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I create this page for the love and respect of the Dead, please don't use this info in an abusive way!

10/19/71 Jack Straw 6/24/95
(Bob Weir, Robert Hunter)

We can share the women, we can share the wine.
We can share what we got of yours 'cause we done shared all of mine.
Keep on rollin', just a mile to go;
Keep on rollin' my old buddy, you're movin' much too slow.

I just jumped the watchman, right outside the fence.
Took his rings, four bucks in change, ain't that Heaven sent?
Hurts my ears to listen, Shannon, burns my eyes to see;
Cut down a man in cold blood, Shannon, might as well been me.

We used to play for silver, now we play for life;
And one's for sport and one's for blood at the point of a knife.
And now the die is shaken, now the die must fall.
There ain't a winner in the game, he don't go home with all.
Not with all.

Leavin' Texas, fourth day of July,
Sun so hot, the clouds so low, the eagles filled the sky.
Catch the Detroit Lightnin' out of Sante Fe,
The Great Northern out of Cheyenne, from sea to shining sea.

Gotta go to Tulsa, first train we can ride.
Gotta settle one old score, one small point of pride.
There ain't a place a man can hide, Shannon will keep him from the sun
Ain't a bed can give us rest now, you keep us on the run.

Jack Straw from Wichita cut his buddy down,
And dug for him a shallow grave and laid his body down.
Half a mile from Tucson, by the morning light,
One man gone and another to go, my old buddy you're moving much too slow.

We can share the women, we can share the wine.

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5/13/77 Jack-A-Roe 6/25/95

There was a wealthy merchant, in London he did dwell
He had a Beautiful daughter, the truth to you we'll tell
Oh the truth to you we'll tell

She had sweethearts a plenty, and men of high degree
But none but Jack the sailor, her true love ever be
Oh her true love ever be

Jackie's gone a sailing, with trouble on his mind
He's left his native country and his darling girl behind
Oh his darling girl behind

She went down to a tailor shop and dressed in man's array
She climbed on board a vessel to convey herself away
Oh convey herself away

Before you get on board sir, your name we'd like to know
She smiled on her countenance, they called me Jack-A-Roe
Oh they called me Jack-A-Roe

I see your waist is slender, your fingers they are small
Your cheeks too red and rosy to face the cannonball
Oh to face the cannonball

I know my waist's to slender, my fingers they are small
but it would not make me tremble to see ten thousand fall
Oh to see ten thousand fall

The war soon being over she went and looked around
among the dead and wounded her darling boy she found
Oh her darling boy she found

She picked him up on in her arms and carried him to the town
she sent for a physician to quickly heal his wounds
Oh to quickly heal his wounds

This couple they got married so well they did agree
This couple they got married was one you and me
Oh was one of you and me
Oh was one of you and me

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2/18/71 Johnny B. Goode 4/5/95
(Chuck Berry)

Deep down in Louisiana close to New Orleans,
Way back in the woods among the evergreens
There stood a cabin made of earth and wood
There lived a country boy named Johnny B. Goode.
Who never learned to read or write so well,
But he could play a guitar like ringin' a bell.

Go go, go Johnny go, go; go Johnny go, go;
go Johnny go, go; Go Johnny go, go; Go Johnny B. Goode.

He used to carry his guitar in a gunny sack,
Go sit up in the trees by the railroad track.
The engineers seen him sittin' in the shade
Strummin' to the rhythm that the drivers made.
People passin' by would stop and say
"My my, but that little country boy can play!"

His mamma told him "Someday you will be a man."
You will be the leader of a big old band
Many people comin' from miles around
To hear you play your music when the sun goes down.
Maybe someday your name will be in lights.
Saying, "Johnny B. Goode Tonight."

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I create this page for the love and respect of the Dead, please don't use this info in an abusive way!
This page was made by John Tupper
If you have anything to say mail me: [email protected]
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