The German Army has relied on some form of captured armour since World War 1. We know of the first recorded use by the German Army to be the Mark IV. The Mark IV served in larger numbers with the Kaisers army than the enourmous German built Sturmpanzer A7V. These "booty panzers" as they became know made up the backbone of the Kaiser Armoured Forces. It is known that nearly 700 were lost by Allied forces due to breakdowns and in action damage. Estimates have probally 300 or so being refitted to serve for the Kaisers Army.

During the annexation of Czechoslovakia the German Forces aquired a large quanity of armour ie: the 35 and 38t and all related varients. Although due to the sheer large numbers of armoured equipment annexed from the Czechs and Skoda arms works these vehicles were not grouped into the Captured armour classification system by the high command of the army (OKH) and, were given there own PzKpfw numbers the same as if they were a Mark 1 or so on.

Interestingly enough French equipment was not given its own PzKpfw numbers but fell into the OKH captured classification system. Ie: The French Renault FT-17 light tank was renamed as PzKpfw FT-17 730(f) using the Captured number system.


200series Armoured Cars

300series Half Tracks

400series Armoured Half Tracks

600series Fully Tracked Artillery Tow Vehicles

630series Armoured Fully Tracks Tow Vehicles

700series Tanks

800series Self-Propelled Guns

This web site will deal with only 700 series vehicles for a site devoted to everything would be way to large for me to deal with in my spare time as this one is. If you need reference material for a model or whatnot and its not a 700series vehicle feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] and I will see if I can help.

In late 1940 an order from OKH was issued to 2 examples from every Allied vehicle were to be returned to Kummesdorf for testing. After testing they were placed in a museum in Settin-Altdamm.At the end of the war in March 1945 these same vehicles were hastily organized into a panzercompany for the defence of Settin.

There were two primary test centers for the Reich. The main OKH facility was located at Kummesdorf and the other at Berka. Once again in the waining weeks of the war all captured armour at the centers were organized into panzercompanies for the defence of the Reich.

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