My Books:
Sheryl Nantus lives in Brownsville, Pennsylvania with her husband Martin. A Canadian who met her husband online, she enjoys cross stitch, hockey and a good cuppa tea.

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"Moving On" was published by Quantum Muse in the November 2003 issue.
ISBN: 1590840844
Format: Hardcover
Page Length: 64 Pages
Publisher: Mason Crest Publishers, 2002
Recommended: Ages 9 and up
Suggested Retail Price: $19.99 US
Synopsis: Provides information on the geography, history, economy, culture, cities and communities of the states along Mexico's Pacific coast.
Read an interview about me from the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review here!
My short story "Hockey Night" has been published by Fifty Something Magazine, out of Mentor, Ohio. Look for the Winter 2004-2005 issue out there in Ohio!!!
Random Musings at my LiveJournal...
GRIT Magazine has published "The Project" in their August 2005 issue! It's only available to subscribers, but maybe you'll find a copy...
Looking for fanfiction? Well, check me out at Gossamer HERE for X-Files fanfiction or HERE at Heliopolis for Stargate SG-1 stories! Or, if you're a Kim Possible fan, come on over to my webpage at! And, of course, my DevArt page here!
Search Engine Submission and Optimization
"Midnight at The Gulag Drive-In" published in June 2004 by AlienSkin Magazine, was nominated for The Speculative Literature Foundation Award!
(No, I didn't win but it was an honor to be nominated!)
My flash fiction "Breaking Free" was in the March issue of The Harrow.
Nth Degree has published my short story "Words To Live By" - now available on their website! Take a look and check out the other great authors there!
"The Layover" is in the August 2 edition of - Come on over here and check it out!
"The Second Line" is now tentatively scheduled for a July 2007 release from Mundania Press! It will be available both as an e-book and as a trade paperback. More updates to come as we work through this exciting process!
My Short Stories:
Welcome to Sheryl Nantus's Web Page! (but check out my new one HERE for more up to date info and even excerpts of the novel!
Who am I? Well, I write... and often even sell my works of speculative fiction! Take a look around and see if there's something here that interests you... or just laugh at my odd habits and likes...
The Herald-Standard published an article on my sale to GRIT Magazine October 16, 2005 - check it out here and here!
"Generation Z" was published at AlienSkin Magazine for their December/January issue - it's moved on, but be sure to keep visiting the site for more great stories!
Dog Soul Publishing has released "Balok's Big Book of Banter", a d20 supplement that I had the honor of writing!
I'm pleased to announce my story "Downgrades" is now available at Chaos Theory: Tales Askew in their Fall/Winter 2005/2006 issue!
Dark Recesses Press published my story "Waste Not, Want Not" in Issue #3 - it's available here for purchase from Shocklines!
"Straddle County" has been releaseed by P.I.G. for their "Coyote Trail" Role-Playing System - if you're into RPGing,  take a look!
"Midnight at The Gulag Drive-In" has been accepted by Mundania Press to be released as an e-short story! Updates to follow, but you'll be able to get this award-nominated story for pennies!

The release date is tentatively set for Summer of 2007, but don't sit around and wait for just that!  In the meanwhile, please venture over to
Fictionwise and take a look at some of their great e-books! Both "The Second Line" and "Midnight at The Gulag Drive-In" will be available in e-book format.
My RPG/Gaming Publications: (please follow link to new page!)
We have a cover for "The Second Line"! *points to right*  Happy, happy, joy joy!!!
"Home Front" has just been released by Politically Incorrect Games - check out this London Blitz-based game!
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