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Well...to tell you about me......where do i start? um.......
I guess I'll start by saying I'm fairly insane, seriously. I have many problems that no one cares about. I'm emotional....I cry alot. I'm a writer (as you can see if you look at the rest of my page). There's nothing better than when I have a great idea for a poem, story, or song. If I could, I'd write all day long. I'm also interested in acting. I would be perfectly happy if I were handed a new script everyday and could play someone different each day. I really like to sing as well, I'm not too bad, but I'm not too good either. I like confusing people, it can be funny. I hate making decisions, basically because I'm incapable of doing it. Everytime that I get something I like, I lose it...and everytime that I think I've found something else that I like...I'm wrong. I follow my heart most of the time, and it usually doesn't lead me to happiness, but I've been following my head lately, and it's bringing happiness, but confusing, and doubt...I shouldn't be this happy, it's not me. I'm used to being fairly depressed. I've been told by a wise man that I think too much, which I know I do. I always have thoughts rushing to my head...this may have alot to do with why I can't make decisions, and I'm alway doubting things. I love music. It inspires me greatly. People have strong messages in their lyrics...you may have to think about them, but if you concentrate you can get them, sometimes even understand them. I have friends, alot more than some people. I like intellectual people, and alot of my friends are just that. My friends can be deep and caring, and amazing people to just be around. My friends are the only things keeping me here. I love them so much. I like to shop, but only when I have money, or I can't really buy anything. When I think about my future, I think about good times, parties, friends, dates, concerts, fun things like that. I support my local bands, most of the bands from the c4l 2001, they're a bunch of nice boys, who make good music, have fun doing it, and make other people happy by being good. I try hard not to regret things that I've done in my life. It doesn't work too well...I regret a couple things in my life. Things that have pushed me in the wrong direction, or things that haven't helped me get where i want to be. It's all a part of life though, and I accept that. I don't judge people, because I was judged all my life..and it wasn't cool. Well, I lied, there are a couple people I hate, but I've judged them from knowing them. I like when people are themselves, and don't try to be what they think someone wants them to be, that's just stupid. You shouldn't fake who you are. And, don't change who you are for ANYONE, that's also very stupid. I like talking, and I like to listen. I love giving advice to people, but I can't seem to take my own advice. When things get weird, I tend to back out, just to let you know.

Well...that's ME

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