're my bestest friend in the world. Christmas shopping is so fun when you're buying for yourself. We have to start taping things. We're pretty crazy sometimes and it would be fun. I love you

Bec.....Things have been difficult lately...with everything, i haven't seen you alot or anything, but you're still my friend. Just call sometime, we'll hang out. like back in the day

Court....I cant stop buying things for me! The three of us will have to go shopping again, it's so much fun...only maybe after x-mas so we can buy for us and not feel guilty, ya know? I love you, i'm always here

Britt....The sun will come out tommorrow, so you gotta hang on til tommorrow there'll be sun..i love you so much...

Wes...Hey there, don't EVER forget the shore and the fun times *wink wink*'re a great guy, and very hot, it sucks that we aren't gonna see eachother again, i'll miss you, you're a fantastic person and so much fun to be around.......KISS

Lauren....Boo EFFIN BOO....OH GOD WHY?!?...i miss ya to death're my heart throb and i'm ur badgirl and thats the way it will always be!!! I hate boys who pick their noses and eat it! Fetus what? Are you drawing a fetus on my folder? You're the greatest and we haven't hung out in a while, soon i promise. SMILES

Phil...Well, what can i say? For starters i'm sorry. But you know that already. 5 months is an extremely long time, and it was fun. Alot of good memories. We're both hurt though, we hurt eachother too much, this is for the best. Sometimes you can't help who you fall for and when you fall for them. I apologize for putting you through this, and making it so hard. Mistakes are mistakes, we can't go back. I'm sorry.

Lauren G.....You inspire me, you're the strongest person i've ever met, i love you...I miss the play so much, i've never had more fun, or gotten so close to people before. I think we need to cry together. He doesn't hate you! I never see you...the distance is soo great it's like a 1/5 of a mile away....jeez...TOO

Jesse You have this way of always showing up when i'm upset, it's almost like you know when i'm upset and you know where i'm at, but it never fails, whether i'm staying after school, at walmart, on the way to the movies, walking behind walmart and acme, you always find me, thank you..You're a good guy, good friend.

Andrew...Sorry for spilling soda on your pants, i really didn't mean to. I'm gonna skateboarding again i think soon, hopefully i won't kill myself, cause i'm no good....

RICH....Rich i love you soo much, and I MISS YOU, you're a great friend...and it's too bad nothin ever happened...REMEMBER...april 23, 2015 at the lincoln memorial, at 3:30 pm(in case we wanna sleep in)...We'll get married...i mean that lol! I'ma check out the stp cd just b/c you asked me to. Never forget the fun times in drama.....i'll miss those high fives...and i'll miss talking to you everyday....but i think we'll make it through *tear* lol

Greg....I haven't seen you in forever! i miss you. It sucks cause we made good friends. We'll find a way

Colin....Thank you for making me smile alot. You're the greatest. When i'm not with you...i'm thinking about you, just thought you should know that

Eric....We will have to hang out, you're the coolest friend ever! You're my cuddle buddy. I love talking to you, you're so great!

everyone else I LOVE YOU
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