She is there again,  her cold shadow wafting in the thin moonlight.  She speaks no words, but I hear her all the same.  I welcome her embrace.  Long have I ruled in Avalon, and I am weary.  But not yet.  Not now. 
"Mother, please, grant me the time I need, and the wisdom to use it well."
  ...No answer. The Death Crones shadow faded into the darkness. Had I really seen it? Ah, there was a time long ago when I would not have wondered. Now I am old, and I wonder if my mind plays tricks on me.
  It seems yesterday that Arida came to the Isle,  a young girl filled with energy and an undying curiosity with everything around her. I knew when I first laid eyes on her that she would be the one to take my place, for the Sight I had worked so hard to regain had shown her to me.
  More than what I saw was what I sensed.  With dancing long blond hair and sparkling blue eyes one would never guess the strength of character and wisdom of one so young hidden beneath her girlish giggles.    
Bringing Down The Mists
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