The Mayan Calendar

To calculate the Mayan Date, enter the Gregorian Date below.  The Gregorian Calendar is the standard western calendar that most use today.
Day ~ Month ~ Year
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To Use the Mayan Calendar Converter, 
you must have a Java-compatable Browser

# Religious day (translation)/ # Solar day /long count

<-The order is Day, Month Number, and 4 digit
<-Year in the java calculator to the left.
<-eg. 1st of February, 1998 is:  1     2     1998

View Mayan Calendar Stone
View Aztec Calendar Stone and Explanation

Days of Religious Calendar
the religious calendar contains 260 days - 20 named days in sets of 13
Mayan Day Meaning Mayan Day Meaning
Imix Alligator Chuen Monkey
Ik Wind Eb Grass
Akbal House Ben Reed
Kan Lizard Ix Jaguar
Chiccan Serpent Men Eagle
Cimi Death Cib Vulture
Manik Deer Caban Earthquake
Lamat Rabbit Etznab Knife
Muluc Water Cauac Rain
Oc Dog Ahau Flower

Looking at the picture of the Calendar Stone, the 20 glyphs for the days are in the third concentric circle from the center. They progress counter-clockwise with Imix at about 11:30 (just to the left of top center), Ik at 11:00, etc, all the way around to Ahau at 12:30 (just to the right of top center).

Months of Solar Calendar
the solar calendar contains 365 days - 18 months divided into 20 days plus 5 days of Uayeb
Mayan Month Meaning Mayan Month Meaning
Pop Chief Zac Frog
Uo Night Jaguar Ceh Red Deer
Zip Cloud Serpent Mac Enclosure
Zotz Bat Kankin Dog of the Underworld
Tzec Sky and Earth Muan Bird
Xul Dog Pax Great Puma
Yaxkin First Sun Kayab Turtle
Mol Collection Cumhu Underworld Dragon
Chen Cave of the Moon Uayeb Poisoned
Yax New

The numbers before the day and month names in the Java calendar designate the date in each of the two Mayan calendars.  The Mayans used two calendars running simultaneously.

The first is the religious calendar year of 260 days (numbers 1-13 X 20 day names).

The second is the solar calendar year of 365 days (20 days per month X18 months + 5 days in Uayeb).  Uayeb is an unlucky period of the year used to synchronize the calendar with the sun.  It was a period of many rituals and great sacrifices.

Together, the two calendars name the unique date in a 52 year cycle called the "Calendar Round."

The second set of numbers, #.#.#.#.#, is called the Long Count date.  It is a day by day count of days since the beginning of time for the Mayans.

The procession of numbers though the long count is much like an odometer, the numbers increasing in value from right to left, and the rollers counting through the following numbers: (0-12).(0-19).(0-19).(0-17).(0-20)

For example, 7/28/98 which has a long count value of would be calculated
(12*144000) + (19*7200) + (5*360) + (7*20) + (0*1) to find out the number of days since this calendar has been running.  This happens to be 1866740 days or about 5000 years.  This is a very ancient calendar.

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