Character Name: Henry Philip McCoy
Codename: Beast

Powers: Initially born with unusually large and agile hands and feet, as well as his enhanced sense of balance, it has also been proven that some of his intelligence is due to his mutation. Henry mutated further due to�.extenuating circumstances and some of his own chemical research. Hank is now large, blue, and furry. Being very much apine in appearance, Hank�s agility, dexterity and strength are higher than average. Hank is able to lift upwards of one ton, yet is surprisingly light on his pedal extremities. He is as agile with his feet as many people are with their hands, and has been known to type with his feet while doing some other work with his hands. (Omnidextrous.)

Additional information: Nowhere in particular in his history. He has worked with the Avengers and is therefore a known mutant (it�d be a little hard to hide it anyway.) PRE CURRENT TIME� Beast is NOT a cat�thank you very much Marvel *shakes her head*

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