Maritimes Weather Centre Cameras, Charts, Climatology, Conferences, Hurricanes, Images, Marine, Meteorology, Radar, Satellite, Weather World Wide Weather


find places by name in Canada (mirror) and the U.S.
Halifax, Nova Scotia (zoomable)
find distances in Canada
Natural Resources Canada, National Atlas of Canada
mapquest: search for street addresses
mapblast zooms in on North American streets and postal code areas (advanced)
Xerox PARC Map Viewer zoomable world
Perry-Casta�eda Library Map Collection: world cities
distance between two points and exact latitude and longitude of major cities
detailed coastlines (convert to MapInfo format)
CIA country listing and World Factbook
Odden's Bookmarks ... many resources
Mining Company's guide to geography


all hotels on the web
budget hotels, city guides, businesses
Epicurious, restaurant reviews
Eventseeker, events search engine
Journeywoman, online travel magazine for women
Mapquest, shows you how to get from A to B
Mining Co., well organized
Shoestring Travel, the e-zine of inexpensive travel
Specialty Travel, adventure vacations
Travelocity, links, online bookings, deals on flights
Virtual Tourist, guide to WWW servers around the world
Wanderlust, literate
World Travel Guide
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