Fine by Morning

Meet the Author

The seven-year-old sitting on the sand is cranky because her mother has taken the exercise book in which she was writing a story of the sea. 'We brought you to the beach to run about and play in the water, not just write about it', her mother said. So the cranky child played in the sand, paddled, found shells, laughed at the waves, watched seabirds and sandy sunbathers, and THEN sat down and wrote about it.

Wynne Gibson has worked in the ore-mining regions of northern West Australia, the cane-growing areas of North Queensland, the wheat belt of the Darling Downs, the sheep country of New South Wales, and in Sydney, Perth and Brisbane. She has swum with porpoises in Hervey Bay, Queensland; been an itinerant teacher fortnightly driving the length and breadth of NSW; sailed the Great Barrier Reef in a 1930s timber yacht; spent two bemusing years in an international advertising agency, reared a family of daughters and been involved in a score of publications both fiction and non-fiction.

She loves to listen to people telling their own stories - people of every race, age and socio-economic niche that can be found in Australia - and she has filled hundreds of notebooks and exercise books (and envelopes, scrap paper, backs of birthday cards and menus, etc) with notes of these conversations. Until the past three years, she has been too busy to 'sit down and write about it' but this year her first novel, Fine by Morning, was completed during a brief holiday at the beach. She is currently working on a second novel, The Morning News. If you'd like to know more please send an email to [email protected] (Now see A Taste of the Story.)
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