School Layout


In the lower levels of the school, any resemblance to a simple mansion or school ends. Beneath the school is the headquarters of the X-Men.
It is here that Cerebro is found. The machine created by both Xavier and Magneto. Used to discover where other mutants in the world are.
Down here you will also find the Danger Room where the X-men and students train and hone their powers.
In the Basement of the mansion, there is a hidden hanger. It exits the hanger through the Basketball court. Within it, the X-Men�s jet is kept
The Basement also holds a complete and top of the line medical lab. Here students, and instructors can get top of the line treatment for injuries and illnesses without fear of being turned away simply for being a mutant. Also found in the basement level is the X-Men�s war room. Where they meet, discuss and plan strategies to protect both humans and mutants from those groups that would destroy them.
Lastly, the basement has a room with the X-men uniforms and sweats stored away until needed. There are also change rooms for both sexes in the basement.

Ground Floor

On the first floor of the mansion, once entering through the reception room, there are class rooms set up for the students to continue their high school education. Here they are taught the skills needed to rejoin the world as educated young adults or continue on at the school, helping to teach other young mutants.
Within the Ground Floor there is also, naturally, a dining room where everyone, from teachers to students can eat together.
The school�s kitchen is large, and very well stocked. It has to be considering all the hungry teenagers filling it�s halls.
Of course, given they are living in a mansion, there is a massive library filled with books of varying subjects for the students and teachers to choose from.
There is a living room found within the mansion, where one can find the entertainment center. Or rather, the tv, dvd player, movies and such.
Besides find the classrooms on the first floor, there are also offices set aside for the teachers personal use.

2nd Floor

On the 2nd floor are the living quarters of the Mansion�s population. On one wing of the mansion is the Boy�s wing. On the opposite side of the mansion, the girl�s wing is found. Between them are kept the Teacher�s quarters.
The school also has a games room on the 2nd floor. Complete with pool table, ping pong table, and other entertainments to occupy students and teachers during their free time.
On the 2nd floor, the Laundry room can also be found. As the mansion does not have servants, students and teachers are expected to help out with the upkeep and cleaning.


Behind the school can be found a basketball court, and a swimming pool. Further behind the school, have hidden by the thick woods surrounding the school, there is a stable. Here horses are kept for the students to ride. Some of the horses here belong to certain students.
Attached to the side of the mansion is the Garage. Here vehicles belonging to both students and teachers are kept.

Situated in strategic areas through out each floor of the mansion there are of coures bathrooms.

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