Name: Kenneth James Taylor
Code Name: Phobia
Nicknames: Kenny
Age: 16
Place Of Residence: Lucky Draw Ranch, 2 hour drive outside San Antonio, United States

Father: Ethan 55 (Deceased)
Mother: Beverly 53 (Deceased)
Brothers: Hubert 35, Raymond 32 (InLaw), Edward 29, Peter 24, David 19 Michael 12 and Andrew 10
Sisters: Marci 34 (InLaw), Susan 31, Lisa 29(InLaw), Tracy 23 (InLaw), Debra 22
Occupation: High School Student

Physical Description
Height: 5�7�
Weight: 136 lb.
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Light Green
Distinguishing Features: Kenny has thick blond hair which reaches his shoulders. His eyes are bright green and usually sparkle with mischief. A slender youth, he has an agile build. When Kenneth smiles, you can see his dimples. He usually dresses in faded jeans and t-shirts. Kenneth also has an incredibly beautiful, rich tenor voice.

Mutant power: Telepathy
Telepathy: Ever since he was a very small child, Kenny has always had a general sense of a person�s emotions. He�s always thought he was just good at �reading� people�s body language. But about a month ago, Kenny�s telepathic power has truly begun to emerge. Unfortunately for Kenneth, he has yet to learn how to block his telepathy, and he is unable to stop the thoughts and emotions of every person within a ten foot radius of him from flooding his mind.
In a crowd, his own mind is quickly overwhelmed by the thoughts and emotions tearing into his mind. And the overload of mixed thoughts and emotions actually causes him a great deal of physical pain. When his mind is overwhelmed by other�s thoughts and feelings, his mind instinctively lashes out. Anyone within four feet of him when his mind lashes out, are suddenly confronted with their deepest fears. And that fear is magnified by the fear and pain Kenny is projecting.

Personality: Kenny is a charismatic and easy going young man. With a positive attitude towards life, he enjoys living it to the fullest and has a lot of energy. He finds it hard to sit still and becomes bored when things begin to slow down.
He has a dry sense of humor and makes friends easily. Independent though, he can be a bit stubborn at times. Yet if he believes someone is trying to hurt a friend, he is quick to anger.

Quirks: Always has a water bottle with him, collects baseball cards, and Keeps a witling knife and harmonica on him

Languages: English

Hobbies: Camping/hiking, dancing, drawing, fishing/hunting, Music (Guitar, Flute, Harmonica), reading, riding, swimming, white water rafting, wood carving

General History: In 1902, John Taylor was a professional gambler, sitting in on a high stakes poker game. By the end of that night, he was the proud new owner of a large ranch, two hours drive outside of San Antonio. John renamed it, The Lucky Draw and gave it to his son, Chris for a wedding present.
Today, the current owner of the Ranch is Hubert Taylor, Huey to everyone. Under Huey�s guidance, the Ranch is no longer just a cattle ranch. It is now also a Dude ranch, catering to tourists looking to experience the cowboy life.

Personal History: Born to Ethan and Beverly Taylor, Kenneth was the 7th of 9 children born to the family. Growing up on a working cattle ranch, Kenneth was raised in a warm loving family. Where the importance of family and the value of hard work was stressed. The cattle farm managed to make a profit each year, but not by much and income was often supplemented by the Taylor children competing in the PRCA and DNCFR events. Because it took two hours to drive to the nearest school and back, Kenneth�s mother home schooled all her children, including Kenneth.
When Kenneth was 11 years old, his parents were driving back home from San Antonio when they were killed in a bad traffic accident on the Interstate 10. Kenneth�s sister Debra had just turned 18, and could avoid being taken by the state. But the state did try and take David, Kenneth, and his two younger brothers, Michael and Andrew, into their care. However, the eldest siblings, Hubert, Susan, Edward and Peter worked together to keep their younger brothers where they belonged. With Hubert finally getting himself named as their guardian. His wife, Marci, and his sister Susan took over home schooling David, Kenneth, Michael and Andrew along with their own children.
With control of the ranch now in his hands, Huey began to make changes to the Ranch. Making it more than just a working ranch. Huey, with the help of all his siblings and ranch hands, turned the ranch into a working cattle ranch/dude ranch. Catering to tourists coming out to Texas, who want to spend their vacation working as a real cowboy. Thanks to the farm�s location, Huey�s able to offer a wide variety of amusements. Such as Branding the calves during late spring/early summer, calving, canoeing, fishing or white water rafting on the farm�s rivers or two lakes, hiking, guided hunts during hunting season, and more.
Last year, at the age of 14, Kenneth participated in the PRCA and DNCFR events. Doing quite well for himself. With his mare, Kenneth was able to win events in calf roping and team roping, and also won in bareback riding. This year, with his mutant power growing, Kenneth has become more introverted. Preferring to stay away from other people as he tries to deal with powers he needs to learn to control.

Kenny's Truck

Kenny's horses

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