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I create this page for the love and respect of the Dead, please don't use this info in an abusive way!

Yellow Moon

Anxious hope and thoughts of love will never let me down, not let me go
Inside, my heart's a cage of ice Loved and lost,
Still toss the lonely dice
I burned the whole night long my thoughts were never far from you
Love that locks and binds must die
But when it dies a part of you dies too.

Born, born, born upon the world the restless heart keeps flying,
Trying to become the heart of home.
Love, love, love, it picks you up and spins you round,
Sits you right back down where you belong.

I don't fit my hat sometimes, I get so full of clouds
Every time I pass your door I hear you cry out loud
Sometimes I look the same to you as you have looked to me
My eyes get filled so full of stars, I don't know when I leave

Born, born, born upon the world the restless heart keeps flying,
Trying to become the heart of home.
Love, love, love, it picks you up and spins you round,
Sits you right back down where you belong.
Love is like tha April rain that makes the harvest grow
And when it grows it's like the summer gold
Love is like the coloured leaves that drift down from the trees
One by one 'til every tale is told

Now if I go a dancing out across the yellow moon
I'll be home by morning if it doesn't come too soon
If you seek protection go and find a safer man
And if he can't give you what you want then come on by again.

Priestess of the sun and moon and goddess of the wind
You know too much to ever lose and not enough to win
Though you built your house upon the rock and not upon the sand
You're still looking out your window for another travelin' man.

Born, born, born upon the world the restless heart keeps flying,
Trying to become the heart of home.
Love, love, love, it picks you up and spins you round,
Sits you right back down where you belong.

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2/15/73 You Ain't Woman Enough To Take My Man 10/21/73
(Loretta Lynn)

You come to tell me something, you say I ought to know
That he don't love me anymore and I have to let him go
Oh, you say you're gonna take him, but I don't think you can
'Cause you ain't woman enough to take my man

Oh, women like you they come a dime a dozen,
You can buy 'em anywhere
For you to get him I'll have to move over
And I'm gonna stay right here
Well it'll be over my dead body, you better get out while you can
'Cause you ain't woman enough to take my man

3/25/66 You Don't Have To Ask 7/16/66

If you wanna know what time it is, you don't have to ask
If you wanna know what something is, you don't have to ask
If you wanna know whats real or not, you don't have to ask
If you wanna know what time is now, you don't have to ask
You don't have to ask, you already know

If you wanna leave just close your eyes, you don't have to ask
If you wanna go and lose your mind, you don't have to ask
If it's peace that you're looking for
You got the key to every door, you already know

If there's a way out you'll find out and free all and be all beyond
You never wonder what sky you been under that made you forget all this time

If you're looking for it, you don't have to ask
You can see it plain as day, you don't have to ask
If you try to find us true, just take a look at you, you don't have to ask

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You Never Can Tell
(Chuck Berry)

It was a teenage wedding and the old folks wished `em well.
You could see that Pierre did truly love the Mademoiselle.
And now the young Monsier and Madame have rung the chapel bell.
C'est la vie say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell.

They furnished off an apartment with a two room Roebuck sale.
The coolerator was crammed with TV dinners and ginger ale.
But when Pierre found work the little money coming worked out well.
C'est la vie say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell.

They had a HI-FI phono, boy did they let it blast.
Seven hundred little records, all rockin' rhythm and jazz.
But when the sun went down, the rapid tempo of the music fell
C'est la vie say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell.

They bought a souped up jittny, was a cherry red fifty three.
And drove it down to Orleans to celebrate their anniversary
It was there where Pierre was wedded to the lovely Mademoiselle.
C'est la vie say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell

It was a teenage wedding and the old folks wished them well.
You could see that Pierre did truly love the Mademoiselle.
And now the young Monsier and Madame have rung the chapel bell.
C'est la vie say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell.

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You're Still There
(Brent Mydland, John Barlow)

There will be times When we forget the dream of reason
And set out to slay whatever Dragons we can find.
We leave you to mind the children, Tend the fires, watch the seasons,
And to puzzle at this fever in our minds.

And yet you stayed there. And yet you stayed there.
When we returned, We were pitiful and burned
Our lessons were unlearned and yet
We found you there We found you there

And now as I write you from this distance,
Imagining the mail come round. Your fingers on the phone,
All the Angels singing praises, Stating purpose, bearing witness,
Could not explain to you The dreams that keep me gone.

And yet you're still there. And yet you're still there.
When I get home, Though tired to the bone
Wired to the core, Nothin' but a 1000 yard stare.
You will be there You will be there.

The risks I take. The plans I make
The grandiose projects I undertake.
Should something fail, Should something break,
I'm not alone in what's at stake...Because you're there.
Because you're there.

On these waves That have carried us through seasons
We will rise and fall together, You and I.
You'll accept my affirmations, Forgiving me my treasons,
You'll be the one I call for when I die.

Because you will be there. Because you will be there.
Of the many seeds I've sewn Only one has grown
And it grew in you alone, because...
'Cause you were there. 'Cause you were there.

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11/15/71 You Win Again 9/26/72
(Hank Williams)

The news is out, all over town that you've been seen, out runnin' 'round.
I know that I should leave her there,
But then I just can't go, you win again.
This heart of mine, could never see what everybody knows but me.
Just trustin' you was my great sin, I just can't go, Lord
You win again. What can I do, Lord, You win again.


I saw her standing on the corner, yellow ribbon in her hair
I knew at once I was a gonner, said,"Lookie there, lookie there."
Youngblood, youngblood, youngblood, I can't get you out of my mind.

I tried to talk, my tongue was fractured
I tried to walk, but I was lame
Couldn't stop myself from shouting
What's your name, what's your name?

Crazy stuff, sure look tough, had to follow her all the way home
Things went bad, I met her dad
He said "You better leave my daughter alone."

I couldn't sleep that night for trying, I saw the rising of the sun
All night long my heart felt like crying
You're the one, You're the one.

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I create this page for the love and respect of the Dead, please don't use this info in an abusive way!
This page was made by John Tupper
If you have anything to say mail me:
[email protected]
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