Here in are listed the Enemies of the X-men. If a group isn't mentioned here, it is best to assume that they do not currently exist in the X-Refugees game.

Acolytes = The fanatical followers of Magneto, these mutants look to Magneto as their savior. They believe that mutants should rule the �normal� humans. And they have no compunctions about killing. Not all of them however are convinced of the righteousness of their cause

Arcade = A spoiled rich brat, Arcade discovered a penchant for creative murder. And his first victims were his parents. He used his considerable inheritance to build his first park. Using a variety of tools, life-like androids, twisted versions of popular games, and hired goons to kill his targets.
He became an assassin for hire who ran Murderworld, his high-tech obstacle course/amusement park designed to kill it's visitors. With the help of his two henchmen Mr. Chambers and Ms. Locke, Arcade trapped numerous superheroes, including Spider-Man and Captain Britain, in his mazes of death. The heroes always gave their all, and managed to survive. Sometimes if it was a sporting chase, Arcade would let his foes go (usually because they physically threatened him).
Later jailed after several run ins and attempts to kill the X-Men. But he has been seen on several occasions, though at least once it was one of his robot doppelgangers, so it is unclear what his mental status is, and whether he has escaped from prison or not.

Black Rain = A group created in the X-Refugees game. They are organized, they are well armed, and they have a goal they are determined to achieve. The capture and eventual destruction of all mutants.
They are known for capturing mutants for experimentation. They also have no problems with brainwashing and using the mutants they capture against their own kind. They are a serious threat to mutant kind. However, they are careful in their strikes to minimize risk to normal humans.

Brotherhood of Evil Mutants = created by Magneto, the mutants belonging to this group have tried violence and terrorism against humans to achieve power. In the name of making the world safe for mutants but they have been thus far stopped by the X-Men

Friends Of Humanity = A grass-roots political party founded by Graydon Creed for the express purpose of harassing mutants. The party grew to large numbers but when their founding member died, thus costing them access to his funds, the group broke apart. The members of Friends of Humanity eventually became absorbed into the anti-mutant groups, Black Rain or Purity.

Genosha = An island located off the east coast of Africa, it boasts a high standard of living, excellent economy and freedom from political and racial turmoil characterized by neighboring nations.
Yet all is not perfect in Genosha, problems which are not known to the outside world. Citizenship is permanent and the government does not recognize any emigration. Citizens who try to leave are tracked down and forcibly brought back to the island through a special police force known as Magistrates.
One of the island�s other secrets is that Genosha�s prosperity was built through the enslavement of the mutant population. In Genosha, mutants are property of the state and any problems caused by the mutants are handled by a special group known as the Press Gang. However, the enslavement of mutants also has yet to be discovered by the outside world.

Graydon Creed = The son of Mystique and Sabretooth, Gradon was born with no mutant powers and grew up to hate all mutants. He founded the F.O.H. to harrass them and to be a grass-roots party for his political purposes. He had also tried on several occasions to kill his parents and half brother. Running for President on an anti-mutant platform, he ws assassinated on the eve of the election. His death brought about the swift mobilization of Operation: Zero Tolerance and its Prime Sentinels.

Hellfire Club = This elite club, originally from London, includes politicians, businessmen, and other powerful figures from around the world, and is renowned for throwing great parties. In years past, it also was known for providing its members with all sorts of pleasures, both legal and illegal, and usually in violation of the moral standards of the time. More importantly, the club is a front for its Inner Circle, a select group of men and mutants who strive for world domination. They have not been officially seen as of yet.

Hellions = The Hellions are young mutants enrolled in Emma Frost's Massachussetts Academy. They are trained in the use of their powers and used as a strike force by the Hellfire Club. They also have not officially been seen as of yet.

HYDRA = Was a worldwide subversive organization dedicated to global domination. At its height, HYDRA was the most extensive, powerful, and dangerous such organization in history. HYDRA agents wore green costumes with cowls concealing their entire heads except for their mouths and chins. Their organization took its name from the many-headed serpent-like monster of Greek mythology, the Lernaean Hydra, whose venom was lethal and who was known for its ability to grow two heads immediately to replace any head that was severed. The Organization is believed to have been completely destroyed by X23.

Magneto = One of the physically most powerful mutants alive, he was born Erik Magnus Lehnsherr. As a Jewish child, Magnus grew up in Germany during the time of the 2nd world war. And was the only member of his family to survive the camps. After the end of the war, he would later lose his daughter in a terrible fire which was the catalist for his powers emerging.
At one time, Magnus and Xavier were friends had been best friends. Sharing a dream of a world where humans and mutants would live in peace. As years passed, however, Magnus grew disillusioned by mankind's low level of tolerance, and fearing another Holocaust, took an aggressive and lethal stance against humans.

Massachusetts academy = The Academy is owned by Emma Frost, and of the Hellfire club. The campus includes dormitories, headmasters' cabins, and a biosphere, in addition to classroom buildings, rec halls, and a state-of-the-art medical center. Here young mutants are being trained as a strike force. The Academy operates as a regular private high school, with about a thousand normal students enrolled, in addition to the Hellions.

Mauraders = A deadly group of mutants who work for Sinister, the Mauraders have yet to attack the Morlocks.

Murder world = A demented amusement park run by Arcade, who rented its "services" as a death trap and torture chamber. Murderworld had many underground levels, and was stocked with a seemingly limitless supply of robotic dopplegangers of various heroes and villains that were so lifelike that they were indistiguishable from their real templates.

Purity = The ends justify the means seems to be this group's motto. They do not care who gets hurt, what damages are caused or who suffers. Just so long as mutants die. The most recent example of the excess these extremists will go to? They attempted to blow up a physics project on the University of Chicago campus. All because of a rumor that someone working there was a mutant. And they wanted to set an example. Never caring that many of those that might have been killed in the explosion were normal human beings. They are not a danger to mutants, they are a danger to everyone around them.

Senator Kelly = Obviously, as a member of the Senate, Kelly wields a formidable amount of political power. Unfortunately for mutants, Kelly maintains that mutants' very natures make them too dangerous to allow them to run unchecked. His Mutant Registration Act is a proposal to try and force mutants to register themselves (and the natures of their powers) with the government, much as one might register a handgun. To be fair, the Senator honestly believes that mutants must be recognized and controlled, or innocent people will be harmed. However, his methods and proposals always seem to scare mutants, who feel that his ideas open doors to other actions that will strip them of their rights.

Sentinels = The Sentinels are giant robots that were created expressly for the purpose of hunting, capturing, and in some cases killing mutants. They are equipped with mutant-tracking sensors, lasers, catchwebs, disintegrator beams and other various and deadly weapons. In addition, Sentinels are self-adapting, learning and modifying themselves after every encounter. The Sentinels represent humanity's last line of defense, and every mutant's worst nightmare. However, they have not been seen in a very long while.

Storm = Born Ororo Munroe, she was once worshipped in Africa as a Goddess. A member of the X-Men, she was one of the mutants to be captured Black Rain. Unheard of for a very long time, it has recently been discovered that she has been brain washed. Turned into a puppet by Black Rain to be used to help them capture more mutants.

Voght = Loyal to Magneto, she is an openly used NPC

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