Hammond Presets
Listed here are tables of the Standard Voice presets' registrations and their names as they appear in an A-102 owner's manual (contributed by Steve Blau <[email protected]>), and the table of the Theatrical Voice presets' registration and their names as they appear in an X-77 owner's manual (contributed by Robert Hayton <[email protected]>). Note that Theatrical Voice registrations show the additional "mixture" drawbars present on the H-100 and X-77 HAMMONDs that are factory-configured for these voices.

Standard Voices
Upper Manual
Key Registration Name
C -- ---- --- Cancel
C# 00 5320 000 Stopped Flute
D 00 4432 000 Dulciana
D# 00 8740 000 French Horn
E 00 4544 222 Salicional
F 00 5403 000 Flutes 8' & 4'
F# 00 4675 300 Oboe Horn
G 00 5644 320 Swell Diapason
G# 00 6876 540 Trumpet
A 32 7645 222 Full Swell
A# 1st Group Drawbars Upper
B 2nd Group Drawbars Upper
Lower Manual
Key Registration Name
C -- ---- --- Cancel
C# 00 4545 440 Cello
D 00 4432 220 Flute & String
D# 00 7373 430 Clarinet
E 00 4544 220 Diap. Gamba 8' & Flute 4'
F 00 6644 322 Great, no reeds
F# 00 5642 200 Open Diapason
G 00 6845 433 Full Great
G# 00 8030 000 Tibia Clausa
A 42 7866 244 Full Great with 16'
A# 1st Group Drawbars Lower
B 2nd Group Drawbars Lower
Theatrical Voices
Upper Manual
Key Registration Name
C -- ---- --- -- Cancel
C# 00 8740 000 00 French Horn 8'
D 00 8408 004 00 Tibias 8' & 2'
D# 00 8080 840 40 Clarinet 8'
E 08 8800 880 02 Novel Solo 8'
F 60 8088 000 00 Theatre Solo 16'
F# 00 4685 300 00 Oboe Horn 8'
G 60 8807 006 00 Full Tibias 16'
G# 00 6888 654 32 Trumpet 8'
A 76 8878 667 43 Full Theatre Brass 16'
A# 1st Group Drawbars Upper
B 2nd Group Drawbars Upper
Lower Manual
Key Registration Name
C -- ---- --- - Cancel
C# 00 4545 440 1 Cello 8'
D 00 4432 000 0 Dulciana 8'
D# 00 4800 000 0 Vibraharp 8'
E 00 3800 460 5 Vox 8' & Tibia 4'
F 00 6554 322 2 String Accomp. 8'
F# 00 5642 200 0 Open Diapason 8'
G 43 5434 334 1 Full Accomp. 16'
G# 00 8030 000 0 Tibia 8'
A 84 7767 666 4 Bombarde 16'
A# 1st Group Drawbars Lower
B 2nd Group Drawbars Lower


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