The many different Races found in X-Reguees game. However please take note that in this game, not all the many histories, groups, alien cultures, etc are recognized. Here in you can find some of the races which are recognized in the game. Although not all those races are known to the X-Men as yet.

Atlanteans = A genetic offshoot of Homo sapiens, Home mermanus are able to live indefinitely beneath the sea. They have twin gills on their necks which allow them to breath underwater and they are about ten times stronger than surface humans. They are also more durable, all of which allows them to cope with the water pressures on the bottom of the ocean. It is unknown how many Atlanteans live beneath the waves.
There has been no contact between the X-Men and the Atlanteans

Brood = Did not happen, not going to happen

Kitaren = Information on the Kitarens coming

Kree = One of the three major interstellar empires in the known universe, They are an extraterrestrial humanoid race who began on the planet Hala in the Pama system long before mammals appeared on Earth. Their Empire is found in the Greater Magellanic Cloud. The minority of Kree are blue skinned and considered �Purebreed�. However the growing population are being born with pick skin resembling human Caucasians. In the early beginnings of their technological advancements, the Kree attacked the Skrull empire. As the aggressors, they began the Kree-Skrull war which has lasted for thousands of years. They need special apparatus to breathe Earth�s atmosphere, however, they have twice the average human�s strength and endurance.
There has been no contact between earth and the Kree as of yet.

Mandarans = Information on the Mandarans coming

Shi�Ar = The location of the Shi�Ar empire is currently unknown. However, they have complete control of their galaxy, and their civilization pre dates Earth�s recorded history. An extraterrestrial, semi-humanoid race, they are one of the three major interstellar empires in the known universe. They have diplomatic relations with the other two major powers, the Kree and Skurlls. They are physically stronger than humans, able to lift at least a ton. and have a greater endurance. Their environmental conditions are similar to those of Earth.
The Shi�Ar have yet to be met by humans

Skrulls = One of the three major interstellar empires in the known universe, and possibly the oldestthe Skrulls are a technologically advanced race most famous for their shape-shifting abilities. The Skrulls shapeshifting is cosmetic only; they cannot duplicate powers without technological assistance.They are basically reptilian, and are about as strong as an average human of the same physical age, height and build engaging in the same amount of exercise. However, the Skrullian race is much shorter than most humans. Their race originated on Skrullos in the Drox system in the Andromeda Galaxy hundreds of millions of years ago. With a similar atmosphere and gravitational condition as those on Earth, Skrulls are able to live on Earth without any problems. The Skrulls were not a militaristic race, and early into their empire, it was based on free trade.
Then about ten million years ago, the Skrulls entered the Greater Magellanic Cloud to begin trading with the beings of that world. Instead the Kree murdered the Skrulls after they failed a test to see if they�d be worthy to deal with. Stole the technology, learned it�s secrets, and attacked the Skrull outposts and Skrullos. The Skrulls were forced to become more militaristic to survive turning them into the more ruthless, devious and aggressive race they are today.
There has been no contact between Humans and the Skrull as of yet. Although Skrull agents have been adopting human forms and spying on Earth for centuries.

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