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Let's Raise our Glasses!

An interlingual jûnicho renku

Zhanna Rader - sabaki
Norman Darlington
Hortensia Anderson
Karina Klesko


Spring again -
bright dandelions
dot the lawn

fledglings chirp
in the treetop

the trombonist's eyebrows
jumping up
with each note

how still the stones
in the shallows

behind the frosty pane
I dream
of eating fire

bucking its load
the camel spits

a brief embrace
her farewell present
wrapped in silk

summer's passion
captured in a photo

the climber slips
and breaks
into a cold sweat

raindrops patter
on the roof tiles

this moonlit night
the ancient millwheel
almost turning

let's raise our glasses -
harvest's in!

Composed online at the WHCrussian forum, 20 April to 24 June 2004
First published in World Haiku Review, 2004