Name: Damian Lee Deveraux
Code Name: Shifter
Nicknames: Day, Dam
Age: 16 years old
Place Of Residence: New Orleans, United States
Father: Jonathan Alex Deveraux,
Mother: Eleanor Deveraux, Deceased
Brother: Darien Deveraux, 12
Occupation: High school student
Allergies: Peanuts

Physical Description
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 142 lb.
Hair: shoulder length brown
Eyes: Violet
Distinguishing Features: Damian has a tribal tattoo on his right shoulder blade and another one on the small of his back. Usually has a small gold hoop earring in left ear.

Powers Origin: Genetic Mutation
Mutant power: Shape Shift
Extents: A young shape shifter, Damian can change his shape to resemble any animal he desires. He can even shape shift into animals that exist only in his imagination. And anything he is wearing changes with him.
With his shifting abilities, he can do a partial change to cling to surfaces, change his eye structure to see in the dark, he can heighten any of his senses and agility. There is a great deal he can do with his shifting ability. And while he has an instinctive grasp of what he can do with those powers, Damian needs training on how to use his powers betters.
Unskilled in his shifting still, Damian can change only into animals roughly his weight/size. And he is still new to his powers so he needs to concentrate on the form he takes. If he�s distracted, he loses control of the form he�s taken and reverts back to his true shape. Likewise, if he loses conscious, Damian reverts back to his true form.

Personality: Sweet nature, fun loving and mischievous, Damian is a smart young man with a love for music and languages. Having his father's common sense, Damian doesn't often rush blindly into dangerous situations. Trying to keep a good tight reign on his more impulsive side on such occasions. He�s a person that is true and loyal to his friends.
Damian grew up in a loving home where his natural curiosity and interests were encouraged and allowed to flourish. While Damian does love his mother, he adores his father most.

Quirks: Bangs usually falling into one of his eyes, due to the fact he puts off cutting his hair as long as he can. Keeps a toy whistle called a nightingale in his pocket. Usually has at least one of his instruments with him because you never know when you might get a chance to do some busking for a little extra money. When upset he has a habit of swearing in more than one Language

Languages: English, French, Italian and Spanish

Hobbies: Acting, Basketball, Chess, Clint Eastwood movies, Gymnastics, Jigsaw Puzzles, Music, (Playing guitar, piano, saxophone, and violin), Poker, Pool, and Singing

General History: In 1774, the Deveraux family moved to the Garden District. There they bought a plantation, building a stately and graceful mansion on the grounds they called their new plantation Star Magnolia. Jonathan Deveraux is a direct descendant of these Southern Aristocrats.
Once the plantation had 350,000 acres but over the centuries, the land has dwindled down to 1280 acres, roughly 2 square miles. Star Magnolia is still in the Deveraux family, now owned by Jonathan Deveraux. A defense lawyer, he also added Star Magnolia to the New Orleans tours and allows weddings and special events to be held on the grounds and mansion. Using the extra money he makes on the tours and events to pay for Star Magnolia�s upkeep and bills.
Eleanor is the daughter of a middle class family. She became a guide, showing tourists the old plantations, and through her job, met Jonathan on one of those tours. The two soon began to date and were finally wed at the plantation.

Personal History: Born June 23, Damian is the eldest of two sons born to the Deveraux family. For four years he was an only child and was the �darling� of his parents and the Star Magnolia staff. Then his younger brother was born and Damian was forced to share the spot light with Darien.
Damian was 5 when his mother gave him a toy whistle called a nightingale to play with. An impulse buy, which quickly became his favorite toy. Realizing that Damian could have the interest to learn music, his mother began giving him lessons. It became for Damian, their special time with the two of them sharing their love of music with each other as he learned how to play several instruments.
Damian was 9, his younger brother 5, when their mother was diagnosed with bone cancer. Unable to fully understand what was happening to their mother, Damian and Darien watched as their mother grew steadily sicker each passing month despite everything the doctors tried. Two years after the diagnosis, Eleanor finally lost her battle with cancer, leaving behind her husband and sons. Not long after their mother�s death, Damian�s favorite cousin ran away. The only thing he ever learned about her disappearance was his Uncle angrily raging on about her being a damn mutie.
Grieving the loss of his wife, Jonathan buried himself in his work, taking time out of it only for his boys. They were all he had left of his wife. Five years passed since Damian�s mother died. Putting some time between the family and their loss. Though recently, Jonathan began to notice that Damian�s been acting preoccupied. Unsettled and nervous. His father put it out of his mind, half thinking Damian�s developed a first crush. What he failed to realize is that Damian�s mutant powers have begun to surface.

Tattoo on right shoulder blade
Tattoo on small of back

Damian's Jaguar

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