcore Wrestling Entertainment
The owner is Kris Street
the next pay per view is Absolute Zero
The wrestleres are
Kris Street-Shadow
Corey Lilly-Fate
Carey Lilly- Shade
Dusty Mcbroom-Demonking
Andrew Pratt-Savage
Jarman Toliver-Dragon
Brandon Lilly-Pyro
Kevin Meyer-Sushi Fish
Zach Wiseman-Nightmare       
D.J Hanks- Reaper
Trey Conlee- Doom
James Easely-8 ball
Kody Street-Cobra
Justin Hensley-'The High Voltage 'Justin
        The Matches ARE

Shade Vs Savage- supernatural championship

Pyro Vs Cobra- hardcore championship

dragon vs 8 ball- crusierwieght championship

nightmare vs sushi fish

Shadow Vs Fate -World Heavywieght championship
there will be a tournament consisting of the followin people

dragon vs. savage

cobra vs.nightmare

Pyro vs. shadow

8 Ball Vs Sushi Fish
    EHWE Insider 

the EHWE Championship was vacanted do to a mishap when Shadow Made Fate Tapped Out At the exact time Fate Pinned Shadow
              EHWE     CHAMPIONS

World Heavyweight Championship:Fate
Tag Team: No Fear


Hardcore: Pyro

EHWE World Heavywieght Championship History

Demonking vs Shadow -Shadow

Demonking vs Shadow-Demonking

Demonking vs Dragon - Dragon

Dragon vs Shadow vs Demonking-Shadow

Shadow vs Nightmare- Nightmare

Nightmare vs Shadow- Shadow

Shadow vs Shade- Shade 

Shade Vs. Shadow- Shadow

Shadow vs Fate -Fate

Fate vs Shadow vs Shade - vacant

Fate vs. Shadow - Fate

Fate vs. Doom - Fate
EHWE Teams

No Fear- Shadow, Doom And Fate

Le shitz -Shade, Sushi Fish, And 8 ball

Fear The Heat - Pyro , Dragon , and Savage
Best match in EHWE history so far:

8 man tag-team Grid-Iron Match
Fate and Justin
Shadow and Shade
Dragon and Pyro
Cobra and The Leech

Winner - Fate and Justin
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