Character Name: Remy Etienne LeBeau
Codename: Gambit

Powers: The ability to charge inanimate objects with his own biokenetic energies with rather�explosive results. Remy�s primary abilities mean that he is also aware of motion around him and grants him a boost in his agility. His sense of the kinetic energy of motion does make it a little hard to sneak up on him as, within a few feet of him�he can sense the motion. Gambit also has a little known ability that is actually a secondary power. He�s not just charming�his charm is actually a power at times. This ability takes more concentration and quite often works best on women. It only really works on those who are unaware of it actually being a power. When this Ragin Cajun turns on the charm�he really means it *g*

Additional information: Being played as though the Assassination Game happened, but New Son doesn�t even exist. Abilities are not as extremely upped as they were at the time of the Assassination game either. (No line of sight and only limited ability to charge anything animate. Finer control, but more standard power levels. Also�since the Morlock Massacre never happened� Within the last year that he�s been out of communication with the X-Men�he�s been having some bad times. First a stint as a prisoner of person or persons unknown (to most everyone) and then the assassination game. Remy is also NOT the patriarch of the Guilds�they aren�t combined�yet.

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