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  1. Low-Speed Wind Tunnel Testing.  Alans Pope y John J. Harper 1996.

  2. Wind Tunnels and their Instrumentation. S. M. Gorlin and I. I. Slenzinger Moscú. 1964.

  3. Summary Report of the First International Symposium on Strain Gauges Balances and Workshop on AoA/Model Deformation Measurement Techniques. John S. Tripp, Ping Tcheng, Alpheus W. Burner, and Tom D. Finley. NASA. LRC. October 1996

  4. Balanzas Dardo con Seis Componentes. de La Recherche Aèronautique. Nro. 52. Agosto 1956

  5. Langley Wind Túnel Data Quality Assurance – Check Standard Results. M. Hemsch,  J. Grubb and W. Krieger y D. Cler. AIAA 2000

  6. Calibration of Force-Measureament Instruments for Verifyng the Force Indication of Testing Machines. ASTM Standars E74-95

  7. Strain Gauge Instrumentation, Aronson and Nelson, Instruments Publishing Company, Pittsburg.

  8. Handbook of Experimental Stress Analysis, Helenyi. John Wiley and Sons, New York

  9. Experimental Determination of Jet Boundary Corrections for Airfoil test in Four Open Wind Tunnel Jets of different shapes. By Mongomery Knight and Thomas A. Harris. T.R. 361. N.A.C.A. 1930

  10. Characteristics of Ckark Y airfoil of Small Aspect Ratios. By C.H. Zimmerman. T. R. No. 431, N.A.C.A., 1932

  11. Scale Effect on Clark Y Airfoil Characteristics from N.A.C.A. Full-Scale Wind-Tunnel Test. By Abe Silverstein. T.R. 502 N.A.C.A. 1934

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