Head Trunk Limbs Body

This point is good for most problems from the waist up. Squeeze thumb and forefinger together, forming a ridge above the thumb. The point is in the middle of that ridge, just above the end of the crease formed by thumb and forefinger.

Measure 2 thumb widths from the largest crease on the inside wrist. The point falls between the tendons in the middle of the wrist.

This point is essentially opposite acupoint #2, or two thumb widths above the outside of the wrist, lined up with the middle finger.

This point is in the depression, just behind the outer anklebone.

This point, commonly used in combination with acupoint #6 is one hand width above the tip of the inner anklebone, on the back of the shinbone.

This point is very effective for most problems from the waist down, especially when used with acupoint #5. It is found one hand width below the bottom edge of the kneecap, on the outside, in a depression between the shinbone and the leg muscle.

Clasp your hands together as in (A), touching your upper wrist with your forefinger. The point is found on a line with the thumb, in a small depression (B). Remembering the position of the point, unclasp your hands and apply pressure in the proper manner.

To find this point bend your arm as shown in the figure, place your finger on the end of the crease of the arm. Open your arm and stimulate the point in the proper manner.

This point is found between the two ligaments, behind the knee, on the crease formed when the leg is bent. Note: if your have varicose veins, don't use this point.

This point is found just behind the thumbnail, on the side opposite the fingers.

This point is on the largest crease of the inner wrist, on a line with the little finger.

This point is found on the largest crease of the inner wrist, on a line with the thumb.

To find this point, measure one hand width below the navel. Another point with similar effects can be found two thumb widths below this one.

This point is on the crease of the inside of the elbow, on the thumb side.

This point is on the middle finger, just above the nail, on the side closest to the thumb.

This point is found between the two most prominent bones of the top of the spine.

This point is found on top of the shoulder, half way between the neck and the outside of the shoulder.

This point is just behind the nail of the second toe, on the side opposite the big toe.

This point is found on either side of the place where the spine meets the skull.

This point is found on the big toe, on the side closest to the second toe, just behind and slightly to the side of the nail.

This point is in the middle of the sole of the foot, just behind the ball.

This point is located just above the place where the second and third toes separate.

This point is below the brow ridge at the corner of the eye nearest the bridge of the nose, just below a notch in the skull.

This point is found just below or inside the eyebrow, near the middle. Feel for a notch in the eyebrow ridge. The point should be just slightly above this.

This point is found on the back, on a line with the elbows, about two thumb widths on either side of the spine.

This point is good for severe headaches, and it is found by pinching the nostril, on the side opposite the septum.

This point is slightly to the back of the muscle which goes from neck to shoulder, a little closer to the arm than to the neck.

This point is on the outside of the foot, slightly to the rear of the last knucklebone of the big toe.

This point is on the back of the jawbone, just below the ear.

This point is two thumb widths above where the big toe and the second toe separate, on the upper surface of the foot.

This point is just above where the big toe and the second toe separate, on the upper surface of the foot.

This point is located on the cheek, next to the outside of the nostril.


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