the incinerator

- burn, baby, burn! -
Tazz might as well be a jack-o-lantern,
at least that orange outfit would have
a chance of burning.
now now...don't be shy, Tazz!
Hey Chyna, Kane wants his gloves back!
I love you Christian...
but that top should be burned.
Why, Road Dogg, why???
"Get rowdy"?
How about "Get rid of those clothes"?
Whatever inspired Jeff to do this to his shirt? Looks like something that belongs on Lita.
Note to Matt:
don't shop with Christian.
Ahh, stuck in the 80's...I swear I
saw him in an 80's teen flick and
he had the exact same clothes on.
If you smell-la-la-la-low what
The Rock is cooking...hopefully
that shirt is part of his recipe.
ahem, this is supposed to look *sexy*?!?
Mr. Hilfiger, would you consider
looking for a different model?
Ahh! My eyes! Jupiter's briefs
are blinding me!
The Kat
umm, yeah...I just don't like this one.
Steph fishnet Even the RTC wouldn't touch these fishnet
stockings with a 10-foot pole...
get a bra!
...but I wish they'd done something
about this. Remember, a push-up
bra is Steph's best friend.
Big Show's new look Looks like the Big Show of the new
millennium has resorted back to the
old-school look of the 80's.
Essa Rios
Poor Essa finally gets back on TV,
but wears tights that certainly will
extinguish his short-lived Mexican flame.
tropical Tazz Tazz really knows how to go
overboard with the orange.
M.C's going for the "Tropi-Cole" look.
Just not incredible Did anyone tell Justin Credible
that tights + shorts = incredibly bad?
Trip to the 80's
HHH is suffering from the
same thing that Raven is:
Stuck-in-the-80's Syndrome.
Perry's furry hat What the heck is this? Looks
like a lampshade from the 60's.
Perry's very furry hat
Now this is even worse. It's a very furry
lampshade. Can you say "flammable"?
floral Chyna Chyna should compost this bikini top;
it would benefit the soil more than
it would her.
peacock Chyna
With this outfit, Chyna is just asking
for her own incinerator.
OMG... Please Perry, burn this ASAP! Spare us
the agony! [I've already spared you some
by not showing a view from behind...eww.]
matt in b&w
as Jason stated: "Matt Hardy - Abstract cow."

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