* Name: Adam Pimoidae
* Codename: Silk
* Age: 16

-- Looks --
* Hair: Jet black
* Eyes: Dark brown with unusually large pupils.
* Height: 6'3"
* Weight: 260lbs
* Clothes: Dark loose clothing. Adam likes to be inconspicuous, and to be able to move freely whatever the situation.
* Special features: Adam is fairly thin, and his muscles stand out like cords, which is not altogether attractive. He is also quite pale, part of his Hibernian ancestry. Four extra arms with universal joints that sprout from his back, they fold away for concealment, but he still must hide them with a backpack or similar to look halfway normal.

-- Personal --
* Personality: Adam tries very much to keep his own spirits, and those of the people around him, up. He likes to put a brave face on even the most hopeless of situations.
* Phobias: None
* Likes/dislikes: Adam likes computers. He has been tinkering with PC's since he was very small. He has a very good level of competence with IBM PC's in particular but computers in general. He likes to listen to music, has an understandable love of climbing and greatly enjoys the great outdoors. He grew up in the Sussex countryside and loves the smell of tree's and grass. He loves movies, though dislikes TV. He is a serial downloader, knowing the benefits of not having to put up with scheduling, availability or adverts.
* Favorite pastime: Keeping up with the latest advances in technology.

-- Powers --
* Powers: Adam's abilities are basically very spider like, to the extent that he has four, thin and spindly, arms that sprout from his back. These are fully developed and articulate, just not particularly strong, and therefore not very useful. They also make sitting down on a normal chair very hard, and spoil his good looks. Normally he keeps them tucked into his clothes away from prying eyes.
Adam is also able to cling to surfaces, tiny macroscopic hairs which cover his whole body enable him to not only support his own bodyweight while climbing up walls, but also to walk across ceilings. As long a surface is not totally smooth Adam can easily traverse it, as long as he can touch it with his bare skin. His strength is also increased for all his normal joints. He is capable of picking up a medium sized car with a fair amount of effort. The strength in his legs enables him to make powerful leaps, up to around four times his own height, with minimal effort from a standing start.
He can re-grow lost limbs like the spiders he takes after, it just takes months. To finish off his spider related abilities he can also create sticky and non sticky spider silk. These are created from glands on the outside of his wrists. However he can�t fire web lines like Spiderman, just to spin it off using his four spare arms, then to throw it like a normal line.
* Weakness: Hard to hide the four spare arms, obvious physical mutation marking him very clearly to society as a mutant. The creation of silk takes a lot out of Adam, and he never seems to be able to eat enough food. Adam is nearly always hungry. He is vulnerable to attack with all kinds of weapon that would affect a normal human. He must be creative in use of powers to survive. * Control: Adam's abilities are fairly instinctual, and so he has very good control of his abilities.

-- Family --
* Mother: Jacqueline Pimoidae
* Father: Brian Pimoidae
* Brothers: None
* Sisters: Imogen Pimoidae (19 mutant status unknown), Slaine Pimoidae (12 mutant status unknown).

* History: Adam was born in the south of England to Scottish parents. His parents had moved down south very soon after he was born in order to keep their high paying jobs in the petroleum industry. Adam was schooled privately at home due to his strange nature, and managed to, largely, avoid government interest in his unusual talents. The estate that his parents owned, just outside of the village of Singleton in Sussex, was extensive. Adam grew up with his two sisters, safe within the high walls of his home.
He did well being home-schooled, his sisters having gone to a nearby private girls school. His education not suffering due to his confinement. Adam always had a keen interest in technology, and was online at home as early as 1993 a good three years before the world wide web really took off. He has been tinkering with computers all of his life, and has a good understanding of the technology in general.
When he was forced to attend a local school to take his GCSE examinations Adam was also forced to reveal his mutant nature to the examiners. It was not deemed appropriate that he be allowed to take the exams. The UK still being fairly repressive of mutants.
It was shortly after this that both the Xavier academy and Her Majesties government mutant control agency contacted Adam's parents.
Xaviers offered Adam a chance at a 'normal' life, his parents chose to send him overseas. They had heard horror stories from other parents in support groups, both online and face to face, about encounters with Mutant Control. The choice for them was a fairly easy one. Adam was smuggled out of the country and entered the US a week or so later.

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