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Shadow Knight    Monk    Berserker    Bruiser

Level 40-50:


40 - Retaliate : High damage attack
40.4 - Commanding Presence : Group AC + HP + STA buff
40.8 - Unerring Strike : Attack which ignores armor class
41 - Staggering Slam : Stun + damage debuff (requires shield)
42 - Cleave : Slashing DoT, attack Speed debuff and Power damage
42.6 - Iron Conviction : STA buff
43 - Overwhelm : High damage attack
44 - Taunting Assault : AE taunt + damage
44.4 - Fortified Stance : Reduced Offense for Increased Defense and Crushing resist
44.8 - Desperate Rush : Upgrade to Desperate Flurry
45 - Deafen : Taunt + Attack speed debuff + Power damage
45.6 - Vindication : Power damage over time + chance to stifle + mental buff
46 - Vigilance : Shield party member from attacks + chance to intervene
46.6 - Anchor : Attack speed + movement debuff but increases enemy AC
47 - Return to Battle : HP + defense buff, grants STR buff when ends
47 - Swamp : Medium damage attack + offense debuff
48.6 - Sentry : Upgrade to Safeguard
49 - Tremor : AE attack + stun + offense debuff
50 - Blast : High damage attack
50 - Guardian Sphere : Sometimes absorb damage dealt to the party
50 - Protect : AE taunt


40 - Refusal of Grace : Massive divine damage
40.4 - Display of Devotion : {Ward target + increase pally hate generation}
40.8 - Devout Sacrament : {Ward target + increase pally hate generation}
41 - Courageous Dash : Stun + taunt (requires Shield)
41.6 - Divine Judgment : Long range Divine attack + Stun
42.6 - Ancient Wrath : Slashing DoT, can use while stunned, chance for AE stun
42.6 - Sworn Strike : Divine attack with additional divine DoT
43 - Condemnation : Attack with slashing + crushing debuff
43 - Judgment Strike : Slashing DoT, can be used while stunned, requires 2h weapon
44.4 - Benediction : Reduces offence for defense + divine resist
44.8 - Prayer of Conviction : Party WIS + power buff
45 - Clarion Call : Unresistable long range taunt
45.6 - Gift of Armament : Give some of your AC to another party member
46 - Unwavering Faith : Shield a party member from attack, that person gets a parry buff
46.6 - Unyielding Wrath : Divine DoT
47 - Blessed Rush : Medium damage attack + AGI and Crushing debuff
47.6 - Crusade : STR + STA + WIS buff, cant be dispelled (Still cancelable I hope!)
49 - Holy Symbol : AE crushing attack with taunt
50 - Decree : Divine attack + AE stun
50 - Pious Aid : Instant Heal
50 - Zealous Preaching : Low power AE taunt

Shadow Knight

40 - Dreadful Wrath - High damage Disease DD. Also slows movement of enemy, using 1 concentration while active.


40 - Control Breathing (Increases parry, deflection, and grants water-breathing), Stone Stance (Holds the monk in place while greatly reducing the damage taken)
41 - Charging Tiger (Stuns and has a chance of confusing the enemy)
42 - Stop Heart (Feign Death)
43 - Walking Dragon (An extra attack that deals additional fire damage over time)
44 - Icy Talon (Launches a flying kick that freezes the opponent on successful hit), Spider Stance (Increases your attack speed, deflection skill, and defense skill), Winding Dragon (Sacrifices some ability to hit the enemy for increased damage)
45 - Freezing Palm (A high ice damage attack that costs health), Infuriating Calm (Increases hate towards the monk, can be used while stifled, and lowers enemy damage)
46 - Everburning Fire (Increases a monk's attack rate at the cost of draining health), Transcendent Vision (Allows the monk to shield their ally from attacks and increases their tranquility skill)
47 - Diving Phoenix (An extra heat damage attack), Lunging Mongoose (Launches a flurry of attacks that have a chance to stun the enemy)
48 - Heal (Heals some of the target's hit point)
49 - Storming Hydra (A multi-enemy lightning attack that grants the monky increased agility)
50 - Agitate Spirit (Increase hate towards the monk and deals power damage to all enemies in an encounter), Flying Dragon (Launches a flying kick at the monk's target), Silent Fist (A high damage attack, it silences the target for a short time)


40 - Anarchy : Group AC and STR buff + each attack has chance for an extra attack
40 - Form of the Furious Bear : Bear Form
40 - Vanquish : High damage medium duration stunning attack
40.8 - Controlled Rage : Increases defense but reduces offense
41 - Raging Blows : Medium damage attack which also stuns
42 - Mutilate : High damage slashing DoT, chance to berserk each tick
42.6 - Berserker Assault : Front/Side AE attack
43 - Rupture : Attack with additional slashing DoT
44 - Frenzy : Attack 3 times, one miss = all further attacks miss
44.4 - Unflinching Will : Sacrifice offense for defense + mental resist
44.8 - Weapon Guard : Parry buff
45 - Bully : Taunt + Mental DoT + Stun
45.6 - No Quarter : Power DoT + stun + chance to berserk
46 - Vehemence : Shield a party member from attack, chance for them to berserk
46.6 - Stunning Roar : AE stun
47 - Destructive Rage : HP + Attack speed buff, go berserk when finished
47 - Wallop : High damage attack that can hit multiple enemies
48 - Fury : Chance to go Berserk when taking damage
49 - Slaughter : High damage AE attack
50 - Berserker's Fury : Flame visual effect
50 - Fearsome Shout : Taunt + Encounter Fear chance
50 - Furious Counter : Attack back every time you are hit
50 - Rampage : Attack all enemies in melee radius every time you hit one


40 - Battle Fury, Heavy Scarring
41 - Hammer Fist
42 - Eye Rake, Stop Heart
43 - Pummel
44 - Crusher, Retaliation, Taunting Stance
45 - Instigate, Meteor Punch
46 - Dirty Punch, Shrug Off
47 - Crushing Fury, Roundhouse
48 - Ignore Agony
49 - Bone Crusher
50 - Abuse, Savage Blows

Last Updated: Wednesday September 28, 2005

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