This is very very simple right now, because I'm working on it instead of studying for a biology test (I passed the test). I'm going to link to sites I've found helpful.

Colormaker Java based. Just like it says, it lets you see what colors will look like on your page, then gives you the code for it. Has some cool patterns, too.

Pat's Web Graphics Flowers and other neat stuff.

JavaScript Source Free Java script already made up for you. Even has the code for something very like the colormaker site.

Clipart Guide...a complete guide to online clipart, icons, photos, scans, and web graphics.

I recently started making Winamp skins, and discovered several pages that are helpful for colors in both web pages and skins.
The Other RGB Color Chart
RGB to Color Name Mapping Very extensive.
Doug's Home Page Kinda like the Cliffs Notes of the colormaker site.
RGB Color Calculator Great for trying to turn those meaningless (to me) numbers of RGB balance into equally meaningless colors usable in HTML. Or vice versa.

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