Dictionaries, Directories, Diverse, Encyclopedias, Health, Maps, Radiant Thinking, References, Search Engines, Weather, Writing
Government Organizational Chart

Canada, postal codes
United States, AnyWho at A&T
Infospace, Ultimate
European business directory
International telephone directories (mirror)

dictionaries, Merriam-Webster, Hypertext Webster Gateway, Webster 1913, dictionary.com, American-British/British-American, Acronyms, Grammar, French-English, fran�ais/anglais, des citations, jargon fran�ais, 100 languages, foreign languages, computing, hacker's, medical, more dictionaries, translating, Crosswords (tools, word lists, helper)

MIT references, Purdue, reference.com, Yahoo, Virtual Reference Desk (outline), Beyond the Black Stump (mirror), Reference and Research, Library of Congress, Bartlett's quotations, Roget's Thesaurus, Wordsmyth Thesaurus
A Practical Guide to the Use of Selected Multivariate Statistics
Gutenberg Project, The Etext Archives
CIA country listing and World Factbook
The Why Files, science behind the news
Gateway to World History

Britannica, Galaxy, free internet encyclopedia, myths

Xplore, Inkspot, U. Maine, researchpaper.com
A Simple Approach to Thesis Writing
How to Succeed in Graduate School
How to do Research

Boston University, Cycle Canada, The Dietician, drug list, fitness resource, healthfinder, healthweb, Mayo Clinic, medscape, Men's Fitness Online, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, Oncolink, The Visible Human Project


Child & Family Canada, CyberMom, CyberParent, FatherMag, kidshealth, Parent's Place, Parenthood Web, Parent Soup, Points of Pediatric Interest, Spilled Milk, Today's Parent Online
shift work

National Library of Canada
Internet Public Library
Carnegie Mellon links
food glossary
world history
Au fil de mes lectures - citations
Quotations - for more quotation resources
Glossaire informatique - Une explication de la terminologie informatique
Vocabulaire de base de l'inforoute
Lexique et vocabulaire d'Internet - Ce site de l’Office de la Langue Fran�aise du Qu�bec comprend aussi des lexiques sur les v�hicules de transport routier, technique et industriel, la gestion, l'informatique, et autres domaines
Glossaire - de termes relatifs � Internet
Lexique de la cyberculture
Lexique des n�ologismes Internet - Un lexique qui pr�sente des �quivalences du vocabulaire technique li� aux r�seaux informatiques tel qu’Internet.
NETGLOS (English) / NETGLOS (fran�ais) - A glossary of internet terms / Un dictionnaire Internet
Bilingual Internet Glossary / Lexique bilingue Internet - A glossary of more than 400 English-French Internet terms compiled by the Translation Bureau of Public Works and Government Services Canada / Un lexique anglais-fran�ais de plus de 400 termes du vocabulaire de l’Internet compil� par le Bureau de la traduction de Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada.
Canadian WWW Servers Listed by Scope / Serveurs W3 canadiens par cat�gorie
Canadian WWW Servers Listed by Province / Liste des serveurs W3 canadiens par province
La liste de tous les serveurs W3 en France
La liste de tous les serveurs W3 dans le monde
Interlude - la bo�te � outils de l'internaute; un point de d�part ludique pour l'Internet
Citations c�l�bres
Le Genre des Noms - Apprenez ces 40 terminaisons de mots et vous pourrez deviner les genres de 75% des noms fran�ais avec une pr�cision d'environ 95%. (In French. By learning 40 word endings, you can correctly identify the gender of 75% of French nouns with an accuracy of close to 95%.)
Yahoo! Canada - English:Grammar, Usage, and Style
On-Line Multilingual Grammars
Cortexte - Une compagnie de correction qui offre sur son site une liste de fautes courantes dans W3 d’orthographe, de terminologie, d’usage, et d’autres (la faute est suivie de la correct ion)
Verb Conjugation - Conjugate a verb by selecting the tense and entering the infinitive form of the verb (This is like an electronic Bescherelle!)
A Web of Morphology - contains links with works on the morphology of various languages around the globe. The links are selected both for their theoretical significance and the empirical data that they contain. Most are very useful tools for language-learning.
A Web of On-line Grammars - This page maintains links with on-line grammars of as many languages as can be found on the Web. It includes all types of grammars: reference grammars, learning gram mars, and historical grammars.
Radiant Thinking

Buzan Centre (mirror)
FAQ (mirror), introduction
advice on reading and taking notes
mind-brain links, how to construct mindmaps
examples, techniques, trucs, uses, advantages, illustrations, puzzles, software
computer program helps authors translate complex collections of related ideas and concepts into hypertext
Concept Mapping Homepage


AWS Pte Ltd
Linguarama International
Mind Mapping resources
MAYJJER Corporation
Mind Tools deals with information skills
developer.com directories mirror Java arcade games concrete dreams

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