Student Life

In X-Refugees, students, even teachers are hated by 'normal' people. Within the walls of the Institute, they find safety, acceptance and a place to learn more about themselves and their powers.

There are two student wings. One for the girls, and one for the boys. Each with public bathrooms/shower rooms for the students to use.
As a rule, Students, with only certain exceptions, share their rooms with another student. Therefore, each room has two closets, two beds and two desks. In their rooms, they also each have a computer with a dsl connection. However, the computers have restrictions on what sites students can access.
Any other equipment in the room, such as a TV or Stero, are items brought in and owned by the students themselves.
There are no servants in the mansion and as such, students are given weekly chores to do around the mansion and grounds. They can be expected to do anything from the laundry to cleaning the dishes and more. Duty rosters are kept in the kitchen.
If a student wishes, and they can find another studnet willing to do so, they can swap chores every now and then. In exchange for doing the chores, Students are given a small allowance. This way, even students from poorer backgrounds are able to get spending money
Students do have a curfew. A set time when they have to be back on school grounds unless they have permission to be out later. And a set time when boys cannot be in the girl's wing and vise versa

Attending classes and power training is mandatory. And students are expected to conduct themselves well when in public. Use of their powers in a way that would expose the school and other students to the public is strictly forbidden. Alcoholic beverages and drugs, of course, are prohibited on the school grounds. Students ignoring this, will face Logan's idea of fit punishment.

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