With all good things, there must be rules. Guidelines set down to make sure the Roleplay runs smoothly. Here is ours:

1: This is a game. It's here for *everyones* enjoyment. Please have fun. If you are not having fun for one reason or another, you should speak to the GM immediately. Please do not get stressed or upset over this list, that's not what we're here for. If you let bad feelings fester, they often (quickly) worsen. Bring the problems to me, Lynn, or Jess, and we should be able to help.

2: You must post for your character at least once every 2-3 days, unless you have posted some reason you cannot BEFORE you leave (a Leave of absence (LOA) notice.) If you fail to post for your character and this starts to be a liability and hold up the game, your character may be offered to the group at large, or advertised externally. If you need to be offline for several weeks (i.e, going out of town, etc) then post a message to the ENTIRE group stating when you expect to be back. While you are away I will see to it your character is taken care of. People vanishing holds up a game, and while I know some things are beyond control and you can't give notice, I and players tire of people repeatedly vanishing for weeks or months at a time with no notice, then expect to come back to their characters.

3: R.E.S.P.C.T. It's simple. Don't trample over other people in a scene, don't move it beyond another person in a scene, and above all, do not criticize how someone plays their character.

4: Canon characters can be 'altered' from their "Cannon" past in order to make a better fit within the game structure. If you really want to play a character at student age, when he or she has been an X-Man in the past, let me know, and we can work on that character. I'm willing to work with a character concept as long as it works within the game structure.

5: I have the right to refuse anyone any character at anytime for any reason, with or without explanation. Same goes for group membership.

6: There will be no onlist flaming or arguing. Arguments should be taken off list, CCed to the GM. If you flame a player on list, then you will answer to me and may be taken off list. This does not apply to In character comments directed at other characters, but everyone should understand that what is said IN character has no bearing on the player's feelings.

7: At least decent attempts at grammar, punctuation, and spelling are required for ALL posts on list. Do not send a post in all caps or all lowercase. Do not send a post without any periods. Sentances should be capitalized, as should proper names. Spellcheck is your friend.

8: Joint posts are allowed, and even encouraged. IF you are in a post with one other player, which you don't want someone walking in on, by all means JP it and send the finished product to the list. This should not be used to exclude members from play though. This goes double for combat. No one person will be responsible for "Saving the Day". We will not have any "Character X and Friends" scenarios.

9: Absolutely NO killing off of player characters, Cannon or otherwise, unless you control that character AND it is agreed upon by the GM. If you feel you must leave the list, we can work out a way to move your character off the canvas without doing something as final as death.

10: The GMs (Kim, Lynn and Jess) are ALWAYS right.

11: When in doubt: Ask a GM.

12: Any questions about these rules, who plays what characters, message posting, or anything else should be directed to the GMs, Kim: [email protected]; Lynn: [email protected] and Jess: [email protected]. See rule #8 and #9.

I know this sounds fairly harsh, but believe me, I'm actually very easy and alot of fun to deal with. I mostly want there to be no misunderstandings and the list to run smoothly, without characters vanishing. It can make game play a little stilted and harsh if we have people vanishing frequently.

So, let's have fun out there!

Kim & Lynn & Jess

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