Songs Written by Yours Truely: Me!

So you walk down the street
right by my house everyday
shoe laces flying around
an old faded tee with holes
two different dirty socks
pants with duck tape for a belt

so what i see in you I'm not quite sure
you just have some kind of charisma
I'm real attracted to your style
i think the things you think are rad

I saw you coming down the road
So i went outside in my sandals
with my rubber ducky socks
my bad girl tank top
my ripped up old jeans
and my hair a mess

so what i see in you I'm not quite sure
you just have some kind of charisma
I'm real attracted to your style
i think the things you think are rad

You flashed your big smile my way
and walked right on by
but then you came back
you introduced yourself to me
said you liked my style
and that you were attracted to me

so what i see in you i now know
you just have some kind of charisma
I’m real attracted to your style
i think the things you think are rad

i think the things you think are rad

The days seem much shorter,
than the one’s i used to live,
will they keep misplacing minutes,
and eventually disappear,
Will i lose you to the falling moments,
of the life i had now past,
Will you forget me in the mist,
and go back on all your promises,

Or will you stay with me,
no matter the situations,
will you love me still,
with unconditional feelings,
will you miss me when i’m not there,
will you touch me every chance you get,
kiss me when you see me still,
will you still need me to live,

The nights are getting longer,
As the day loses sunlight,
It keeps adding on the darkness,
Soon it’ll all be pitch black,
Will i fail to find my way,
in all the darkened shadows,
Will you forget me in the fog and,
won’t remember everything we’ve shared,

or will you stay with me,
no matter the situations,
will you love me still,
with unconditional feelings,
will you miss me when i’m not there,
will you touch me every chance you get,
kiss me when you see me still,
will you still need me to live.

Why be confident,
and why be popular,
Why look for answers,
when you have so much to offer,
Just be yourself,
No one should say,
that you’re trying to hard,
to make life easier ,
Try not to get caught,
in the web of gossip,
because you never know,
when the rumor will turn,

when your searching,
deep in your soul,
you find the voice,
that says to give up,
But you know,
that when you let go,
everything you’ve felt,
will be annihilated,
from two seconds ago,
So just start crying inside,
it’s alright to feel,
the power of evil,
much more than the real deal.
Kristin M Isphording

You left me all alone
by myself all alone
feeling empty in my mind
my eyes felt like falling out

How could you leave me
we were always friends
you confuse me
you refuse me

I can’t have another tragical episode
not if I'm all alone
I don’t need another tragical episode
so I'll forget you forever my foe

I don’t wanna see you
on my step one day
i don’t need to feel you
under my finger nails

I don’t care that you left me
as long as you don’t come back
you reminded me
you blinded me

I can’t have another tragical episode
not if I'm all alone
I don’t need another tragical episode
so I’ll forget you forever my foe
I’ll forget you forever
and ever and ever

Won’t see you ever
Won’t need you ever
You’re a tragical episode
Kristin M Isphording

verse 1
you played with my heart
you made me feel special
you told me you loved me
and never would leave
but now your gone
and i’m telling you this

Young Love it’s time for you to see
when you say goodbye
you lose the one you need but
Young Love i wish you were still here
and you could wipe away all that i fear

verse 2
why did you break my heart
and lie to my face
why can’t you see that
see that you need me
why can’t i have your love
why can’t you hold me still


verse 3
when you will you realize
i still love you
when will you tell me
you love me too
because i know that you feel
for me what i feel for you
Kristin Isphording

You’ve changed in my mind
You’ve stopped caring
You left the things you loved
all for what ALL FOR WHAT

Who’s gotten in your head
Who’s gotten to your brain
Who’s fucked you up
Who is it...tell me who

I’ll go after him for you
I’ll get him down
I’ll fuck him up for you
all for what ALL FOR WHAT

Who’s gotten in your head
Who’s gotten to your thoughts
Who’s fucked you up
Who is it...tell me who

We’re not getting anywhere
We’re not even talking
We’re just letting go of problems
all for what ALL FOR WHAT

Who’s gotten in your head
Who’s gotten to your brain
Who’s fucked you up
Who is it...tell me who

I’ll get them for you
just tell me who
who’s gotten in your head
and to your brain
kristin isphording

chorus:What was i thinkin
messin around with guys like you
i knew you’d fuck up
fuck up with things you do

I thought you were so perfect
the silence in your eyes
you told me everything through your mouth
never went to hide words inside


I don’t know why i felt like that
after our first argument
I knew it wasn’t the last to come
of the fights you and i were to have


