The opposite of war isn't peace- it's creation.


As you may know, I'm now the assistant diversity editor for the Beacon Weekly, my college's alternative newspaper. We've had some troubles, including being officially disowned by the president of the university, but it's still excellent.
We love controversy, because it opens people's minds. Of course, that means, you know, thinking, and people don't like that. They can't acknowledge that they're wrong, or possibly not as right as they thought.
These are the stories I've written so far, in no particular order. I can't remember when they were printed.

Lifeline vs. Timeline
Affix Label Here
An Easter Tale
Furry Animals... with Calendars?
Beltane Rites
Self-rule Rules!
Such mindboggling news

Please send feedback, story ideas, anything.

� 2002 [email protected]

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