The story of Alex and Lauren
Once upon a time.....there was a little girl named Lauren. She absolutely loved to skip around in the garden at her palace. She was the princess of Dlorwyob. She picked beautiful flowers from her garden for her mother. And, she always managed to get her expensive dresses pretty messy. The maid didn�t like that much, but Lauren could care less. One day, when she was swinging on her tree swing, she felt a push. She turned around and saw a boy. A boy named Alex. He said, �Hello there princess Laur, you have pretty eyes.� And princess Lauren just said �BACK UP.� The boy was startled at first, and then when Lauren began to giggle he started to smile. How he loved to see Lauren laugh. The two pranced around in the garden and sat by Lauren�s pool everyday for the whole summer. Then, one rainy day, Lauren was sad because Alex had not come to her palace. She was staring out the window crying �Why can�t Alex be here to play with me�... The weeks passed and Lauren began to smile again...but then, There was a knock at her palace door. She was amazed, for it was Alex! He had a bunch of fresh picked lady slippers...the princess�s favorite flower. She smiled with happiness. Alex picked her up and gave her a big hug. They played for days on end. Well as the two fell in love the years passed and they grew up together. When Lauren was 15 and Alex was 17, they both finally realized they were in love. Now Alex would push her on the swing and then hold her later in the night as the sun would set. Princess Lauren knew that her father, the king of DLORWYOB didn�t like Alex very much. Alex said to him one day �Oh dear king of Dlorwyob, I am in love with your daughter and I wish to marry her.� The king got a look of anger upon his face...for no man that he didn�t like should rightfully marry his daughter, the princess. �No you will not marry my daughter.� The king saw the disappointment and Alex�s face. He felt bad so he said...�unless..if you can go throughout this garden and pick out the princess�s three favorite flowers, then and ONLY then will you marry my daughter.� Alex was delighted with the chance to marry Lauren, finally. And the thought, this shall be easy. So,he took off into the garden....he picked lady slippers for Lauren�s first favorite flower, then he picked up a couple Bleeding Hearts, the princess�s second favorite flower....Then he looked in astonishment for he could not find Lauren�s third favorite flower, tiger lilies. He was so upset, he wasn�t going to be able to marry her, he started to turn, when he saw out of the corner of his eye...and orange flower over by the pond. �Yes,� he said out loud for he found the tiger lilly!! He ran back as fast as he could to the King and said �Sir, I�ve found all three of Lauren�s favorite flowers. Now can I please marry your beautiful daughter?� The King was so mad because Alex had picked the right flowers...he had no choice but to let them get married. Lauren and Alex were both so happy. They planned a huge wedding by the ocean with a million flowers. Lauren looked beautiful in her long white dress. Alex told her that he�d never seen anyone look more beautiful, ever. They said their vows and finished the ceremony. Then, they drove off...and lived happily ever after.

One of the many things I have and will make for Lauren

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