You gave me things of unimportance
to make my heart forget
the hurtful words and terrifying abuse
that you so often possessed


You used to be so perfect
never would touch me wrong
but then you just exploded
exploded in my arms

Kristin Ishording

a couple of the most awkward hours
i spent with you

it’s been a long while
since you came to see me
it’s been forever it seems
since you looked my way

i spent some time with you
we talked for a long time
i never could stop smiling
a couple of the most awkward hours
i spent with you

i didn’t know where to look
i couldn’t tell how you felt
i watched what i said but
were you happy to see me

i spent some time with you
we talked for a long time
i never could stop smiling
a couple of the most awkward hours
i spent with you
August 9, 2001


Aren’t we supposed to have fun
never worry about our problems
live our lives to the fullest
it’ll never be good like this again

so why don’t you get off my back
let me have fun while i still can
i won’t be a high school drop out
just trust me to make my choices

This is the best time i’ll ever have
I’m young and youthful let me be
let me run let me fall just let go
it’ll never be quite like this again

so why don’t you get off my back
let me have fun while i still can
i won’t be a high school drop out
just trust me to make my choices

I have my priorities you have yours
can’t i just hang out with my friends
forget for a minute that you’re old
think of the fun times way back when

why don’t you get off my back
let me have fun while i still can
i won’t be a high school drop out
just trust me to make my choices
-kristin isphording 8/7/01

The pain just builds up inside
no one understands
and no one believes
all they see is a big house
all they see is a cute face
there’s more to me than that

i don’t give a shit about it
my life is based on a love
a love i haven’t yet found
a love for life and passion
a love i need inside myself

i say it a million times
but you don’t get it
even though you know
the shit i go through
you think it doesn’t matter
cause I've got a big house
and I'm charismatic
August 12, 2001

i wish i could show you
the mangled torn girl
the girl that's inside me
i keep it all in my head

you’ve never tried once to see
just because i have material things
doesn’t mean i have what i need

this feeling is killing me
and i don’t care about anything
all i wanna do is run away
i don’t even try anymore

you’ve never tried once to see
just because i have material things
doesn’t mean i have what i need

a trip to medication city
i don’t smile as much now
my soul starts to disappear
and i drown in the tears
August 12, 2001

well my daddy smokes
and my mommy yells
but everything is good as hell
they might rub off on me eventually
but I always know they’ll never say

you do what you know
and what you grew up around
bad habits are contagious

Well my sister smokes weed
and my friend has a temper
but i know that they love me
i might become what they are
but I always know they’ll never say

you do what you know
and what you grew up around
bad habits are contagious

Well my brother is whacky
and me i’m emotional
But we’re livin the life
it might be my destiny ‘cause
I always know they’ll never say

....i’m right
August 12, 2001


i love to be with you
but even when you're next to me
you're so far out of my reach

someone's holding me back from you
someone i'm commited too
not my lover not my friend
but someone inside of myself

i'd bring you back a star from heaven
if i could only get my hands free
my head is in the clouds
but my hands are tied behind me

someone's holding me back from you
someone i'm commited to
June 1, 2001

i thought it was rad when the sky fell down
i did cry when the sun came up the next day
i know I'd make a fine borderline personality
it’s time for another trip to my favorite place
my favorite place

yeah you know
the room with padded walls
with the little red baboons
swirling ‘round my mind
flowing through my nerves

the needle was shoved in and i smiled
i felt the power going through my veins
i saw the smoke fill the air with delight
they strapped me down to this metal bed
oh yeah to the metal bed

yeah you know
on my way to the room
with the little red baboons
swirling ‘round my mind
flowing through my nerves

the trip took longer than expected
the long cold slippery hallway to it
the door has this little thing that opens
they give me food through that thing
through that thing

yeah you know
already in the padded room
with the little red baboons
swirling ‘round my mind
flowing through my nerves
June 1, 2001

remember when it started,
it was good in the begining,
I thought of falling for you,
and they warned me not to,
but i took the jump anyway,
and look at where i've landed,
i found myself lonely, alone,
alone, alone, alone

take another look
take another step
turn around
spit on me
look in my eyes
tell me i'm nice

flash back to before the end,
recall the stories we told,
hiding away in the depths of your skin,
search my brain for answers,
finding nothing but fears,
walked to the end of the earth,
to find there’s nothing there,
there’s nothing there

take another look
take another step
turn around
spit on me

look at my face
hold your words
July 4, 2001 kristin isphording

Still writing....give me time
all shit on this page is slapped with a copyright

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