Character Name: Katheryne �Kitty� Pryde
Codename: Shadowcat (Formerly Ariel and Sprite NO MORE thank goodness)

Powers: The ability to �phase� through solid matter. Kitty can literally be about as tangible as a ghost as she �phases� between the molecules of solid matter. Thus far there is only one thing that Kitty cannot phase through, and that is Captain America�s shield. This is due to the molecular perfection that the combination of alloys (Adamantium and Vibraneum) creates. Adamantium (as found in Logan�s Skeletal structure) is difficult to phase through, but the Vibranium fills the gaps in Adamantium and vice versa. Her phasing can disrupt electrical fields causing a short circuit of sorts�this does include within the human body. It also disrupts computers and can completely wipe the system. For this reason, Kitty cannot wear a digital watch�the second she phases�the watch would no longer function.

Additional information: Current Cannon

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